Describe spirituality be according to your own worldview?

Published on: August 19, 2024

How do you believe that your conception of spirituality would influence the way in which you care for patients? include citation and references

Spirituality in My Worldview:


 To borrow my definition of spirituality, thus, it is a highly subjective notion, one that is essentially individualistic, locating meaning in the quest for purpose and belonging in existence. It removes the element of religion and is more to do with the individual’s faith that has him or her believing in something bigger than the self, whether it is God, the environment or humanity. Spirituality is used in a way that encapsulate: meaning and purpose of life, values, beliefs, and search for meaning. It brings a kind of a inner strength and direction, and stability particularly when one is experiencing turmoil in their lives.


 Influence on Patient Care:


 My perceptions on spirituality affect how I handle my patients in a very special way. The ability to consider spirituality as a more general concept enables me to think about patient care in its entirety always with regard for the fact that the part of a patient that is being a spirit is not less relevant than, say, physiological aspect of the patient. Here's how it impacts my approach:Here's how it impacts my approach:


 Holistic Care:

 As it is widely acknowledged that spirituality has an important part in the general well-being, I not only pay attention to the somatic aspect of the patients but the emotional, psychological and spiritual as well. This approach allows me to be fully present and sensitive to all a patient’s needs thus treating them holistically.


 Respect for Diverse Beliefs:

 This way, patients’ spirituality and everything related to it becomes more valuable to me, and, as a result, I am more accepting and more tolerant of their specific views regardless of whether or not they are similar to mine. Such a respect ensures that patients are in a position to trust them and able to receive the support they need during their spiritual as well as healing process.


 Providing Emotional Support:

 Indeed, spirituality is a source of hope and strength to most patients . In practice, I make an effort to be aware of the patients’ use of spirituality to handle their health adversities. I supplement this by ensuring clients can access religious material, or prayer, chaplain, or someone to help them listen.


 Ethical Decision-Making:

 The spiritual view that I uphold in the provision of my duties urges me to practice understanding, ethical conduct, and kindness to patients. This assists in achieving ethical decisions whenever I’m given the mandate of taking care of the dignity and respect of the patients.




 Puchalski, C. M. (2001). Spirituality and its position in recovery. BMJ, 322(7290), 676-677. doi:10. 1136/bmj. 322. 7290. 676


 Koenig, H. G. (2004). Religion, spirituality, and medicine: of studies and issues for practictioners With reference to the above highlighted key areas of research, it could be argued that the implications of research results for clinical practice are perhaps the most important. Southern Medical Journal 1998, 97(12): 1194–1200 [[Niehoff 1998]]. doi:10. 1097/01. SMJ. 0000146489. 21837. CE

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