Technical writing

Published on: September 11, 2024

Your fourth writing assignment will

involve comparing and contrasting two

websites for proximity, alignment,

repetition, and contrast (PARC). In

Content in week 3, you saw four videos

that described these four PARC

principles. In addition, in Content in

week 4, you perused several chapters

from a textbook on the four PARC


This discussion topic is designed to help

us get started in thinking about the

concepts of alignment and contrast.

Please access the following two


Headhunter Hairstyling


1. Write a few sentences about how

alignment is applied in these two

websites. Point out how the two

websites apply alignment

differently. Which one is more

effective in applying the concept of


2. Write a few sentences about how

contrast is applied in these two

websites. Point out how the two

websites apply contrast differently.

Which one is more effective in

applying the concept of contrast?

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