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Published on: August 19, 2024

The World Bank (2017) emphasizes that global readiness for pandemic is crucial for global security and should be considered as part of a program for strengthening health care systems [15]. Managers must be prepared to respond to the effects of this pandemic on nurses [16]. Even with advances in healthcare and virus control technology, real success is not possible without effective leadership. In order to prepare hospitals to deal with epidemics, the WHO (2014) recommends that staff shortages should be anticipated due to absenteeism and increased demand for services, and a plan should be put in place to address this shortage, including the use of additional personnel. Low nursing staffing levels, particularly nurse-patient ratios, are themselves associated with the spread of pathogens in health care settings and the risk of the outbreak. Proper staffing and planning is definitely one of the main tasks of hospitals. The workforce recruitment method is a regular process based on a logic that is used to determine the correct number and type of manpower needed to provide standard care in a health care institution [20]. Appropriate human resources can increase the productivity of nurses and the quality of care, which is the main mission of the health care system. Since this is the first time that an infectious disease has spread to this extent in Iran and it may not be the last, the COVID-19 experience in Iran provides a unique opportunity to study the new pandemic threat to nursing managers in health care systems, which unlike other countries, it is fighting this pandemic despite severe economic sanctions.

1.The reporter _______ is prefigured by the cloning _______ and after the insertion of

_______ has been executed, assortment of _______ is conducted via application of

chloramphenicol _______.

2. Falsify or validate the conclusion below.

A high turnover count is extant within P53.

3. Why is it necessary for promoter-probe vectors to apply identical species as host for the

vector whose DNA is to be broadcasted?

4. Determine whether the following is correct or incorrect regarding cells with DNA hurt.

 Mdm2 is phosphorylated.

5. Supervisory consequence results from integrated input from both receptors is in?

6. within a scheme involving two hybrid screening, the stimulator attaches via ________

sphere to a chain upstream of the gene under its ________, and ________ domain initiates

________. Elaborate on filling the blank spaces.

7. Is it true that downregulation of caspase 3 can result in ovarian cancer?

8. Determine the complementary receptor onto which the signal fragment attaches the fixing spot.

9. Determine the identity for the principal trail of uptake of cellular proteins and its linkage to development of vesicles.

.10. Falsify the following concerning the block analysis mechanism.

Through finding a segment of an MSA configuration that is low preserved, blocks may be

made. Provide a deeply explained explanation for credit, be sure."

Answering Questions with Regards to the InformationGiven

 1. The reporter _______ is prefigured by the cloning _______ and after the insertion of _______ has been executed assortment of _______ is conducted via application of chloramphenicol ______.


 The reporter gene is essentially a gene of interest that is contained in the cloning vector and after the insertion of the gene of interest has taken place the selection of the transformed cells is made by the use of chloramphenicol selection.



 The reporter gene is employed in gene cloning to determine the cells that have incorporated the vector containing the gene of interest. Chloramphenicol is an antibiotic which is used to make the selection of the cells with the vector inside.

 2. If true, the following conclusion is a valid one; if false, it is nonetheless a fallacy. Relative to P53, turnover is identified as being high.





 P53 is a tumor protein that plays the role of cell cycle control and anticancer protein. It is not usually related to high rates of employee turnover, but rather to changes and shifting of some sort that are malignant in nature.

 3. Why must promoter-probe vectors use the same species as host for the vector whose DNA is to be broadcasted?




 Promoter-probe vectors must utilise the same species as the host to ensure that the promoter will work properly in the natural cellular context. This is important because the promoter activity could be different between species because of the differences in the transcriptional regulatory machinery and cis-regulatory elements.

 4. Some of the statements about the cells with damaged DNA are as follows: Mdm2 is phosphorylated.





 Mdm2 is a protein that controls the function of p53 which is a tumour suppressor protein. Interaction with Mdm2 can also be regulated by the phosphorylation state of Mdm2 and this can impact on p53 and DNA damage repair or cell cycle control.

 5. Supervisory consequence that accrue from the combined input of the two receptors is in?




 Interactions between the pathways or crosstalk.



 This is because the signals received by one cell from different receptors may create a rather intricate signal transduction pathway in which the interaction of signals received through different receptors defines the cell’s response.

 6. The stimulator connects by one sphere to a chain upstream of the gene of interest in a scheme of two hybrid screening and the other sphere activates the ____ domain. Explain how the blanks may be completed.


 Hybrid screening can be done in two ways and in the first way the stimulator is connected to the activator sphere on a chain that is located before the gene which is under the control of the stimulator and the activation domain causes the transcription to take place.



 In two-hybrid system, the activator protein binds to a specific DNA sequence located in the promoter region of reporter gene. The activation domain of the activator protein is responsible for the initiation of transcription in case the target gene is expressed.

 7. Can it be real that low expression of caspase 3 lead to ovarian cancer?





 Caspase 3 is one of the key proteins in apoptotic signaling cascade. Caspase3 has been reported to be downregulated in ovarian cancer and reduced expression of caspase 3 may results in reduced cell apoptosis and thus may contribute to the development and progression of cancers.

 8. The task is to identify the complementary receptor, on which the signal fragment binds the fixing spot.




 This most of the time is the specific receptor that interacts with a particular signal fragment or ligand. For instance, in the context of signaling pathways, this could be a G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) or a tyrosine kinase receptor depending on the signal being analysed.

 9. Identify the path through which most cellular proteins are internalised and the relationship between this path and vesicle formation.





 Endocytosis is the process of taking in of proteins and other substances by cells. It consists in the formation of the vesicles that transport proteins to the cell.

 10. Prove the following regarding the block analysis mechanism false: A segment of an MSA configuration that is poor preserved can be used in creating blocks.





 In the course of MSA, areas with limited similarity (i. e. , high variability) are usually excluded from the formation of blocks as they do not contribute to the identification of the conservatively positioned functional areas. It is for this reason that most blocks are obtained from conserved regions of the sequences so that the alignment and subsequent functional assignment is precise.

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