Published on: August 19, 2024
Because animals share many physiological and genetic similarities with humans, medical research that uses animal testing can be tremendously helpful for furthering medical science, but do we have the right to subject animals to the imprisonment, pain, and suffering that this research often entails?
As opinions range from agreeing with all research, the topic is tricky as it currently stands to completely outlawing any kind of animal research as unnecessary and unethical. The truth and possibly a reasonable solution may lie somewhere between the poles.
What are your thoughts or how do you feel about the issue presented?
which opinion do you think is the most ethical and why?
1. Support your conclusions with evidence including a minimum of one THEORY OF ETHICS to defend your stance.
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It is correct to perceive that the ethical question related to animal use in research is rather difficult and complex. Animal experiments have undoubtedly been instrumental in achieving major clinical breakthroughs and, in creating cures and therapies for people and animals’ uses. However, it also stimulates essential ethical problems concerning the use of animals in such research and their subsequent wellbeing. Here is a brief on the matter and following a theory of ethics, a rational conclusion to the ethical approach that should be taken.
It will hence be helpful to note my own considerations on the matter now as a way of establishing flow into the ensuing discussion:
Balancing Scientific Progress and Ethical Treatment:Balancing Scientific Progress and Ethical Treatment:
The choice of animals for experiments is partly explained by the potential results in terms of medicine and population’s health. For instance, in vaccines, cancer cures or treatments and even the knowledge of various diseases have been enhanced through animal tests. However, this has to be done with certain regard to the principle of ethics, specifically as regards to animals. The question of the hour is, do the gains of human health exceed the pains caused on animals?
Most Ethical Opinion
The Principle of Minimizing Harm (Utilitarian Ethics):The Principle of Minimizing Harm (Utilitarian Ethics):
The major ethical theory that can be used for analysis of animal experimentation is the Utilitarian principals formulated by John Stuart Mill and Jeremy Bentham. Since utilitarianism is a teleological ethical theory which holds that it is right to act in the way that will provide that maximized utility, the best interest should be done to make the largest number of individuals happy. In the context of animal research it translates into the principle that research should be done if it produces a significant increase of the human good, as long as the suffering of animals is kept to a minimum and justified.
Application of Utilitarian Ethics:
Justification of Research:
Animal research thus should only be done when the potential gain, that is the lives that will be saved, the suffering relieved, or the advancement in medical science outweighs the suffering of animals. This entails the complete evaluation of the likely consequence and adequate check to ensure that the research study has high probability of success in contributing to the achievement of significant finding.
Minimizing Harm:
Thus, ethical guidelines and regulations should help to regulate and minimize possible harm to animals. This includes implementing the 3Rs principle—Replacement, Reduction, and Refinement:This includes implementing the 3Rs principle—Replacement, Reduction, and Refinement:
Replacement: As a last resort if possible, resorting to something as crude as computer models or cell cultures.
Reduction: Averting exploiting the animals by redesigning their experiments in such a way that the least number of them is used but yields the most credible outcome.
Refinement: Improving methods of reducing suffering and suffering on the aggrandizing animals’ welfare in the process of research.
Oversight and Regulation:
Animal studies must also be regulated by strict ethical committees and laws so as to agree with set ethical practices. These are routine check up, ensuring that the researchers follow humane treatment and standard in dealing with animals and evaluating the reasons that make the research ethical.
Supporting Evidence and Theory
Utilitarian Ethics:
Consequentialism judges actions by their outcome; this being the case, Utilitarianism is a type of consequentialism. The claim being made in this theory is that medical research on animals is acceptable if human lives are to be saved, or improved and if the animals are not suffering unduly. However, this justification needs to be explained afresh all the time in order to continue justifying the implementation of the various projects in a way that adheres to the precepts of ‘doing no wrong’ and ‘doing a lot of right’.
Supporting Evidence:
Scientific Advancements: Many medical discoveries such as polio vaccine and some of the developments with regards to cancer have been made through the use of animals (National Institutes of Health, 2021).
Regulations and Welfare: All ethical regulations like Animal Welfare Act as well as guidelines provided by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees exist for the purpose of animal protection and usage that is as humane as possible (National Research Council, 2011).
National Institutes of Health. (2021). The Discussion of Animals in Research. Retrieved from NIH Website.
National Research Council. (2011). Guide for the care and use of Laboratory Animals. 8th Edition. Washington, D. C. : NAP.
Therefore, the final ethical course of action would be the reasonable stand to take is to endorse animal testing in as many cases as possible only when there clearly are high benefits for humans and should this be done while hardly causing any harm to the animals and strictly observing the ethical points of view. It necessary to note that the utilitarian ethics provide a practical tool to balance these considerations, trying to provide the maximum utility while making references to animal suffering.
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