
Those Winter Sunday

BY ROBERT HAYDENSundays too my father got up early

and put his clothes on in the blueblack cold,

then with cracked hands that ached

from labor in the weekday weather made

banked fires blaze. No one ever thanked him.

I’d wake and hear the cold splintering, breaking.

When the rooms were warm, he’d call,

and slowly I would rise and dress,

fearing the chronic angers of that house,

Speaking indifferently to him,

who had driven out the cold

and polished my good shoes as well.

What did I know, what did I know

of love’s austere and lonely offices?

In the last two lines of the poem, the poet tells us how he feels about his relationship with his father. How does the poet structure this poem so that the last two lines accomplish this?

The poet structures his poem so that the last two lines explain how he feels about his relationship with his father. He realizes that, when he was young, he didn’t understand how much his father loved him, and he regrets this.

Discussion Question Assignment

Discussion Question Assignment 

Assignment:/ Discussion Question: Select only one topic below

1.  How does living together before being married affect a relationship?

2. What causes some women or men to repeatedly get involved in destructive relationships?

   3. What is the effect of growing up in a single-parent household?

Your discussion grade will be based on the thoroughness, accuracy, and insightful response; also, your use of correct spelling, grammar and sentence structure and paragraph format. Develop at least the minimum word count of 300 words.

Worksheet 2





Compare and contrast essay

Compare & Contrast Essay Prompt: Marjane, Malala, & Ta-Nehisi

Assignment: Marjane Satrapi grew up in Iran in the 70s and 80s, during the Islamic Revolution. Malala Yousafzai grew up in Pakistan in the early 2000s. Ta-Nehisi Coates grew up in Baltimore, coming of age in the late 80s / early 90s, during the crack epidemic. All three of them had educated parents (or at least one educated ), all three encountered violence and extremist world views at a young age, yet they are all parentvery different people. This assignment is asking you to choose ONLY ONE of the following themes:





And once you’ve chosen one of those themes, you must then analyze the similarities and differences of Marjane Satrapi, Malala Yousafzai, and Ta-Nehisi Coates in the context of your chosen theme. So, if you’re choosing to look at the three of them through the context of education, you might want to focus on how all three of them seem to feel about school. Malala would be an obvious proponent of education and schooling, but would Ta-Nehisi or Marjane feel that way? What evidence can you find in the various texts for your answer to that question?


 1,000-1,500 words, plus a Works Cited page.

 The only sources you’re allowed to use for this essay are from the three texts (a film can be considered a text), The Complete Persepolis, He Named Me Malala, and Between the World and Me. Also, please note that you MUST use all three of these sources for the essay.

 Each body paragraph MUST have at least one quote from at least two of the required texts. So, for clarification, each body paragraph will quote from at least two of the texts.

 Your essay MUST examine ONLY one of the four themes listed above.

 The essay must be written in a formal, academic (third-person) tone.

 This essay must have college-level grammar, spelling, and punctuation, and should avoid any awkward phrasing.

 This essay should have nearly flawless MLA formatting, including font, margins, page numbers, in-text citations, and the Works Cited page. Please use the Purdue OWL website for correct formatting.

 When submitting this essay online, it MUST be submitted in either DOCX or PDF format. There will be a small point deduction for submitting essays in any other format.

The successful paper will do the following:

 Focus on the topic provided with adequate examples/examination of this topic

 Provide evidence (quotes) that demonstrate the theme/topic you’re analyzing

 Demonstrate critical thinking, reading, and writing skills by making sound claims and supporting them with evidence in an organized and logical manner

 Include a well-defined thesis statement in the introduction

 Have well-organized body paragraphs that stick to the structure discussed in class (Topic Statement, Context, Evidence, Analysis, and Transition)

 Come to a conclusion that moves beyond summary

Please Do NOT:

 Use this essay to discuss the qualities of any specific religion or faith.

 Use quotes that are longer than 4 lines – No Block Quotes Please

Persuasive essay

Write a persuasive essay of 1,200-1,500 words in which you will try to persuade your reader to accept your point of view on a controversial subject that matters to you and that is both current and relevant. You may choose your own topic

Summarize and answer questions


 400 words

Please summarize the Netflix Explained segment on Billionaires we watched in class. How do billionaires accumulate wealth? How is income taxed in relation to capital? What did the Panama papers expose? How does NYC real estate fit into this picture? Why is it hard to know how many billionaires exist and how much wealth they hold?

From the textbook please define the following:

Capitalism and capital.



Writing an essay

use the article to write an essay using Toulmin argumentation in response to a writing prompt on the general topic of the article. Therefore, identifying some aspects of Toulmin argumentation as you read the article to prepare for the exam will be helpful


Why is it likely that both genetics and the environment determine body weight?  

Please give the reasoning behind your response, cite readings, evidence, research

Essay of Travel Report

Travel Report 

Purpose: This assignment is intended to demonstrate how relatively simple, inexpensive, and interesting world travel actually can be.

Directions: In 3-4 pages, come up with a proposal to travel to a particular country for a short, musical research trip. Using a variety of resources (books, travel guides, internet articles, travel sites like Tripadvisor, etc.) plan a three-four week trip to a country you have NOT been to previously. Your proposal should include the following content and information:

 Country's orientation: geography, climate, population, etc.

 A brief history of the country: politics, economy, religion, etc.

 Cultural customs: language, greetings, taboos, dress, etc.

 Travel: Transportation cost and means, time of travel, lodging, visas, currency, exchange rate, immunizations, etc.

 Activities: Sights to see, festivals/holidays, etc.

 Music Activities: Include some music genres and events likely to be seen.

 Total Cost: Provide a breakdown list of costs for a three-four week stay in the country. (Feel free to stay longer, if you like.) Be reasonable in your pricing. I doubt you will win the lottery before you go.

 Creativity: These points are based on your creativity and writing style. Some students have written from the perspective of a travel agent booking a tour, a tour guide native to the country visited, or even a backpacker on an adventure. If you make it fun to read, it will be fun to write.

Notes before you begin:

This project is designed to be FUN as well as educational. The focus is on the TRAVEL, not the history, etc., so don’t overdo the opening sections (one paragraph MAX on history; 1 page MAX on the country's orientation, history, customs, and travel). The idea is to stimulate you to pursue international travel as part of your life experience. You will gain a better appreciation of not only other people and their culture, but the culture you live in as well. Be CREATIVE as well as informative

Assignment 350 words

What is the meaning of the phrase ""Cinematography is used throughout Mad Men to build mood""? (Chapter 5/ Visual Style Mad Men/ ""How to Watch Television"".)

How would you describe the use of mise-en-scene in the Episode ""The Grown-Ups""? (Season 3/ Episode 12: Posted under Course Materials>Television. 
