
A2,"Requirements (must be complete and submitted on a Microsoft word document):

This is an opportunity for you to get into Health Informatics, by reviewing current health informatics companies.


  Review Three (3) health informatics company websites.

  Create an assignment that looks at trends in the health care industry.

  This assignment should include the following:




  Executive Summary –your summary of the national picture, you might what to write this LAST! The Executive Summary should summarize what the assignment is about, the main points, the key findings, etc. Write it concisely (2 paragraphs.4-6 complete sentences per paragraph). The best way to do this is to think about how you would explain the material to someone when all you have is 2-3 minutes and you want to make sure you can highlight the most important details while still showing your complete knowledge of the materials.

  List and describe three (3) health informatics/ new technology websites that you believe will influence the Healthcare industry. (1-2 sentences per description).

  Choose one (1) of the (3) health informatics websites and fully discuss with facts and details how it will revolutionize the healthcare industry. (Min. 1 paragraph, 4-6 complete sentences).

  Discuss some of the dangers of the technology. (Min. 1 paragraph, 4-6 complete sentences).


      References (AMA style): Three (3) reference required.



  Format (AMA format required): 


The assignment should be typed out on a word document in AMA format. Each paragraph should consist 4-6 complete sentences.  12 font size should be used, font names that should be used are Times New Roman or Cambria (not both), normal margins (no more than 1 inch), double spaced, indentation, etc. Title and References pages are required

Begin Research for Your Drug Projects

Begin Research for Your Drug Projects,"Review a minimum of five academic articles and map out your research on Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) by creating a table that includes the information you found on your drug of choice including the author, the date, article name, location of the published source, and page number

Module 3 response 1

Module 3 response 1,Please read and respond to the attached document based on the first discussion

Collective Strategies for Transformation Improving Nursing

Collective strategies for changing the nursing workplace can create various positive results, including collaboration, teamwork, and employee professional development. These methodologies are useful to both nurses and patients and help increase the organization's effectiveness (Weston, 2022). They advance a culture of nurse collaboration and development in healthcare organizations and foster staff fulfillment, diminishing turnover rates and further developing patient consideration quality.

Empowering a culture of collaboration is one of the significant ways to deal with further developing the nursing calling. Nurses communicate freely, exchange information, and encourage each other when they cooperate. Joint effort among attendants frequently brings about high fulfillment levels and diminishes staff burnout.  (Ylitörmänen et al., 2019). Nurse retention is crucial because the healthcare industry is experiencing a nurse shortage (Weston, 2022) Cooperation likewise assumes an essential part in expanding the nature of patient consideration and security. Enhanced collaboration among nurses reduces adverse patient events and improves patient fulfillment (Buljac-Samardzic et al., 2020). Nurses and other medical services laborers ought to work in group to guarantee that care conveyance is rational and delicate to the patient's necessities. Additionally, programs and courses that upgrade the abilities of nurses lead to improved patient care. Lifelong learning and teamwork contribute to improving nurses' knowledge and skills and enhancing the practice (Anselmann & Vetter, 2022). Associations allocating resources to enhance nursing teamwork and its management receive the rewards of enhanced nurse and patient satisfaction.

Taking everything into account, there are many advantages to aggregate methodologies that improve coordinated effort inside nursing groups and advance proficient turn of events. By advancing joint effort, empowering consistent development, and giving the circumstances for the practical work of nurses, organizations can anticipate positive changes regarding staff, patients, and, therefore, the system. Adherence to aggregate systems for changes is a sound investment in the future of nursing and healthcare delivery.



Anselmann, V., & Vetter, O. (2022). Nursing educators’ collaboration and professional development: A cross-sectional study. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship, 19(1). https://doi.org/10.1515/ijnes-2022-0048

Buljac-Samardzic, M., Doekhie, K. D., & Van Wijngaarden, J. D. (2020). Interventions to improve team effectiveness within health care: A systematic review of the past decade. Human Resources for Health, 18(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12960-019-0411-3

Weston, M. J. (2022). Strategic planning for a very different nursing workforce. Nurse Leader, 20(2), 152-160. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mnl.2021.12.021

Ylitörmänen, T., Turunen, H., Mikkonen, S., & Kvist, T. (2019). Good nurse–nurse collaboration implies high job satisfaction: A structural equation modeling approach. Nursing Open, 6(3), 998-1005. https://doi.org/10.1002/nop2.279

Nursing Diversity Module 1 Assignment 2

Nursing Diversity Module 1 Assignment 2,"In preparation for your Module 3 assignment, choose a cultural group that is different from your own background and plan to interview someone from this culture. The goal is to explore a culture that you will likely encounter in your nurse practitioner role.

  Using Module 1's Mind Map, and the textbook's FIG 1.1 and FIG 1.2 in Chapter 1, prepare a list of questions that will help you gain insights into the cultural aspects of healthcare for your selected interviewee.


      Ensure your questions are respectful and culturally sensitive.




Submission Instructions:


  Submit your questions as text or as a file upload

Nursing Diveristy Module 1 Assignment 1

Nursing Diveristy Module 1 Assignment 1,"After reviewing this module’s assigned readings, you will create a mind map identifying the six cultural phenomena that should be considered when providing culturally appropriate care to patients, according to Giger and Davidhizar. For each phenomenon, provide a brief description and example.  

This mind map will be useful as you learn about the various cultural groups week to week and begin to prepare for your module seven assignment.

Submit the mind map as a URL or PDF. The use of Canva.com is recommended. 

No citations/references are required for this assignment.

Submission Instructions:


  Submit a URL or PDF of your mind map

Poster of Evidence-Based Practice Project

Poster of Evidence-Based Practice Project,"With your partner develop a clinical practice question using PICO(T) that focuses on a clinical issue to improve the quality of care. 

  As a team, for this module, you will:


      Identify a clinical problem/opportunity.

      Draft a PICOT question.



  Next steps (due in Module 3): 


      Review the literature (using the articles you are reading for your weekly summaries, if possible).

      Make recommendations.

      Create a poster to disseminate your findings

About psychopathologist in family psychiatrist nurse practitioners

About psychopathologist in family psychiatrist nurse practitioners.,"Thinking about what you've learned in this course about 


1-    If you had the power to change anything in this assessment-related class, what would you change and why?

2-    How will the concepts you learned in this class help you in your career?

2-3 Paragraphs - references ( 2) less than 5 years, no plagiarism, APA format, for tomorrow morning.


416,"After studying Module 2: Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss the following:


  What search engines or databases are you using to identify the articles for your Article Summary assignments?

  What keywords are you using for your search?

  Have they been effective in finding articles that are relevant to your clinical practice? Include rationale.   Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in the current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources



Read and watch the lecture resources & materials below early in the week to help you respond to the discussion questions and to complete your assignment(s).

(Note: The citations below are provided for your research convenience. You should always cross-reference the current APA guide for correct styling of citations and references in your academic work.)



  LoBiondo-Wood, G. & Haber, J. (2016).


      Chapter 3: Gathering and Appraising the Literature

      Chapter 19: Strategies and Tools for Developing an Evidence-Based Practice






  Duke University Medical Center Library and Archives. (2019). The introduction to evidence-based practice tutorial - Acquire section. https://guides.mclibrary.duke.edu/ebptutorial

EBP Tutorial: Module 1: Intro to EBPLinks to an external site.

  HSL Instruction. (2013, May 14). Searching PubMed with MESH [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/gbrDIw2vFF4

Searching PubMed with MESH (2:13)Links to an external site.

  Carnegie Vincent Library. (2012, April 18). Annotated bibliographies: An illustrated guide [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/-LpgXJvQnEc

Annotated Bibliographies: An Illustrated Guide (3:11)Links to an external site


PP2B,"Starting with the precursor substance tyrosine or tryptophan, identify and briefly describe each chemical step required to create each neurotransmitter  dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine.


  Cited in the current APA style, including citation of references