Professional email

1st email For this assignment, you will need to develop a professional email/letter to a potential employer outlining your interest in a position.

2nd EMAIL .Final Draft Setup Requirement:

1 professional-quality email, 2-3 polished paragraphs

WHAT: Write a 2 to 3-paragraph email appropriate for the professional workplace.

HOW: The following email message was sent to a professor from a student. Using the guidelines discussed in class and in your course textbook, revise the message to make it more effective and then submit the email to your instructor as directed by the published deadline.

To: [email protected] Subject: Class



You can invent information, as needed, to increase the persuasiveness and effectiveness of the revised version of this email. The final draft of your revised email must

  demonstrate expertise in the creation of a formal business email message designed to persuade a reader to action;

  demonstrate evidence of process writing (drafting, revision, editing);

  be 2 to 3-paragraphs in length and use appropriate font and text size.

WHY: This assignment strengthens your ability to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate main ideas in production of a common communication document. It demonstrates writing as a process that requires substantive revision, and it promotes communication skills aimed at a specific audience about a particular subject for a defined purpose while advancing your understanding of your strengths as a writer of persuasive business materials.

Knowing how to write a professional email is beneficial in other ways.

o Email is the most common form of business communication, and its popularity results in

dozens of email exchanges between business workers on any given day. For this reason, brevity, clarity, and professionalism are vital in effectively communicating information and needs.

ENG 3107: Writing for the Professions—Business & Social Sciences Rev.3.10.16

o Email can be made available to many people other than the intended recipient; messages can be intercepted or forwarded, and since they are transmitted through a company’s electronic system, they are not considered private correspondence. For this reason, it is important to understand how to use email in an effective and productive manner.

o Emailcanbeachallengesincemuchofourdailycommunicationreliesonbodylanguage and voice tone, two things which are not available via regular email channels. As a result, word choice and presentation are important when communicating needs and ideas through email exchanges.

o This type of business writing is also a great way for your instructor to assess your skills of organization, critical thinking, and grammar/punctuation


This assignment will help you with your academic goals and your career goals. In the packet attached below you will complete these activities.  

 Take the Self Directed Search on our Career Center website. 

 Find jobs that would be best for you. 

 Review the Myers Briggs results and apply that information to your career search.

 Reflect on information discovered about your personality.

 Research a major on a university website.

 Research a career using the Occupational Outlook Handbook. 

You will complete your work in the attached document

Short writing

What have you learned so far from this brief class, and in which ways would good writing help your future career? English 1301 Class. the class was about essay writing.

Reducing ""I"" Exercise

please download this document and eliminate as much ""I"" as possible in these sentence groups while keeping them gramatically correct

Revising A research paper

Can anyone revise a research paper over the Beat Generation? I wrote a 4 page essay over it but i need to revise it and make it better

Media Artifact for Race, Gender, LGBTQ+ or economic class, including stereotypes, representation, etc.

Choose a Media Artifact about Race, Gender, LGBTQ+ or economic class, including stereotypes, representation, etc.... (No movies/videos) (2 pages)

DESCRIPTION: Denotatively* read (describe, depict) the media artifact.

ANALYSIS: Discover and focus on significant patterns and messages that emerge from you denotative read of the media artifact. What messages/meanings do you think are generated from your media artifact in relationship to race and/or gender. 

INTERPRETATION: Connotatively* read your media artifact by asking and answering the “What does that mean?” and “So what?” questions about your media artifact. 

EVALUATION: From your description, analysis, and interpretation of the media artifact thus far, arrive at a judgment, make an assessment of what you read both denotatively and connotatively*.

ENGAGEMENT: What sort of action can we as citizens take to question our media, add our own voice to the process of shaping the cultural environment. How can we engage the media based on your analysis of your media artifact.

Jacob Richman wrote the following:


USE Connotative vs. Denotative Vocabulary

Words are not limited to one single meaning. Most words have multiple meanings, which are categorized as either denotative or connotative. The denotation of a word is its explicit definition as listed in a dictionary. Let’s use the word “home” as an example. The denotative or literal meaning of “home” is “ a place where one lives; a residence.” Hint: Denotation, denotative, definition, and dictionary all start with the letter ‘D.

The expressiveness of language comes from the other type of word meaning—connotation, or the associations that a word usually brings to mind. The connotative meaning of “home” is a place of security, comfort, and family. When Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz says, “There’s no place like home,” she’s not referring to its denotation, but the emotions “home” evokes for her and most people. 

Connotation Determines UseThe connotative and denotative meanings of words are both correct, but a word’s connotation determines when it is used. By definition, synonyms have the same denotation or literal meaning, but almost always have different connotations, or shades of meaning. For example, the synonyms of “boat” include ship, yacht, dinghy, and ferry. All these words refer to the same thing, but each elicits a different association in the reader’s mind.

Word choice affects the meaning of what you say and write. A quiz may ask you to select words or write sentences that convey positive, neutral, or negative connotations. For example, notice how the sentence meaning shifts when the underlined word is changed:

Positive: Sally was an enthusiastic member her sorority. 

Neutral: Sally was an active member of her sorority. 

Negative: Sally was a fanatical member of her sorority.

300 words response paper on film

""Documented"" + 5 pages essay on film ""Documented"" due in 60hrs","300 words response :

Watch Jose Antonio Vargas’ film Documented (89 minutes). Choose a scene in Vargas’ film and then, in a 2-3 paragraph response of about 200-400 words, conduct a close reading of that scene in relation to the film’s main goal, e.g. documenting the experience of an immigrant who is undocumented. For example, in your close reading, you may focus on dialogue, soundtrack, camera techniques, visual composition, or shot sequencing, e.g. lighting, shots, edits, angles, camera movements, transitions. Include a screen shot/grab of your chosen scene. 

5 pages essay:

Expand your response paper into an essay by including a thesis statement in your introductory paragraph; and adding at least one more close-reading example that backs up your thesis. if you choose to expand your response paper about Jose Antonio Vargas’ film Documented, choose additional scenes from the documentary and conduct close-readings of those scenes (with attached screenshot). 

link to movie:

Discussion Post

You could make connections across the episode, relate the week's content to a contemporary event, or explain something you found interesting. Be creative and/or thought-provoking.

This post should be 250-400 words

EN 102 Comp

English Composition II – Week 1 Assignment

Uncovering Your Rhetorical Self

Purpose of the assignment: To analyze the rhetorical choices we make in order to craft the persona we choose when we interact with others.

Procedure: For this assignment, you will write a short essay (250-500 words) analyzing the rhetorical choices you make using at least two of the following:

• your appearance (clothing, hair, body art, makeup, accessories, and so forth)

• your living space (décor, furniture, tidiness/cleanliness, and so forth)

• your social media activities (“about” information, photos, posting, commenting, and so forth)

• where you shop and the products you buy

• your behavior in different social groups (family, friends, work, classes, older people, younger people, and so forth)

As our textbook states, “all of us work to craft a persona for ourselves to help us appeal to specific groups and gain social standing” and “it’s important to acknowledge that we positon ourselves differently in different social groups: how we react in relation to our friends is probably different from how we act with families or with employers” (pp. 22-23). Many times we are not consciously aware of the choices we make when we post something on social media or dress a certain way, but we make those choices nonetheless with specific aims in the backs of our minds: To be perceived a certain way or to be accepted in a certain way by the groups with which we interact.

In order to begin this assignment, brainstorm the social groups you interact with (work, friends, family, social media, and so forth) and the types of dress, décor, products, and behaviors associated with each. (You may recall prewriting strategies such as freewriting and bubble charts from previous classes; also, consider writing a “zero draft,” as described in Chapter 12 of your textbook.) You do not need to share your prewriting strategies for this assignment; they are solely for your use.

Format: Standard essay format of introduction, body, and conclusion. Think of the five-paragraph essay model, though you are not restricted to five paragraphs. You may use more if necessary. Your introduction should include a thesis statement that expresses the main point of your rhetorical choices. For a breakdown of the format of your essay, see Chapter 1 of the textbook. See also this sample essay.

Photos, screenshots, and other visual aids are optional for this assignment.

Format the assignment in basic APA Style: one-inch margins, page numbers at the top right, and title page.

Submitting the assignment: Attach your essay as a single file Word document or .pdf file and submit to the W1 assignment drop box.

View your assignment rubric.

Reflecting a change reflection assignment

Reflect upon (think about) how you and your writing have changed as a result of this course. Change can be evidenced by personal growth or acquisition of new skills, among other things. You might begin reflection by attempting to generate a list of ten or more statements that you can make about the difference between you/your writing at the beginning of the course and the present.

Create your Portfolio

 Give careful consideration to the choice of five primary sources of your own original writing after reading Chapter 24, pages 626-629.

 Choose five pieces of writing (minimum) that you have completed for this course as primary sources for your reflection. They can include: 


     Writing sample, assignment responses, discussion board responses, essays, etc.



 These five pieces of writing will be submitted as your “portfolio” (either as attachments or pasted directly) to your wiki page for the Final Exam Wiki. 

Write your Reflection

 Choose one statement that most clearly expresses the most significant change in you/your writing for your reflection.

 Use journaling, looping, or questioning to aid you in your reflection and final analysis (pages 428-429).

 Compose an approximately 1400-1600 word reflection on change. 

 Include for your analysis/reflection the writing that you completed very early in the semester as well as your more recent pieces.