Cause-and-Effect Essay

Cause-and-Effect Essay

A cause-and-effect essay (or causal analysis) fully explains the causes or effects that are the focus of the essay’s thesis and presents them in a logical order.


For your cause-and-effect essay, you will write an 1,800- to 2,000-word research paper using the cause-and-effect pattern of development. You’ll choose one of the assigned topics below and begin your research. Four to six secondary sources are required. You are required to use American Psychological Association (APA) citation and documentation format for parenthetical (in-text) citation and your list of references.

Review Cause and Effect, Chapter 18, in your textbook and complete exercises 18.1 and 18.2. These exercises will help you identify and distinguish between causes and effects. Also refer to graphic organizers 18.1, 18.2, and 18.3 to see the structure of different types of cause-and-effect essays. You’ll choose one of these methods to organize your topic.

Please note that there is no graded prewriting for the cause-and-effect essay, but you should still follow the steps in the writing process to plan, organize, draft, and revise your essay before you submit it for evaluation. 


Choose one of the following topics:

 The causes and effects of cheating on exams or lying or misrepresenting qualifications and accomplishments on a job application or resume

 The causes and effects of a major decision or change in life, such as buying a home or returning to school

 The causes and effects of social media on relationships and communication

You may write in first-person or third-person point of view. You're writing for an audience unfamiliar with your topic, so your goal is to use language your readers are familiar with and can relate to; be sure to define any technical terms you use. 


You are required to use four to six reputable secondary sources for your cause-and-effect essay. Evaluate your sources to ensure that the information you are using and passing on to your readers is accurate and reliable.

Incorporate evidence from your secondary sources into your outline or graphic organizer to plan your essay. You’ll need to use parenthetical citation and include a list of references on the last page of your exam. Refer to the APA style section in your text and the APA style guide in the Writer’s Block.


Follow the steps in the guided writing assignment to prewrite, organize, draft, revise, edit, and proofread your essay.

Choose one of the cause-and-effect graphic organizers in your textbook to develop your plan; include the information from your secondary sources in your outline or graphic organizer. 

Study the cause-and-effect essays “Why the Police Are Rarely Indicted for Misconduct” by Alex S. Vitale and “Is Sharing Files Online Killing Music?” by Jonathan Adamczak to see how each writer organizes and develops his analysis of each situation. 

Exam Format

Format your prewriting and essay exams according to the following instructions. Refer to the sample APA-style essay in your text.

 Start with a title page that includes your




     Student ID


     Email address



 Use the header function to insert your page number in the top right margin of your document.


     You do not need to include your essay title in the header.



 Begin your document on page 2 after the title page.


     Start page 2 with your title


         Do not include abstracts in your essays.



     Use transitional words, phrases, and sentences (p. 149) to guide your reader through your essay.


         Do not use headings in your essay.





 Include your references list on the last page of your document.


     Do not submit it separately.


analyze a social or racial justice movement across at least two different social media platforms. ( Instagram and Twitter ), I need images for each part A & B also neeed atleast 400 words reflection for each part as well the reflection guidlines are very clear

Analysis dell

Dell Inc. The Changing Business Model

Do a Situational Analysis Over Dell, Find 1 strength to talk about, find one weakness to talk about, and find one threat to talk about Dell

Understanding Terms

1. Define the following words:




d. metaphor 

.e. personification 

2. How can you use these terms to analyze poetry?

Revising Unit 2 Assignment


Revision of your earlier activities and drafts in the process of writing your Definition and Synthesis essay is important in order to make sure that you are not ""taking on too much"" in your writing and that you are listening carefully to other perspectives. 

To prepare for your final draft, you will use this activity to address several of the most important questions raised by your teammates and your instructor in response to your invention work and drafts.


Read over the questions below and use them to write a short response (at least 200 words) in which you address some of the most important concerns you are finding for your revision of the Unit 2 assignment. Use specific details from your writing and from the comments of your peers to help provide context for your response. 

 Reconsider the work you have done to choose your topic, define your issue, and provide context for understanding your issue. Is your chosen issue clearly understandable to one or more audiences? Are the stakes of this issue easy to understand? 

 Go back and re-read your work in writing about the context for your chosen issue. As you prepare to submit your final draft, where do you need to narrow or clarify the context you provide for your perspective on your issue?

 Look back over the visual organizer you used to think about other perspectives on your chosen issue. Do you see places where you still have ""gaps"" in your information or perspective? Do any new connections between sources emerge upon reviewing your initial work?

 Reflect on how you build credibility in your writing. Are there ways you can clarify your credibility as a knowledgeable, ethical (fair), and attentive participant in the conversation about your issue?

Your response should address as many of the questions above as you can, using specific evidence from your existing work (drafts, assignments) to give support to your explanations. You do not have to answer each of these questions word for word in a separate paragraph, but your response overall should show that you are considering all of the questions above. Submit your response to this assignment.

Answer these questions

Discussion questions Week 9

1. What approach to race did the Haitian Revolution adopt when governing the island?

2. How did the Haitian Revolution approach the ""colonial problem""?

3. After reading the article, how does this shape your perception of the Haitian Revolution?


Responses to each question should be between 250-350 words.

 Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes, or contributed to group efforts over time.

  Every person has a creative side, and it can be expressed in many ways: problem solving, original and innovative thinking, and artistically, to name a few. Describe how you express your creative side. 

 What would you say is your greatest talent or skill? How have you developed and demonstrated that talent over time?

Profile Comparison

Read the three attached profiles and answer the questions in the Profile Comparison Activity document (also attached). You can type your responses into the document and then submit the document here when you are finished.


Profile A Pam Jackson.pdf


Profile B Rhea Fix.pdf


Profile C Jenny Sheppard.docx


Profile Comparison Activity: Profile Comparison Activity Fa20.docx

Unit IV Power point Presentation

Unit IV PowerPoint Presentation

 Weight: 9% of course grade


In this unit, you learned how to determine sample size and estimate confidence intervals. For this assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation that further explores these concepts. In your presentation, you must include the following elements:

 a definition of point estimate, standard error, confidence level, and margin of error;

 a discussion of at least three major methods of determining sample sizes, comparing the different methods; and

 an explanation of the effects (advantages and limitations) of a small sample size, a very large sample size, and an adequate sample size on any research study.

Your PowerPoint presentation must be a minimum of eight slides (not counting the title and reference slides). Use graphics as necessary to support the content of your presentation. You must use at least two references. Any information from those sources must be cited and referenced in APA format.

Six page essay reaserch paper

wrirte a six pages essay

the first picture is my topic and other picture is request