Team Charter Assignment

Published on: September 13, 2024

In this activity, you will work in a virtual group setting to create a presentation on ways to deal with distractions. You will complete the following tasks: 

 Read Ensuring Team Success: Team Roles, Dynamics, and Composition

 Read Team Work

 Read Concentration and Distraction. 

Group Project Instructions 

Your group presentation will present best strategies for dealing with distractions. You will be expected to deliver a polished, concise overview of the topic in the allotted 2- to 4-minute time. You are welcome to use information from this week’s readings or other outside resources as appropriate. 

 First, decide whether to create a presentation (PowerPoint, Prezi, or similar) or a video/audio recording using your choice of recording device (iPhone, Android, WebCam, Sound Recorder or similar).

 Brainstorm who in your group who will take on which part of the presentation and coordinate roles, including who will submit the Team Charter and final Presentation.

 Research the best strategies for dealing with distractions and select five of the best to present. Have fun and be creative as you present your findings. If you do use any recordings ensure your video is visible and the audio is clear.

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