Published on: September 13, 2024
This assignment will fulfill the following course competency:
Make effective use of visual aids including electronic presentation technology
This assignment will teach you to be concise in your visual delivery and to coordinate your visuals with a written narration. It should be submitted as PDF file.
SLIDE 1: for attention getter, relevance, overview of main points. Not all these elements need to be represented on the slides. Remember: Keep it minimal and strategic! Review the rules
for visual aids from Textbook Chapter 13.
Narration: In the ""Notes"" section, submit a SCRIPT of what exactly you would say when presenting this Powerpoint. Keep your language conversational. This is not a paper, but a script of what you are planning to say. You don't need in-text citations, but you will need at least 1 oral citations (""according to"").
SLIDE 2: Main Point #1. Show us a visual that will clarify or make things clearer. Keep the text minimal. Everything that you need to say can go into the Narration.
Narration: Same instructions as above. Remember: This is a script and should be written exactly the same way you would say it in class.
SLIDE 3: Main Point #2. Same instructions as above, it all depends on your topic. Narration: See instructions above.
SLIDE 4: Main Point #3. Same instructions as above, it all depends on your topic. Narration: See instructions above.
SLIDE 5: for conclusion, summary, and wrap-up. This slide needs bring your presentation to a close. Maybe a quote or a picture. Again, it depends on your topic
Narration: See instructions above. Remember this slide will be the last slide, so your narration should also include a conclusion, summary, and final sentence
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