
Part 1 What are some challenges with syndromic surveillance? 

Part 2 : Critique a team presentation topic SIMULATION TRAINING IN EDUCATION and include what the presentation taught you and what you see as far as its effect on patient safety and healthcare technology.

 What changes in the presentation would you recommend, and why? Please see attach 

Remember to include sources of literature in your posts to back up the statements you make. Remember, we are all about evidence-based practice!

Marriage in 1950s

three-part thesis and five-paragraph descriptive essay (third person only) 750 words, MLA format, two or three scholarly sources, worked cited page to include URL


Please read the very first paragraph for direction. 

Assignment is needed by 9:30 pm tonight

Homeland Security

You must use the template for this assignment since it will make it a lot easier for you. Failure to do so will result in a return of your paper for you to redo, a reduction in points, or both.Answer each of the following questions below. Select three sectors from the following list to use when answering the questions (use the same three sectors for each question):Energy SectorDams SectorNuclear Reactors, Materials, and Materials SectorCommunications SectorInformation Technology SectorWater and Wastewater Systems SectorChemical SectorCritical Manufacturing Sector1. Discuss the interdependencies of three of the critical infrastructure sectors listed above.2. How are critical infrastructure assets prioritized in the three sectors you selected? 3. What measures do the three sectors you selected take to ensure continuity of operations?4. What special considerations should be made for life and property that result as a consequence to an attack on the three critical infrastructure sectors you selected? Technical Requirements:Your answers should be at a minimum 2-3 pages for each sector for a total of 7-9 pages (the Title Page and Reference page will be additional pages).Type in Times New Roman, 12 point and double space.Students will follow the APA Style as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework. Use scholarly or other relevant sources.Points will be deducted for the use of Wikipedia or encyclopedic type sources. It is highly advised to utilize: books, peer-reviewed journals, articles, archived documents, etc.All submissions will be graded using the attached rubric

Silent reflection

For this assignment, you will watch a video for 30 minutes without sound (15 minutes without closed captioning, and 15 minutes with closed captioning). Then you will write a two-pages reflection paper on this activity.

Consider the following questions:

 How did you initially feel when watching the video program?

 What helped you follow the program?

 What made the program difficult to follow?

 Compare your experience watching video with and without closed captioning? 

To help you understand Closed-Captioning from a Deaf person's view: 

Video link attached below:


Paraphrase the following paragraph 


Convolution is a process that describes the interaction of signals with systems and the best example of that is ocean waves. As ocean going waves travel across the ocean, the waves will not interact with the seabed, due to the great depths of the ocean and when the waves approach land, the ongoing ocean waves begin to rise because the waves begin to interact with the rising seabed. This can obviously explain how the signals interact with systems. In this project 4 tasks were followed to apply the concept of convolution which they Decimal Manipulations, Binary Manipulations, Gates and Counters, and Implementation. In task 1 (Decimal Manipulations), the interaction of the wave, w(n), with the rising seabed, h(n) was obtained using the convolution process as follows: the order of the wave vector w(n) was reversed, and the wave vector w(n) was shifted to the right and multiplied with the intersected of h(n) to find the speed of the wave starting from τ = 0. These steps were repeated for task 2 (Binary Manipulations) in binary form. In task 3 (Gates and Counters), exactly same as concept of task 2 was done but it was done by C++ codes. In task 4 (Implementation), the C++ codes were Implemented using Logisim.


Interview with the Luddite” (1995) and write an essay that develops a point of view you have of what is discussed in the text. Integrate ideas from one other text from the course reading material into your essay

n the beginning of your essay, establish the context for what you will discuss in it. Think about it: The interview is from 1995, 26 years ago. In it, Kevin Kelly, the interviewer, and Kirkpatrick Sale, the interviewee, place a wager on Sale’s predictions for the year 2020. It just passed, and it goes without saying that it has been a unique year, so what do you think about the predictions and whatever else is discussed in the piece? To what exactly in 2020 would draw attention, and why would you when it comes to what is discussed in the interview? Simply, discuss the present in your analysis of this interview from the past. 

Be sure to give a brief summary of the interview early in the paper so that the reader can understand the direct references you make to it as you develop your ideas. Also, be clear with your thesis. A thesis, remember, is a point of view or claim or position or stance or opinion or … there are more words that can be used synonymously, but you get the point: In a thesis statement, you are stating what you think about an issue that is raised in the interview and then using the body paragraphs in the essay to develop how you arrived at the point of view you have. You have to represent the sides in the debate fairly, but you are attempting to persuade readers to see things from your point of view, not just reporting information.

EN 102 Kim Woods

English Composition II – Week 5 Assignment

Evaluating Sources Rhetorically

Purpose of assignment: To locate and evaluate possible sources for use in your final paper.

Procedure: In the previous assignment, you practiced narrowing the scope of your research question. In the discussion for this week, you shared various aspects of the topic you have selected to write about for the final paper. For this assignment, you will find sources that are relevant to your topic and purpose. This assignment has two parts:

Part A: EBSCO Practice

· Click here to download a copy of the EBSCOhost practice assignment. 

· Save the document by renaming it with this naming convention: ""EN102_yourlastname_yourfirstname_yourGID""

· As you complete the assignment, write your answers on the template (it is a Word document).

· Attach this document when you are submitting your responses to this assignment.

Part B: Finding and Evaluating Sources

Search EBSCO to find five scholarly sources relevant to your topic. Evaluate each source in terms of the following five dimensions (see Table 12.3 in Chapter 12 of your textbook for examples):

· The creator of the source

· The purpose of the source

· The age of the source

· The venue of the source

· The relevance of the source

Most of your answers to the above should be expressed in one short paragraph for each dimension. What you are looking for is a reason to justify the source’s inclusion in your paper. Each source should offer something unique or different. You may compare and contrast the sources with each other to show how they complement each other. The purpose and relevance must be expressed in your own words, not copied from the source or the source abstract.

Format: This assignment does not have to be written in essay format. You may use or modify the format of Table 12.3, or use any other format that clearly lists each source and each dimension. APA Style is not required for this assignment, but you must include an APA Style References page citation for each source.

Submitting the assignment: Attach your assignment as a single Word document or .pdf file. Attach the EBSCO practice separately. Submit the practice and the essay together as part of the same attempt to the W5 drop box.

View your assignment rubric.


Discuss Huck as the child of an alcoholic. How do his behavior patterns match the profile of the child of an alcoholic as modern psychology might understand it?

Who we Date

Write a 2-5 page essay on the following topic. Your essay should be double spaced, written in 12 point font with one inch margins.","Paragraph 1: Introduce the topic of dating. What was the traditional form? (1920’s-1980’s) Please make sure that you include a thesis statement as the last sentence of the first paragraph.Paragraph 2: What are the common American dating patterns among college-age students? Be sure to define them.Paragraph 3: What are some common dating scripts?Paragraph 4: Mate Selection. How do people find someone to date? Is there certain criteria? Define and explain the filter theory.Paragraph 5: Tell me about the person you are currently with (spouse, boy/girlfriend, booty call etc. or your last relationship) How did you meet this person? Is this the normal way you would meet someone? What sociological factors came into play when deciding to date this person? (Parental control over mate selection, age, social class, education, religion, political view etc)Paragraph 6: What are the types of marriage markets? Which do we have? What are some sociological benefits and disadvantages of arranged marriages? Use theory!Paragraph 7: How would you feel if your parents controlled who you could date? If your current relationship is based on romantic love (open/free marriage) do you think you have a better chance of survival verses an arranged marriage?Paragraph 8: Conclusion or Summary