Theory, Practice, & Research

Discuss the interrelationship among theory, practice, and research.

Submission Instructions:

Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.

Nursing Homework

Describe your professional nursing goals.

-Articulate your personal definition of nursing and the concept of career opportunities in this field.

My professional nursing goal is a desire to pursue the Nurse Practitioner degree program at Azusa Pacific University, which will help me better serve my community.  

This will give me greater independence and self-sufficiency as it applies to nursing. I am grateful for the provided curriculum, tools, and skills the academic program endowed me with. It is my belief that nursing is a privilege and a calling. I aspire to give selfless support and care with humility, compassion, and empathy. Therefore, I am eager to increase my knowledge and skills to achieve my purpose in life as a Nurse Practitioner.

At APU, educational opportunities are bound for every student, including adult learners like me returning to school. As a student nurse at APU, I am positive that I will gain the knowledge, skills, and mentorship from a dedicated group of faculty members, with an outstanding reputation in educating healthcare providers. After reviewing the testimonies of graduates from the APU website, I have found without a doubt that at APU, I will be exposed to a unique learning experience in a stimulating community service-oriented environment. 

It is my aspiration to further my education at APU, as I believe learning should be a continuous process. I also believe my personal qualities and the skills I possess will surely aid me in fulfilling your requirements and, with great anticipation, make me a prime candidate at Azusa Pacific University

Policy nursing

You have been asked to develop a 2-3 hour human trafficking training session for nursing colleagues at your place of employment. 


  What content would you include in the training? 

  What resources are available to address post-trafficking victims? 

  How would your training address nursing advocacy?

Nursing assignment

Attached two files , one for the data you will work on in excel file and file discription for the data in PDF


As a data scientist please study the data and answer the following questions 


1- what is the primerly diagnosis ?


2- What potential risk factors were there?


3- Make a statistical description of the data ( primerly diagnosis, risk factors, gender, age ,...etc)


4- is there a statistal relastionship between the primerly diagnosis and its risk factors?


please show your work in excel file and pdf file Including  tables and graphs with explanation

Week 2 discussion

Discuss how a comprehensive clinical assessment presents a unique opportunity for intervention in the psychotherapeutic context

Epidemiology Graph



  Choose an epidemiology graph of a chronic disease of your choice in a developing country from a peer reviewed resource.

  Explain in one (1) paragraph why you chose that graph. A paragraph is minimum of three sentences. 

  Describe in one (1) paragraph what the graph is illustrating.

  Last paragraph should explain how the data from that graph may forecast the future of that disease and country.

  Be sure to include the graph in your document on a separate page.

  This assignment should be a minimum of 2 pages, one page with the written information (See items 2,3 and 4). The other page should include the graph with reference to where the graph was obtained from. to an external site.




45 to >30.0 pts


The central purpose of the graph assignment is identified. Ideas are generally focused on a way that supports the thesis or problem. Relevant details illustrate the author's ideas.

45 to >30.0 pts


Information and ideas are presented in a logical sequence which flows naturally and is engaging to the audience. There is a clear description of the disease projected on the chart. The student identifies the present data and future data of the disease chosen.

10 to >9.0 pts


There are less than three misspellings and/or systematic grammatical errors with posting and responses. The sentences are well constructed and the word requirements of 2 pages total. The assignment follows APA format

Reply that please

Hospitalized Patients' Rights was established in 1972 and was a collaborative effort often attributed to the American Hospital Association and various advocacy patient groups. Bedolla (1990)

It adheres to traditional ethical principles such as beneficence, justice, autonomy, respect, dignity, and confidentiality, among others. American Hospital Association (2018)

Ensuring patients' rights are upheld and Protection is paramount in healthcare. Healthcare professionals play a vital role in safeguarding these rights through various means:

1. Informed Consent: Healthcare professionals must ensure that patients understand the risks, benefits, and alternatives of medical treatments before consenting to them. This includes explaining procedures in layman's terms, discussing potential side effects, and answering any questions the patient may have.

2. Confidentiality: Protecting patient confidentiality is crucial. Healthcare professionals must uphold HIPAA regulations and maintain strict confidentiality regarding patient information. This includes securing medical records and only sharing information on a need-to-know basis and obtaining patient consent before disclosing any personal health information.

3. Respect and Dignity: Healthcare professionals should treat patients with respect, dignity, and empathy. This involves addressing patients by their preferred name, actively listening to their concerns, and involving them in decision-making regarding their care.

4. Autonomy: Patients have the right to decide about their healthcare. Healthcare professionals should respect patients' autonomy and involve them in decision-making. This may include: discussing treatment options, risks, and benefits, and supporting patients in making informed decisions that align with their values and preferences.

5. Non-Discrimination: Healthcare professionals must provide care to all patients without discrimination based on race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic status, or other characteristics. Every patient deserves access to high-quality healthcare, regardless of their background.

6. Patient Education: Educating patients about their rights is essential. Healthcare professionals should inform patients about their rights regarding informed consent, confidentiality, and access to medical records, and the right to refuse treatment. Empowering patients with knowledge allows them to advocate for themselves and participate actively in their care.

7. Conflict Resolution: In cases where there is a disagreement between healthcare providers and patients regarding treatment plans or other issues, healthcare professionals should engage in open communication and seek to resolve conflicts respectfully. This may involve mediation ethics committees or seeking guidance from legal experts when necessary.

8. Advance Directives: Healthcare professionals should discuss advance directives with patients, allowing them to document their preferences regarding end-of-life care in advance. This ensures that the patient’s wishes are respected even if they become unable to communicate or make decisions for themselves.

9. Continuous Advocacy: Healthcare professionals should advocate for patients' rights within the healthcare system. This may involve addressing systemic issues, such as disparities in access to care, advocating for policy changes to protect patient's rights, and speaking up against injustices that affect patient care.

By upholding these principles, healthcare professionals can ensure that patients' rights are respected. protected and upheld throughout the healthcare journey, promoting trust, collaboration and positive outcomes for all involved.


Bedolla, M. (1990). The Patient's Bill of Rights of the American Hospital Association: A Reflection. The Linacre Quarterly, 57(3), 33–37. 

American Hospital Association. (2018). Patient’s Bill of Rights. Retrieved from

Reply with a reflection of their response

It is the foundation of ethical caregiving to respect the patients' dignity. Healthcare providers must constantly send patients respect and appreciation, calling them by their preferred name, looking attentively to their concerns and taking off their cultural and personal likes. The Justification for the disclosure by healthcare providers is that it helps patients take part in making determinations concerning their treatment. The right of patients to get information in an understandable and transparent format concerning their health condition, treatment options, and possible risks is secured. Health care professionals should facilitate smooth communication, giving out the most pertinent information around the intended date and time, answering possible questions, and reassuring patients.

Patient consent, which is informed, is an important aspect of ethical medical practice. Family members can decide on the ill patients' behalf per their best interest. This component of shared decision-making entails that healthcare providers should confer all essential information about the goal, risks, and benefits of the proposed intervention with patients, giving them the authority to think over their options for their care. Consent and involvement in treatment Decision making are the patients' main components of patient-centered care (AHA, 2024). Patients are supposed to keep an active role in decisions about what to do to their health care, and they can choose their healthcare providers and treatment options. Doctors and nurses should discuss treatment options with a patient, considering different medical preferences, values, and plans for the health of life.

 Privacy and confidentiality are basic human rights that remain unaltered in counselling and healthcare settings. Patients have complex policies that affect their health constraints and personal lives. The health care team, including the physicians and the nurses, must ensure that the patient's information is kept safe and confidential, being able to distribute it to authorized persons only for payment, treating the patient or delivering it for the health care operation. Access to Medical Records is vital as patients need such data to track their health and know their illness (AHA, 2024). The patients are entitled to obtain their medical records and make recordings regarding the altering or correcting misleading information.

Complaints resolution is equally an integral part of quality assurance measures, which can be used to resolve customers' issues and improve the quality of care. Patients can express their issues verbally, complain, or bring their grievances even though they're sure to face no neglect or biases. Healthcare staff needs to be ready to listen to the patient's responses; they should treat the therapies they propose as serious work and collaborate to successfully resolve any difficulties or complaints that may arise.


AHA. (2024). The Patient Care Partnership.

Nursing Indigenous health assignment


It’s a total of 6 pages reflection that identifies one of the Calls to Action from the Truth & Reconciliation Commission of Canada and how it will impact your care of indigenous patients?

 *4 pages in length without title page and reference page. (total of 6 pages)

Reflection should be evidenced using 3 resources from scholarly peer reviewed journals, textbooks & evidenced informed websites. 

Reflection should address :

. What is the meaning and intent of one of the TRCC health related Calls to Action (#18-24)?

. How will you as a future nurse uphold the selected Call to Action?

. How will this impact your care of indigenous patients? 

Use 3 evidenced based scholarly peer reviewed journals, textbooks & evidenced informed websites. These resources should be cited in your text and listed in APA format in your reference page.

Kindly use APA formatting for citations and reference page

Human growth and development

After watching the video, write a 300-word summary that captures the basic premises you recognize that are constructs or metaphors relevant to human growth and development (be sure to label each section accordingly):


  Point of View



      Clearly state the narrative perspective employed in the video (first person, third person, etc.).



  Tone and Mood



      Provide a detailed analysis of the tone (author's attitude) and mood (emotional atmosphere) of the video



  Developmental Context



      Explain the developmental context(s) presented in the video.





      Identify symbolic elements within the video.

      Analyze how the symbols contribute to the overall meaning of the talk, referencing specific developmental psychology concepts from the course e-text