Published on: August 19, 2024
What is the Rh incompatibility of a family; the man (Husband) and his pregnant wife
Describe the healthy risks on their newborn babies
How Is Rh Incompatibility Treated
Rh Incompatibility in Pregnancy
1. Understanding Rh Incompatibility:
Rh Factor: RH factor is an antigen it is a protein that is found on the exterior of the red blood cells. People having this protein are referred to as Rh positive while those people who do not have this protein are called Rh negative.
Incompatibility: Rh incompatibility develops when the mother has Rhnegative haplotype while the father has Rh positive haplotype and hence the baby may inherit Rh positive factor from the father.
2. Health Risks for Newborns:
Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn (HDN): Sensitization is said to happen when Rh-negative mother has come across Rh-positive blood somewhere and her system might be preparing to form antibodies which are Rh-positive. They are transported through the placenta into the foetal circulation and reacts with the red cells of new-born to cause haemolytic disease of new-born (HDN).
Mild Cases: The baby may be born with a mild anemia, or a mild form of jaundice may appear in the baby.
Severe Cases: These lead to hydrops fetalis and chronic heart failure or in worse, more severe, extreme resolution documented in anemia, stillbirth.
3. Treatment and Prevention:
Prenatal Testing: Sero-logical cross matching can provide the information on Rh negativity or positivity of both the mother and the father and the fetus.
Rho(D) Immune Globulin (RhoGAM): For this reason, Rha negative mothers are given the Rho(D) immune globulin injections during the pregnancy and after the birth if the baby is Rha positive. It is a type of prescription medicines that prevents the mother’s Anti-Rh antibodies from attacking Rh-positive blood.
Monitoring: If the mother is already positive to antibodies, then, the pregnancy will be checked and monitored through ultrasound, and blood tests. In severe cases of the disease the baby may need a blood transfusion, either before or shortly after birth.
4. Management of Rh Incompatibility:
In Case of Sensitization: If the cross sensitivity has happened with the malaria the baby may need to be born earlier or after birth treat by phototherapy for jaundice or transfusion for anaemia.
Hence it may be effectively prevented through parental care especially prenatal care and if noted in the earliest stage, the risks associated with Rh incompatibility may be reduced therefore enhancing the health of the mother as well as the child.
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