Nature vs nurture

How do nature and nurture play significant roles in a child's development particularly on the aspect of language development? 500 word max. Five paragraphs. Use the following pictures for ideas and reference. Don’t forget to cite

Argumentative synthesis

Write 5 full pages of Argumentative synthesis and one-page self-assessment, then add some comment on what you wrote, doesn't have to be positive comments also highlight quotes

The subject is in the uploaded photo.

you will give me 6 pages 5 for the same subject and one for the self-assessment

Short story

Write a 10-15 page double-spaced, rough draft of your own short story, using the James Baldwin and Matthew Derby short stories you read as models, and considering James Baldwin's talk, ""The Artist's Struggle for Integrity.""

--Focus on developing the setting, character, dialogue, and plot elements in your rough draft and outline. As you write, think about how you want your readers to visualize what is happening in your story -- use descriptive, precise language to help your readers imagine what you are imagining. 

--You may also incorporate a fairy tale or folktale element -- for example, maybe one of the characters enjoys writing fairytales, or has a grandparent who enjoys telling folktales.

Create a story based on the plot in the document

Due Tomorrow 

Cancel Culture

Argue why cancel culture is negative and a toxic approach coming to a consensus. Please use real life examples of why cancel culture doesn't create beneficial or solution leading discourse.

Here is the outline:


English 111: Sample Argumentative Outline


A dismissive plague



Has the commencement of cancel culture evinced as healthy and or constructive?


Cancel culture broadcasts ineffective activism with bias vendettas who patronize and chastise those in positions of authority.

P2 & 3:


Addressing and conversing on these divisive issues is a step in the right direction.



Cancel culture incites violence and consequential threats.



Cancel culture isn’t productive and doesn’t work towards progressive change.



Information is one sided and certain claims are mere conjecture. 



Creates division rather than bringing attention to the issue.



Cancel culture licenses the disenfranchised to call out public figures and seek accountability for their actions.


Last line

Let’s converse rather than condemn.

Telecomm and Network Security

What is the firewall evaluation criteria for your organization? Does your organization have one and, in your opinion, does it address the overall network security or does it have gaps? Either way, talk about how it can be improved.

APA, 300 words

Discuss how the advent of AI/MI and how it may affect network security. What do you think network security will look like 5 years, 10 years, or 15 years from now. How will the cloud play into this scenario or will there be something bigger than the cloud that could affect network security?

APA, 300 words


You need to create a power point presentation 6 slide the topic will be ""Abortion is not the solution"". Talking about the abortion im not in favor of it. so do you base on that. any question you can send me a message.


500 word essay APA style

In a 2-page essay, find a story from the media (any news or entertainment source) that covers a topic we have explored in class.

For example, the story could be about staying physically fit, avoiding social comparison to have a ""win-win"" viewpoint, productivity tips, and so forth.

 Describe the story and compare and contrast what you learned from it with what we covered in class

Week 2 assign

Select one existing or defunct magazine or newspaper and research its history.

Create a timeline for your selected magazine or newspaper, and include its:

 First publication date and founder

 First publication location

 History and its contributions to American culture

Write a brief summary about your selected publication that answers the following questions:

 Who was the original intended audience?

 How has the content (e.g., photos, articles, advertisements) changed over time?

 What are your predictions for how the publication will survive or advance in the future? Provide examples.

 If the publication went out of business, what were the reasons for this?

Cite at least two sources to support your assignment. Use APA format and list the sources on a References page at the end of your document.

Structure your assignment in a Microsoft® Word document using a table for the timeline.

Include a title page at the front of your document showing the correct assignment title, the course name, your name, and the date consistent with APA format for title pages. Do not use font larger than 12 point, please (APA).

Proofread and edit your work to make sure it is organized well and is “businesslike and professional” in appearance. There should be no copy errors of any kind (spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, etc.). For writing help, visit The Center for Writing Excellence or download and use Grammarly, a free program that can help identify errors as you type

ENG 1272 MOD 1 DB TB

First, you will complete the assignment, then you will post it to the discussion board for peer review, and you will respond to at least three other peers’ posts on the same discussion board. 

 This assignment can be in any genre and format EXCEPT an essay (Examples: Q&A, interview, charts, dialogue, memorandum, etc.):


     Inside Work: Understanding Disciplinarity – page 10. Complete all questions and follow instructions. You will need your course schedule - considering at least four courses you have already taken or plan to take.

Read Insider’s View: Undergraduate students on academic writing – pages 12-14.

     Inside Work: Understanding the Goals of Your Writing Course – page 14.

Blog Post

For this last blog of the semester, think about who you were when you entered the (virtual) room the first day. How have you changed? In what ways have you strengthened your writing or writing habits? How do you feel about yourself as a writer now versus how you felt about yourself then?