Published on: August 19, 2024
Euthanasia and suicide need to take a perspective that is different. What could have been done to help or save the person? Is society reliable in taking care of those who are suffering terribly? Does a person have the right to make certain decisions to avoid an uncertain future?
It is for this reason that euthanasia and suicide are issues that are both ethically and legally as well as socially relevant. Here’s a perspective on these topics:The following are the views on these issues:
Help and Prevention:
Medical and Psychological Support: Mental health care and palliative care services for the same reason that they help to improve the quality of life in patients with severe pain or mental health illness. It can be prevented, prevented and counselling and therapy can be of help.
Support Systems: Having a support system which can be in the form of family, friends, and support groups is a way of getting emotional and other forms of support.
Pain Management: In the case of those patients with terminal illnesses, it is quite possible to alleviate the pain and contain the symptoms with a view to reducing suffering and improving the quality of life.
Societal Responsibility:
Healthcare Access: The government and other sectors of societies should ensure that every individual should be given an opportunity to access quality health care service, mental health and palliative care. This involves patient’s empowerment and coming through for the people who require quality health care services.
Social Support Systems: There is therefore the need for governments and other organizations to strengthen social protection interventions such as cash transfer, social services and other community based programmes to support vulnerable populations.
Autonomy and Decision-Making:
Right to Self-Determination: Those are rights that people have a right to choose on how they want to live and how they want to die as long as it is legal. This entails the right of allowing the animal to die or to clam for euthanasia where this is legally permissible.
Ethical Considerations: Nevertheless, the following should be considered when coming up with such decisions as ethical issues include coercion, mental capacity and the impact on the relatives.
Uncertain Future:
Exploring Alternatives: It is therefore worthwhile at least once before taking irreversible actions, to try and look for the best profesional advice.
Legal and Ethical Frameworks: In the countries that allow euthanasia or assisted suicide, there are normally a number of legal and well-coordinated procedures that must be followed for the sake of making the decision appropriately and with precautions.
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