Published on: September 16, 2024
Share which form of contemporary media you selected, and explain why.
Based on your choice, reflect on what impact that media has had on your life, and provide example(s) of that impact.
Describe how your selection reflects your place in American culture. In other words, not all Americans are wealthy and privileged enough to possess, access, and use these types of media. Are you exceptional?
To what extent are parents responsible for guiding their children in selection and appropriate use of media?
Do you think most parents actually are responsible in this regard?
Often, our government steps in to control media content when the government thinks parents are not adequately protecting their children. For example, the Children's Television Act of 1990 limited the number of minutes of advertising that could be contained in programs directed at children. Do you think our federal government is acting responsibly, not doing enough to protect children, or should just stay out of the business of regulating media content directed at kids? Explain your thinking on this issue.
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