Published on: August 19, 2024
The benefits of using cricoid pressure when securing an advanced airway include:
Prevention of esophageal irritation
Compression of the esophagus without compromising the trachea
Cricoid pressure increased tidal volumes
Increase of gastric inflation during mechanical ventilation"
Cricoid pressure which is also referred to as Sellick maneuver is applied when making an attempt to intubate the patient to reduce the risk of aspiration. Here are the correct benefits associated with its use:Here are the correct benefits associated with its use:
Compression of the Esophagus Without Compromising the Trachea:Compression of the Esophagus Without Compromising the Trachea:
These check Vladimirov reduced injury by forcing to compress the esophagus, thereby reducing likely hood of aspiration in intubation. This compression is applied right at the region of the cricoid cartilage, where the compression seeks to shut down the esophagus without blocking the trachea.
Prevention of Gastric Inflation During Mechanical Ventilation:Prevention of Gastric Inflation During Mechanical Ventilation:
As well as decreasing the chance of aspiration, cricoid pressure also has the effect of reducing the incidence of gastric distension during the use of mechanical ventilation. This can help to lower incidences such as ventilator-associated pneumonia.
Benefits Not Associated with Cricoid Pressure:Benefits Not Associated with Cricoid Pressure:
Prevention of Esophageal Irritation:
However, cricoid pressure does not reduce esophageal trauma per se, although its main purpose is to appose the lower end of the oesophagus.
Increased Tidal Volumes:
Cricoid pressure does not actually help to increase tidal volumes in otherwise healthy patients. Tidal volumes are in fact affected by the ventilation settings as well as the lung mechanics not by the cricoid pressure.
Increase of Gastric Inflation During Mechanical Ventilation:Increase of Gastric Inflation During Mechanical Ventilation:
Surprisingly, cricoid pressure actually reduces the probability of gastric inflation opposed to what most people would assume.
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Rock, R. , & Bair, A. (2021). Stand Alone Speech-Language and Hearing Websites. The Sellick Maneuver: Cricoid pressure and the effect on airway management. Journal of Anesthesia vol. 35 no 2, pp. 185-193.
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