Assignment 1

Prompt: After completing the lecture and reading assignments, compose a well-written response paper to the following question: Can we repair what is wrong with America’s Health Care System through understanding of Christian principles?

 Requirements: Do not use the question in the response. Papers must include a substantive elaboration on the topic as well as support from scripture. 500-750 words, APA format 7th Edition

Textbook being used: Shi, L. & Singh, D. (2017). Delivering Health Care in America: A Systems Approach (7th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. ISBN: 978-1284124491


Prepare a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation imagining that you are part of a consulting firm hired by P&G. Your task is to help Mr. Lafley sharpen P&G’s strategic position. In your presentation include the following information:Which strategic position along the productivity frontier should P&G stake out? Which value and/or cost drivers would you focus on to improve P&G’s strategic profile? How would you go about it? What results would you expect? FormattingPrepare 10–15 slides (excluding title slide and end reference slides).Include a title slide.Include an end reference slide.Prepare your PowerPoint® using the following instructions:Microsoft PowerPoint Basics The West Writing Style Handbook for questions related to grammar and formatting SourcesInclude a minimum of two sources that may consist of readings from the University Library, your text, or other selections.Use the West Citation and Reference Generator Tool for citations and references. SubmissionSubmit your work via My Assignments

Business English

Read some pages and reply 2 questions and write a memo


How can educators create a meaningful experience that accounts for a child's individual differences so as to increase the likelihood that the child will grow up physically, intellectually, and emotionally healthy in adolescence and emerging adulthood to meet the expectations of family and society?


PSY 3-2


Numerous societies have clear gender differences. There are some societies that place women in a subservient position. Furthermore, some women are devalued, as their family honor is considered more important than their lives. This is often the case in honor killings. There was a publicized case of a woman from Iraq who escaped to a U.S. military base because her family was going to kill her. She had disgraced them by talking to a young man on a cell phone. Using the internet, the SNHU Library, and other sources, conduct research on honor killings.

In your response, address the following:

 Why do some cultures engage in honor killings?

 Do non-group members have the right to interfere with other cultures when it comes to long-standing cultural practices? What happens to the culture when others interfere?

 Most cultural groups developed their cultural practices in relative isolation, and as mentioned in the text, these practices often served a practical role. When cultural groups have maintained radical or ""harmful"" practices that have not evolved, how might the members of the group be impacted? State some examples of ""harmful"" practices. How do the antiquated practices affect the members of the group when there is little outside influence?

Assignment 2

Prompt: After completing the lecture and reading assignments, compose a well-written response paper to the following question: The Blum Model points to four key determinants of health. Select at least one of these determinants and discuss the implications for the Christian health administrator.

 Requirements: Do not use the question in the response. Papers must include a substantive elaboration on the topic as well as support from scripture. 750-1000 words, APA format 

 Shi, L. & Singh, D. (2017). Delivering Health Care in America: A Systems Approach (7th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. ISBN: 978-1284124491

Need in a hour

Answer the following question in complete sentences using the R.A.C.E method. WHAT IS STREET ART?

RACE is an acronym that helps guide students through the process of answering constructed questions in reading. R – Restate the question. A – Answer the question completely. C – Cite evidence from the text. E – Explain the text evidence.

I have upload the text below

Write A 3 page paper of your religious autobiography

A 3 page paper of your religious autobiography. 

Where does your religious story begin? (birth)

 Parents? (muslim parents)

 Grandparents? (they are muslims too)

 Ancestors? (most likely yes)

 If you don't have a religious story, why? (story about islam) 

 What takes the place of religion? 

 What provides meaning for your life?

Five Paragraph Essay

Write a 5 paragraph well-developed essay on one of the following topics.

- How unemployment affects a person's lifestyle.

- Why technology is important for the 21st century

English Composition. Topic + controlling idea

Topic sentence/create an answer key. Do not forget your cover page

Each of the following paragraphs is missing a topic sentence. Select the letter of the topic sentence that best fits the paragraph.

1. For example, you can’t pick up a newspaper these days without reading about some outrageous or gruesome crime. The top television news story is usually a murder or other violent incident. We need to read and hear about the good news stories, too. Otherwise, we will continue sending the message that only violence is worth reporting. What kind of message is that for our children?

a. Our society is becoming more and more violent every day.

b. Television news coverage focuses only on violent news.

c. All of the media have become increasingly negative by focusing only on violence.

2. As a result of live television, people can receive news as it happens. For example, during the September 11 attack on the World Trade Center in New York City, CNN viewers could see the second plane hit as the news was covering the first plane’s attack. Because of “live” reporting, people feel as though they are participating in history, not just reading or hearing about it afterward. It has changed the viewer’s role completely.

a. These days, there is more live television coverage than ever before.

b.” live” television reporting has changed the way we see the news.

c. CNN changed the way we saw the news during the September 11 attacks.

3. Experts recommend limiting viewing to one hour per day during the week and up to two hours per day on weekends. They should be educational in content and promote discussion between the parent and child. Programs on animal behavior and family value, and programs that teach basic learning skill are highly recommended.

a. Watching television is not bad for children and it’s fine for teenagers and adults, too,

b. Watching television is fine for children as long as you limit the hours and monitor the programs.

c. Programs for children should be educational in content so that the time spent watching TV is not wasted.

4. What we see on the nightly news has been carefully selected by the news department at the television stations. Because the station is interested in making money, the news that is selected is not necessarily the most important news rather the news that will attract the most viewers. As a result, we only see the news that has been chosen for us, which is not always the most informative.

a. It is very important that the news make money.

b. The news director selects the news with the help of the reporters.

c. The news is not simply what we see, but what the news director at the television station wants us to see.

II. The topic sentences in the following paragraphs are underlined. They are incomplete because they do not have a controlling idea. Rewrite each using a topic and a controlling idea.

1. Celebrities have jobs. Being a movie star or sports star is their jobs. It is what they are good at. They should not be under the continual scrutiny of the media just because of their profession. They have the right to a private life just like you and I.

Example: Celebrities deserve private lives like any other person.

2. The news is different. In the old days, people got their news by word of mouth. As society became more literate and printing costs decrease, newspapers became the medium. Radio then brought a sense of immediacy to the news. Television added the visual impact. Now, we have the internet, which gives up-to-the-second news about any news event any time we want it. Who knows what the news medium of the future will be? 

Rewrite: ____________________________________________________________________

3. Politicians are public figures. As a president, one is supposed to represent the qualities of honesty and integrity. Remaining faithful to your husband or wife is the purest example of these qualities. If the president is unfaithful to his or her spouse, how can we trust that he or she is honest in handling presidential duties? Therefore, the media have the responsibility to inform us when a public figure is unfaithful.

Rewrite: ____________________________________________________________________

 4. Reading is hard. As with any program of exercise, you have to discipline yourself and make reading the newspaper a part of your everyday routine. And just as exercise makes your body stronger, reading makes your mind stronger. It broadens your interest, gives you the ability to think critically about important issues, and enables you to participate in interesting conversations. In conclusion, reading the paper, like any exercise, is time well spent.
