Define transformational leadership and explain why it is appropriate in the field of health care Explain the relationship between transformational leadership and an empowered workplace"

Transformational Leadership in Health Care:Transformational Leadership in Health Care:



 Transformational leadership is the one that involves the leaders influencing the members or employees to go not only beyond what is expected of them but also past their expectations. Transforming leaders do not simply manage; rather they are leaders who describe a vision of the future and work to develop creativity to bring that vision into the reality. They concern themselves with changing their team members by dealing with each of them in ways that help them own up to the responsibility bestowed upon them, and in ways that will ensure that they are fully in tune with the mission statement of the organization.


 Appropriateness in Health Care:

 Transforming leadership is highly relevant to the field of health care because it is suitable to conditions which are variable and constantly evolving on the working context of health care professionals. Health care is all encompassing and needs managers who can motivate their workforce to be ready to learn, innovate and change in order to enhance the health status of society. Organisation development unit within the context of health care is instrumental in transformational leadership in as much as it brings out culture of empowering people and fostering organized collaboration for innovation.


 Relationship Between Transformational Leadership and an Empowered Workplace:Relationship Between Transformational Leadership and an Empowered Workplace:

 Transformational leadership is implicit with the empowered workplace notion. An empowered work place is one that allow its employees to feel that they are appreciated, provide them with the freedom to take some responsibilities and decisions on their own or as a team. Leaders with a transformational mindset always seek the best ways to enhance the performance of their team members through the encouragement of the following;_typeDefinitionSize

Transformational leaders have to engage their subordinate through regular and effective communication, offer recognition in the form of relocation, training, or promotion, and encourage both the team subordinates and leader subordinates to think creatively. This in turn results in better performance on the job as well as improved results in patient care thus enhancing staff satisfaction level.


 Therefore, transformational leadership is quite effective in the health care system because it fosters organizational culture on change, engagement, and improvement, which are essential for present and future health care delivery.

Enter G H K Week 6 - Community and Home Health Nursing o Define the meaning of community.

o Identify at least four factors by which you can recognize a healthy community. o Discuss factors that create vulnerability for a population. o Compare and contrast community-based care, community health nursing, public health nursing, and community-oriented nursing. o Distinguish between primary, secondary, and tertiary interventions in regard to a community health scenario. o Discuss at least three strategies that nurses use to gather community data. Describe the roles of nurses in the community setting. o Identify the primary goals of home care. o Describe ways in which home healthcare differs from hospital nursing. o Categorize the various agencies that deliver home healthcare according to purpose, client served, and funding source. Describe how the nurse's emphasis differs in hospice nursing compared with home health nursing List at least four criteria clients must meet for home care costs to be reimbursed by Medicare. o Outline the steps required to prepare for a home visit, including considerations for the nurse's safety. o Explain the role of the nurse in helping clients and families manage medications and treatments in the home setting. o Describe how infection control measures differ in the home and in the hospital. o State two important safety concerns in home care that arise out of The Joint Commission 2016 home care safety goals. o Describe the nurse's role in treating caregiver strain. o Apply the nursing process to the care of patients in the home and community. o Use standardized nursing language taxonomies (NANDA-I, NOC, NIC, Omaha, and CCC) to describe care planning in community and home care. o


In community and public health nursing the target of care is the community, thus the community is the client receiving the care. The role of the nurse is to evaluate health concerns, and develop an aggregate plan of care to address those concerns. Aggregates or target populations in the community may include child care centers, cities, counties, senior centers, homeless shelters, minority communities, faith based organizations, work sites, schools, or other populations. Identify and discuss a few targeted populations in your community that are of interest to you, and explain your reasons for the selections identified."

Community and Home Health concepts

 Community – Explanation

 A community therefore is a group of people with some degree of similarity in terms of the character or interests or perhaps living in the same locality. It embraces the aspect of relational parents and friends as well as social networks that join persons. According to Boyer peoples from similar geographical region, having same culture, religion, professions or even facing similar situations or events can form a community.


 Evaluate quarterly four determinates of a healthy community

 Access to Healthcare Services: Accessibility of cheap and quality hospitals, clinics and other preventive measures are beneficial to the society.

 Clean Environment: Hygiene, including drinking water, air and water pollution, sanitation and management of wastes has a disproportionally positive impact on health status of a population.

 Social Support Networks: Cultural and social relationships as well as networking, family and friends, groups, organizations play critical role in mental and emotional health.

 Economic Stability: Availability of jobs, proper remuneration, and financial means give a community the general provisions including housing, food and health.

 The Circumstances Which Make a Co-Existing Population A Target and/or At Risk

 Economic Disparities: Some of the factors that raise vulnerability include; poverty, unemployment and circumstances that make one lack access to basic assets.

 Limited Healthcare Access: Lack of healthcare centres or being uninsured means one cannot afford medical attention to illnesses they might be suffering from.

 Education Deficits: Board education can hamper literacy and health information, which is seen in low educated adulthood.

 Social Isolation: Loneliness may result in mental complications and at the same time, restrict an individual’s social privileges.

 Community nursing has been divided into different types or categories which need to be contrasted and compared.

 Community-Based Care: Encompasses delivery of health services to the people in a community especially to families, with much concern to promotion of health.

 Community Health Nursing: Encompasses delivering interventions directly to communities in an attempt to enhance their health status or extend healthy behaviours.

 Public Health Nursing: Refers to health maintenance and enhancement activities targeted at specific population groups these activities being carried out in a planned manner to guard against disease and enhance health and length of life.

 Community-Oriented Nursing: Public health nursing: A combination of community health nursing and school nursing with limited emphasis on health and illness in the individual.

 Ultra of the types of interventions are there and what are the differences between the three categories namely; Primary, Secondary and Tertiary?

 Primary Interventions: To exclude episodes of diseases and injuries (for example, immunization, health promotion).

 Secondary Interventions: Emphasize prevention, detection at the earliest stage that is possible and possible treatment (e . g screening, early treatment).

 Tertiary Interventions: It is desirably to minimize chronic enduring sickness and/or injury (for example, physiotherapy and chronic diseases treatment).

 The Search Strategies Nurses Undertake in the Collection of Community Data

 Surveys and Questionnaires: To gather data it is recommended that information be obtained from the main source, which in this case consists of community members.

 Focus Groups: Talk to the members of the community in order to discuss certain health problem.

 Community Observations: Socio-cultural concern: It involves observing and studying people’s interactions in a community, and the physical structures and setting in which they find themselves to establish potential health issues.

 Nursing: Basic Roles for the Community Scenarios

 Educator: Educate health related knowledge to the people and groups.

 Advocate: Call for the policies and funding that would enhance the stability of any community health.

 Care Provider: Provide direct care services in clinic or homes in the communities.

 Coordinator: Oversee the ‘joining up’ of care planning and other support between different services and service providers.

 Principal Objectives of Home Care

 Promote Independence: Aid the clients in the management of their health within their homes so as to have optimum independence.

 Prevent Hospitalization: Deliver first rate care that out does hospitalization or re-hospitalization care.

 Enhance Quality of Life: Concerns include patients’ comfort; their dignity; and what is best for the patient in his or her home sphere.

 The variation between home healthcare nursing and hospital nursing

 Environment: Nursing performed at a patient’s home hence exposes the nurse to many home settings.

 Patient Independence: Home care pays much attention to the patient’s ability to manage their illness, treatments, and symptoms on their own.

 Resource Availability: Competition for medical equipment and instruments The nurses in the hospital have more access to medical instruments than the home health care providers have because the hospital has got more specialized and advanced instruments than those that the home health care providers can afford to buy for their use.

 Classification of Home Healthcare Agencies

 Purpose: They may choose to specialise in such services as hospice, rehabilitation or chronic illness management services.

 Client Served: Some agencies only dare take care of certain category of people including the elderly, disabled or those that are terminally ill.

 Funding Source: The agencies may be funded through Medicare, Medicaid, insurance or through charitable organizations.

 Organisation and Content of Home Care vs. Hospice Care

 Focus: The hospice nursing is related to terminal care for patients with terminal illness and aim at giving comfort while the home health may cover more a wider scope of services which may include physical and occupational therapy, and disease management.

 Care Goals: Whereas hospice care is directed towards improvement of quality of life of patients in their terminal stages home health care might be oriented towards better health and self sufficiency.

 Sketch of the Basis for Medicare Reimbursement to Home Care

 Medical prescription is required and the patient has to be under the care of a doctor.

 The patient has to require invasive procedures to diagnose or treat a condition or the patient has to require skilled nursing that is beyond the capacity of a home health aide.

 The patient has to be a homebound one.

 The care can only be delivered by a Medicare certified home health agency.

 Preparing for a Home Visit: Factors Affecting the Safety of the Nurse

 Assess the Environment: It is also vital to consider safety risks of the neighborhood and home.

 Plan and Communicate: Users should also inform other people about the planned visit and the place where this activity will take place.

 Emergency Preparedness: Always have a phone with charge and power and make sure you always have an emergency plan.

 Medication and Treatment Management: Responsibilities of the Nurse

 Education: Knowledge of the patients and families in terms of medication and how it should be taken.

 Monitoring: Evaluations of patients and modifications of treatment programs where necessary.

 Coordination: The relation between the healthcare providers and the patient should be effective.

 Infection Control in the Home vs. Hospital

 Home: They further found that infection control involves and depends on a strict compliance from patients and their families on aspects of hygiene.

 Hospital: Measures of infection control include distinctive measures, trained staff and specific pieces of equipment.

 Home care for patients /Getting Started: Focus on safety and infection prevention at home: Home care … (AJN, The American Journal of Nursing © 2016 The Joint Commission)

 Medication Management: Avoiding medication errors such as wrong storage, wrong handling of the product or wrong administration.

 Fall Prevention: Reducing falls in the home: Strategetic measures that may be taken.

 The current research anchored on the purpose of identifying the role of a Nurse in treating Caregiver Strain.

 Support: Provide care and counsel to the caregivers of the patients with such diseases.

 Education: Input health promotion information, which would include importance of stress fresh towels, nutrition, exercise etc.

 Resources: Of course, referral to other carers for further assistance in case of consumer difficulty.

 Using the Nursing Process in Home and Community Care

 Assessment: Acquire baseline data regarding the patient’s medical condition and his/her physical and social context.

 Diagnosis: Recognise current and potential health issues.

 Planning: It is necessary to create a care plan that will include potentially achievable goals of the patient and certain measures needed in order to achieve these goals.

 Implementation: Implement the care plan in the patient’s home of community environment.

 Evaluation: Evaluate the care plan and addend for changes.

 It is imperative, therefore to use Standardized Nursing Language Taxonomies.

 NANDA-I: Centred on the terminology related to nursing diagnosis.

 NOC (Nursing Outcomes Classification): Determines potential goals or objectives for the patients.

 NIC (Nursing Interventions Classification): Lists particular care individual actions.

 Omaha System: Cohort for community health and home care.

 CCC (Clinical Care Classification): Section 3 The implementation of CM for the purpose of standardises the terminology of home health nursing documentation.

 The Identified Targeted Populations in My Community

 Elderly Population: This group is vulnerable to chronic diseases and social exclusion because of ageing population resulting from enhanced life spans, hence needs health and other social activities.

 Homeless Individuals: More likely to live poorer quality lives than non-homeless because of lack of basic needs such as shelter for the sick and access to treatment for the rest suffering from all sorts of diseases.

 Minority Communities: Afforded unequal status in healthcare and therefore they are often required to receive sensitive and equitable treatment.

 Low-Income Families: Suffers to gain access to health care, food and proper housing, so becomes a target for community health interventions.

Which is provide an example of how you assisted and individual to maintain their health, independence and well-being"

Please reflect on the End of Program Competencies and discuss which competency(s) you feel most confident about with your current experience and abilities and which competency(s) you feel you will need to work on.

How do you see caring science and complexity science guiding your professional practice?

How do you think you will integrate change theory as a Clinical Nurse Leader? Have you seen some changes implemented in practice that would have benefited from the use of change theory to guide or sustain the change?

Compose an Elevator Speech on the role of the Clinical Nurse Leader. This is the speech you will use when someone asks you, so ""What's a Clinical Nurse Leader?""

AACN End-of-Program Competencies & Required Clinical Experiences

for the Clinical Nurse Leadersm -

May 2006

This document delineates the competencies expected of every graduate of a CNLsm master's education program. A minimum set of clinical experiences required to attain the end-of-program competencies also is included.

Graduate Level



CNLsm Role Functions

CNLsm Role Expectations

End of Program Competencies

Required Clinical Experiences

Nursing Leadership


Keeps clients well informed

Includes clients in care planning

Advocates for the profession

Works with interdisciplinary team

Strives to achieve social justice within the microsystem

Effects change through advocacy for the profession, interdisciplinary health care team and the client.

Communicates effectively to achieve quality client outcomes and lateral integration of care for a cohort of clients.

Identify clinical and cost outcomes that improve safety, effectiveness, timeliness, efficiency, quality and client-centered care.

Communicate within a conflict milieu with nurses and other health care professionals who provide care to the same clients in that setting and in other settings.

Review and evaluate patient care guidelines/protocols and implement a guideline to address an identified patient care issue like pain management or readiness for discharge; follow-up to evaluate the impact on the issue.

Discover, disseminate and apply evidence for practice and for changing practice.

Participate in development of or change in policy within the health care organization.

Identify potential equity and justice issues within the health care setting related to client care.

Present to appointed/elected officials regarding a health care issue with a proposal for change.

AACN CNL End-of-Program Competencies & Required Clinical Experiences May 2006 1

Nursing Leadership


Analyze the care of a patient cohort and the care environment in light of ANA Nursing Standards of Care and the Code of Ethics.

Analyze interdisciplinary patterns of communication and chain of command both internal and external to the unit that impact care.

Member of a Profession

Effects change in health care practice

Effects change in health outcomes

Effects change in the profession

Actively pursues new knowledge and skills as the CNL role, needs of clients, and the health care system evolve.

Develop a life long learning plan for self.

Speak at a public engagement to a public forum

Participate in a professional organization/or agency wide committee

Care Environment Management

Team Manager

Properly delegates and manages

Uses team resources effectively

Serves as leader/partner on interdisciplinary team

Properly delegates and utilizes the nursing team resources (human and fiscal) and serves as a leader and partner in the interdisciplinary health care team.

Identifies clinical and cost outcomes that improve safety, effectiveness, timeliness, efficiency, quality, and the degree to which they are client-centered.

Design, coordinate, & evaluate plans of care for a cohort of patients incorporating patient/family input and team member input.

Monitor/delegate care in the patient care setting.

Present to the multidisciplinary team a cost saving idea that improves patient care outcomes and improves efficiency

Conduct a multidisciplinary team meeting; incorporate client and/or family as part of the team meeting

Information Manager

Uses information systems/


Improves health care outcomes

Uses information systems and technology at the point of care to improve health care outcomes.

Using patient information system data, design and implement a plan of care for a cohort of patients.

Use aggregate data sets to prepare reports and justify needs for select care improvements.

Evaluate the impact of new technologies on nursing staff, patients and families. AACN CNL End-of-Program Competencies & Required Clinical Experiences May 2006 2

Systems Analyst/Risk Anticipator

Participates in system reviews

Evaluates/anticipates client risks to improve patient


Participates in systems review to critically evaluate and anticipate risks to client safety to improve quality of client care delivery.

Participate in establishing and reviewing interdisciplinary patient care plans with team.

Apply evidence-based practice as basis for client care decisions

Conduct a microsystem analysis by:

Identifying a clinical issue with a focus on a population.

Conducting a trend analysis of incident reports

Evaluating a sentinel event and conducting a root cause analysis (RCA)

Incorporating analysis of outcome data

Analyzing barriers and facilitators within the organization related to the identified issue

Writing an action plan related to the analysis

Presenting/disseminating to appropriate audience.

Work with quality improvement team and engage in designing and implementing a process for improving patient safety.

Clinical Outcomes Management


Designs/coordinates/evaluates care

Delivers care in a timely, cost effective manner

Emphasizes health promotion/risk reduction

Assumes accountability for healthcare outcomes for a specific group of clients within a unit or setting recognizing the influence of the meso- and macrosystems on the microsystem.

Assimilates and applies research-based information to design, implement and evaluate client plans of care.

Plan and delegate care for clients with multiple chronic health problems, identify nursing interventions to impact outcomes of care.

Using an existing database, evaluate aggregate care outcomes for a designated microsystem with focus on specific nursing interventions

Contribute to interdisciplary plans of care based on best practice guidelines and evidence-based practice.

AACN CNL End-of-Program Competencies & Required Clinical Experiences May 2006 3

Clinical Outcomes Management

Outcomes Manager

Uses data to change practice and improve outcomes.

Achieves optimal client outcomes

Synthesizes data, information and knowledge to evaluate and achieve optimal client and care environment outcomes.

Coordinate care for a group of patients based on desired outcomes consistent with evidence-based guidelines and quality care standards.

Revise patient care based on analysis of outcomes and evidence-based knowledge.

Analyze unit resources and set priorities for maximizing outcomes

Conduct a patient care team research review seminar

Clinical Outcomes Management


Uses teaching/learning principles/strategies

Uses current information/ materials/techniques

Facilitates clients learning, anticipating their health trajectory needs.

Facilitates client care using evidence-based resources.

Facilitates group & other health professions' learning and professional development

Uses appropriate teaching/learning principles and strategies as well as current information, materials and technologies to facilitate the learning of clients, groups and other health care professionals.

Present a seminar or case study at a grand rounds or team meeting.

Conduct health education of individual patient or cohort based on risk profile.

Create or review an education module directed at patients and staff; develop a self-management guide for patients and families.

Develop and implement a professional development session for other professional nursing and ancillary staff.

Develop a health education plan for a unit-specific issue common to multiple clients.

Implement & evaluate the health education plan, evaluating the role of the team, the teaching learning methods used, the client interactions, the expected & actual outcomes, including health status changes.

AACN CNL End-of-Program Competencies & Required Clinical Experiences May 2006 4"

Describe spirituality be according to your own worldview?

How do you believe that your conception of spirituality would influence the way in which you care for patients? include citation and references

Spirituality in My Worldview:


 To borrow my definition of spirituality, thus, it is a highly subjective notion, one that is essentially individualistic, locating meaning in the quest for purpose and belonging in existence. It removes the element of religion and is more to do with the individual’s faith that has him or her believing in something bigger than the self, whether it is God, the environment or humanity. Spirituality is used in a way that encapsulate: meaning and purpose of life, values, beliefs, and search for meaning. It brings a kind of a inner strength and direction, and stability particularly when one is experiencing turmoil in their lives.


 Influence on Patient Care:


 My perceptions on spirituality affect how I handle my patients in a very special way. The ability to consider spirituality as a more general concept enables me to think about patient care in its entirety always with regard for the fact that the part of a patient that is being a spirit is not less relevant than, say, physiological aspect of the patient. Here's how it impacts my approach:Here's how it impacts my approach:


 Holistic Care:

 As it is widely acknowledged that spirituality has an important part in the general well-being, I not only pay attention to the somatic aspect of the patients but the emotional, psychological and spiritual as well. This approach allows me to be fully present and sensitive to all a patient’s needs thus treating them holistically.


 Respect for Diverse Beliefs:

 This way, patients’ spirituality and everything related to it becomes more valuable to me, and, as a result, I am more accepting and more tolerant of their specific views regardless of whether or not they are similar to mine. Such a respect ensures that patients are in a position to trust them and able to receive the support they need during their spiritual as well as healing process.


 Providing Emotional Support:

 Indeed, spirituality is a source of hope and strength to most patients . In practice, I make an effort to be aware of the patients’ use of spirituality to handle their health adversities. I supplement this by ensuring clients can access religious material, or prayer, chaplain, or someone to help them listen.


 Ethical Decision-Making:

 The spiritual view that I uphold in the provision of my duties urges me to practice understanding, ethical conduct, and kindness to patients. This assists in achieving ethical decisions whenever I’m given the mandate of taking care of the dignity and respect of the patients.




 Puchalski, C. M. (2001). Spirituality and its position in recovery. BMJ, 322(7290), 676-677. doi:10. 1136/bmj. 322. 7290. 676


 Koenig, H. G. (2004). Religion, spirituality, and medicine: of studies and issues for practictioners With reference to the above highlighted key areas of research, it could be argued that the implications of research results for clinical practice are perhaps the most important. Southern Medical Journal 1998, 97(12): 1194–1200 [[Niehoff 1998]]. doi:10. 1097/01. SMJ. 0000146489. 21837. CE

Case Study: Deep River and District Hospital

While the Deep River and District Hospital (DRDH) has always understood its place as a vital service provider to the community, it only began specifically embracing the concept of a health hub in 2010. Today, its notion of a hub is based as much on co-location as it is on community partnerships. Its health campus includes the North Renfrew Physiotherapy Centre, the North Renfrew Family Health Team, the Four Seasons Lodge, North Renfrew Family Services, and the Deep River and Area Food Bank, and it recently launched an integrated community services council. A significant aspect of DRDH's approach can be found in its work connecting with the wider community, where it has forged relationships with the local food bank and nearby Canadian Forces Base Petawawa. The resulting partnerships saw the food bank move into the hospital basement and the military build a helicopter landing pad (a joint project where the hospital paid for the materials and CFB Petawawa engineers designed and built it). In a northern setting, proximity matters DRDH sees co-location as a significant part of its role as a health hub. The health campus is located on ten acres of wooded property. It occupies approximately 50,000 square feet of that property. Currently, the health campus consists of the hospital proper and an outpatient clinic. The hospital building houses a 16-bed medical floor and 14-bed long-term care home, a 24/7 emergency room, diagnostic imaging (including Ontario Breast Screening Program), the Eastern Ontario Regional Laboratory Association (EORLA) lab, a non-profit physiotherapy clinic, telemedicine services, administration and hospital foundation offices, laundry and support services, as well as an auxiliary gift shop. The Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) also has an office in the hospital and is staffed by a CCAC nurse who is a care coordinator, that assists with discharge planning in acute care and meets regularly with staff at the family health team. An outpatient clinic building is physically attached to the hospital by a full-purpose walkway and ambulance entrance. It houses North Renfrew Family Services (a community based counseling and social service agency), the North Renfrew Family Health Team and the offices of two community doctors. Partnering with the community to bring services into the hospital space Deep River and District Hospital Ontario Hospital Association 2 DRDH's telemedicine platforms are a resource shared with others in the community whenever possible. Staff members from nursing homes share in educational events, and even the staff of the local dental office uses the equipment for learning needs. It is a regional resource that not only increases patient access to a wider community of specialists, it is also integrated with regional programs such as diabetes and stroke rehabilitation. It is significant to note that LHIN funded, non-LHIN-funded, and community-sponsored organizations are all located on DRDH's health campus. When these providers work together, regardless of funding sources (some from different ministries), the North Renfrew community is better served by a wider array of support services. This strategy recognizes not only the diverse needs of the area, but also the fact that socio-economic factors have an enormous impact on health. Integrating services to leverage economies of scale Service integration is a significant part of the health hub vision. The hospital provides information technology services to downtown doctor and dentist offices as well as to the North Renfrew Family Health Team and the North Renfrew Long-Term Care Home. It also provides laundry services to the North Renfrew Long Term Care facility and local hotels, a massage and chiropractic office, as well as a summer science residential camp. The hospital's sponsorship of the family health team means that the human resources and financial reporting are shared functions. This enables the family health team to recruit and retain professionals it might not have been able to attract as a stand-alone employer. Both the hospital and the family health team contract the services of a pharmacist from a tele-pharmacy company. Expanding the health campus and its reach DRDH plans to expand its health campus, starting with the construction of a county-funded ambulance bay that will form the northwestern boundary of the property. In keeping with the Champlain LHIN's Integrated Health Service Plan 2013- 2016 (""[build] a strong foundation of integrated primary, home and community care""), the hospital is also developing its vision for a primary care facility on the grounds. The proposed 12,000-square-foot building will be a stand-alone, single-story structure with its own mechanical and HVAC systems. It will be physically connected to the hospital by a covered walkway. Approximately 8,000 square feet will be occupied by the North Renfrew Family Health Team and the rest of the space by three community doctors. DRDH expects to further enhance its position as a senior-friendly hospital and a primary care hub by housing these community doctors and their patients in this up-to-date facility that meets all accessibility standards and connects to ancillary services through the closed walkway. This is significant because stable primary care relationships are important for the effective management of chronic disease. Developing an integrated community services council to build on its community integration, DRDH extended a public invitation to a strategic planning workshop (as part of its 2012-2013 Strategic Plan). Well attended by members of the community, strategic partners, hospital staff, and local doctors, the workshop helped develop the idea of an integrated community services council. In the spring of 2013, a council was formed and started to build interagency relationships. DRDH expects the council will be able to advocate for community needs and inform regional planning projects using local data. To begin its work, it will analyze data on patients who access the services most and put a plan in place to help address any gaps in the services provided by its agencies."

The situation analysis of DRDH presents how Deep River and District Hospital has transformed into a one-stop health center that provides facilities that tap into other sectors for the benefit of North Renfrew in Ontario. DRDH has moved beyond the basic hospital services through collaborations with local agencies and having other services within the health campus. Besides, it increases the accessibility of extensive healthcare solutions and responds to the context of SE factors by offering more numerous opportunities for support services.


 Key Points of the Case Study:Key Points of the Case Study:


 Health Hub Concept: In emphasising the health hub concept, DRDH accepted the centrality of co-location and the partnerships with the communities. It is essential to their work of delivering, extensive service by accommodating different services such as North Renfrew Physiotherapy Centre, Family Heath Team, and the local food bank within the compound.


 Community Integration: It has also contracted good relations with local stakeholders such as Canadian Forces Base Petawawa who assisted in construction of a helicopter landing pad within the hospital compound as well as the food bank which is housed in the hospital basement. The integration also enables the hospital provide the needed services in addressing the variety of needs in the community.


 Service Integration: Apart from offering medical services, the hospital adds Business IT support, laundry service for other institutions such as family health team, long term care homes and businesses within the community as an added service.


 Expansion Plans: DRDH’s campus will grow even larger in the coming years because the practice is still growing and has its sights on not only a primary care building but also a county-funded ambulance bay. Such changes are consistent with regional plans for the development of the health service and are planned to increase the role of DRDH as a specialised hospital for the elderly as a primary care provider.


 Community Services Council: Subsequent to the strategies it has designed on community integration it has, DRDH has created an integrated community services council. This council has the responsibility to represent and negotiate for the community needs and be involved in the planning of the services in the region to effective meet the needs of a community.



 The above-discussed DRDH case presents the way in which an outlying hospital may broaden its function as a healthcare center and perform the functions of an integrated health and social service provider in a community-oriented facility. DRDH has benefited from creating links and integrating service delivery for the provision of comprehensive solutions to the North Renfrew residents as well as for improving health system planning and delivery in the broader region. The above model can then be followed by other healthcare providers in other rural settings who are interested in enhancing the delivery of their services and clients’ health status.

Read article by Katherine Sievert, Mark Lawrence, Asaeli Naika and Phillip Baker on Processed Foods and Nutrition Transition in the Pacific

: Regional Trends, Patterns and Food System Drivers as this article might help you in answering the following questions. Under the listed heading explain how these factors influences changes in Pacific and Fiji's food consumption pattern from pre -colonial time to today.

a.     Pre -colonization

b.     Colonization

c.      Globalization

d.     Economy

e.      Trade"

To answer the question regarding the influences on changes in food consumption patterns in the Pacific and Fiji from pre-colonial times to today, based on the article by Katherine Sievert, Mark Lawrence, Asaeli Naika, and Phillip Baker, here's a summary under each listed heading:Regarding the question of what is driving changes in food consumption from pre-colonial times to present day in the Pacific and Fiji, following the various listed headings her is a brief summary of the article by Katherine J. Sievert, Mark E. Lawrence, Asaeli Rova Naika, Phillip P. Baker :


 a.  Pre-Colonization

 Influence on Food Consumption Patterns:Food consumption pattern:


 Traditional Diets: In the past before the colonization of Pacific Island nations including Fijians, stabled diet was local and of traditional types. Their food diet, as the folklore had it, included fruits and vegetables, tubers such as taro and yams, coconuts, fish among others.

 Self-Sufficiency: The communities were of small nomadic groups mostly involved in food crops farming, fishing, and hunting. The food was processed, various methods of preservation were used when it was required, but mainly it was drying with rare use of fermentation.

 Cultural Practices: Of those, the most immediate links existed between the food consumption sectors and culture, religious practices, and status or rank. But it was also possible to notice that the diet was influenced by the seasonal and geographical shifts.

 b.  Colonization

 Influence on Food Consumption Patterns:Effects of Trends on Consumption of Foods:


 Introduction of New Foods: The Fiji and other pacific Island countries new crops and methods of food production were introduced by Apoorva clinicians colonization. European settlers altered traditional methods of practices in feeding when they introduced to the people the crops such as the sugar cane, the wheat and new livestock.

 Shift from Subsistence to Cash Economy: This is well illustrated by the change from subsistence farming occasioned by the introduction of a cash economy that saw the cash crops being farmed on large scale thus decreasing the local diets list consumption. Consumer opted for processed goods and necessity products like rice, flour and sugar and the likes.

 Dependency on Imports: It was around this time that the practice of importing foods began or at least speeded up, and thus people began to slowly leave behind those foods which were particularly nutritious.

 c.  Globalization

 Influence on Food Consumption Patterns:Like the influence on the types of foods consumed, the over emphasis on meat and dairy products affects the intake of those classes of foods.


 Increased Access to Processed Foods: All the above discussed trends are also witnessed to have been influenced by the forces of globalization in the sense that more and more citizens of Fiji and other people in the pacific region are getting increased access to highly processed foods and beverages. These are; Soft drinks, junk foods and products, and processed foods.

 Cultural Shifts: Western diet and life styles began to penetrate population, and as a result shifting from conventional diet and associate with unhealthy foods.

 Health Impacts: This change has therefore been linked with rise in cases of Non-Communicable Diseases, (NCD’s) such as obesity, diabetes and heart diseases in the region.

 d.  Economy

 Influence on Food Consumption Patterns:Impact on food procurement:


 Economic Development and Urbanization: Change is culture and food habits have been brought about by modernization and urbanization. Supermarkets and convenience stores are considerably more numerous in urban centres than in rural ones and consumers in the urban centres consume more processed foods available in supermarkets and convenience stores but significantly less fresh produce than consumers in rural areas.

 Income Disparities: There is an obvious scenario of domination by one side in terms of food assortment available for each consumer in a given community where the consumers with the low income have to buy the products produced from cheap, and high-calorie, nutrient-void, processed foods.

 Food Security Concerns: Economic shocks lead to vulnerabilities, and therefore lead to food insecurity because due to tight budgets they end up consuming processed and substandard foods from other nations for they are cheaper.

 e.  Trade

 Influence on Food Consumption Patterns:The following area of focus is therefore Influence on Food Consumption Patterns.


 Liberalization of Trade: This has been enhance by globalization and liberalization of trade policies whereby the importation of processed foods in Fiji and most part of the pacific has increased. Some bureaucracies like the tariffs and trade barriers have been lifted to enable the multinational food companies to market and sell their products in the regions.

 Impact on Local Agriculture: Interconnectedness of food systems: intake of cheap foods from other economies has led to the declining of the regional agricultural foods hence altering their food habits.

 Global Food Chains: This participation ensures they are exposed to such global foods as the generally available processed foods and thus makes them prone to such foods.

 The consuming pattern of food in Pacific or Fiji was change due to colonization, globalization, economical conditions and trades at the period from pre colonization to the present period. Such influences have leaned diet towards the valueless foods – away from normal and healthier food that is prevalent in indigenous culture and at the same time, the communities are struggling with the existing health crisis.

Radiation ultimately interacts with atoms, DNA or other cellular components, still, radio sensitivity and specificity is species correlated phenomenon.

Explain this statement   

How the Fixer convert undeveloped Silver bromide crystals left on the film into a soluble compound and dissolve them away?                                                                      

What is the advantage of Molybdenum used as target material in X-ray Tube?

Define reticulation and what is the role of Time and Temperature in the process of film developing?"

Radiation and Radio Sensitivity

 Statement Explanation:

 This process concerns the atom, DNA or any other structures existing in biological systems and radiation affecting them. The consequences of this interaction—damage or mutation—depend on the organism’s reaction to radiation, its sensitivity and specificity. This is species dependent: power of species differs depending on the cellular and molecular radiation sensitivity. For instance the effects of radiation on the human cells may be completely different from those observed in bacterial cells or plant cells. Some of the parameters that affect end-point values include differences in DNA repair ability of cells, cell-division cycle and the existence of special protective structures in certain cells.


 Fixer in Film Development

 Fixer Process:

 The fixer is a chemical compound that in the process of development of motion picture films, it is used to remove the unexposed and the undeveloped silver bromide crystals from the film strip. The process involves:


 Conversion to Soluble Compound: It has chemicals such as hypo or sodium thiosulfate which react with the unexposed silver bromide crystals on the film or photograph. Some of the products formed include soluble silver thiosulfate complex and some other byproducts of silver bromide.


 Dissolving Away: These soluble compounds can then be washed away during the fixing process, this leaving behind only the developed ‘silver metal’ which is visible and constitutes the image on the film.


 The use and benefits of Molybdenum in X-Ray Tubes

 Molybdenum Target Material:

 Molybdenum (Mo) is used as a target material in X-ray tubes, particularly in mammography, due to several advantages:Molybdenum (Mo) is used as a target material in X-ray tubes, particularly in mammography, due to several advantages:


 Characteristic X-ray Spectrum: Molybdenum targets emit X-rays with the energy content that is very suitable for imaging of soft tissues including the breast tissues. The energies that are produced by molydenum is specific for X-ray which is suitable for visualizing the delicate structures of the breast tissues.


 Controlled Radiation Dose: Molybdenum assist in achieving a controlled and a lower dose of radiation when compared to a traditional SPECT and still produces images of high quality.


 Image Contrast: Molybdenum assists in improving contrast in areas of soft tissue, which is necessary in breast tissue to be able to identify an abnormality.


 Reticulation in Film Developing

 Reticulation Definition:

 In the process of development of the photograph, a particular condition, known as reticulation, develops in which a crack pattern or a ‘‘reticulation pattern’’ of the surface of the film or the print is formed. This phenomenon is typically undesirable and results from:This phenomenon is typically undesirable and results from:


 Temperature Shock: Fluctuation in temperatures between the solutions for instance developer, stop bath and fixer also contributes to reticulation because it makes the layer of the emulsion to shrink or expand in some areas.


 Role of Time and Temperature:Role of Time and Temperature:


 Time: Any of the developing chemicals or long development times are likely to worsen reticulation if one gets overwhelmed by them.

 Temperature: That is why, normal and suitable temperature has to be kept throughout all the stages of developing process in order not to cause reticulation. Any variation with the recommended temperatures results to physical changes of the emulsion and pattern as well as cracks.

 In conclusion, it is very important that time and temperature in the film processing have to be controlled so as not to facilitate the formation of reticular patterns and so as to achieve a better photograph quality.

What is the term that is used to refer to the genotypes of offspring from two individuals? 2 What Mendel referred to as a masked factor, we now call a _____ trait."

 As the names suggest, terms such as the ‘genetic cross’ and ‘genetic cross breeding’ are used to describe the genotypes of offspring from two individuals. This term refers to a process and the genotypes originating from the two individuals with reference to the contribution of genes to the offspring.


 In Mendelian genetics the ‘Punnett square’ is commonly utilized to draw the probable genotypic and phenotypic proportions of the offspring in cross breeding.

 2. ‘A masked factor’ which Mendel termed it is what we know today as the ‘recessive trait. ‘

Provide two examples of situations which it would be necessary to demonstrate understanding of alternate world views.

Such difference should be appreciated in the multicultural environments in which understanding of other cultures’ paradigms is crucial. Here are two examples where this understanding is necessary:


 1. Providing Culturally Sensitive Healthcare

 Situation: A HC professional is confronted with a patient that he/she treats comes from a different culture than that of the HC professional does and the patient has categorically refused a specific treatment or procedure on cultural/religious grounds. For instance, let the patient in question be a Jehovah’s witness; then, no matter the medical condition the patient is suffering, they will not accept a blood transfusion.


 Understanding Alternate Worldviews: As it has been illustrated with the help of the given example, it is always necessary to understand and respect the patient’s attitude to the situation, but provide appropriate treatment at the same time. In the situation one has to seek evidence of understanding regarding cultural and religious beliefs of the patient and therefore the patient and the family should be taken round to search for other form of treatment that are accepted in that faith. This means that there is consultation with cultural liaison officers or chaplain to ensure that the care plans respect the patient’s culture.




 Respecting the Patient’s Wishes: Take the liberty of a really unstructured and largely unsophisticated discussion with the patient in order to get some insights into his or her concerns.

 Providing Alternatives: Recommend and provide any other care plan that is aligned to the patient’s wishes regarding the meritorious treatment or the procedure.

 Collaborating with Family and Experts: In case of need, it is essential to consult with cultural or religious advisors when addressing patient’s philosophical beliefs about their treatment options.

 2. Designing Inclusive Educational Materials

 Situation: An educational institution is developing or proposing a new curriculum or content that they will use to address variably cultural students. The above envisaged curriculum is aimed at teaching and embracing all the cultures the students have or will bring into the classroom.


 Understanding Alternate Worldviews: Since there is high likelihood that learners with different cultural experience will be in the class, it is easier to effect the changes and portray the students of different value systems and cultures as being significant in learning. This capacity is in the sense that the tutor can include several world view perspectives in the content of the what is being taught in class without promoting any of the preconceptions.




 Consulting with Diverse Groups: Engage the indigenous people, teachers, other productive members in societies, so that to include all diverse views in its production.

 Incorporating Diverse Perspectives: Extend, incorporate into the curriculum materials and subject matter illustrating number of cultures, and history, and ethical standards. For this it is possible to use examples, history and case histories based of different societies throughout the world.

 Ongoing Evaluation: Occasionally update the products with a view of effecting changes that would suit all the students.


 In both cases the general condition for efficient and nonintrusive interference on the subject is knowing various patterns of perception. Thus when cultural differences are recognised and appreciated, the above professionals are in a vantage position to foster an environment of unity from which they can build good interpersonal relationships with individuals of other culture

Research and provide three (3) Positive oral communication skills and explain how they benefit children, families and colleagues within a service?



Positive Oral Communication Skills

 Active Listening


 Skill: These are the elements of active listening; this is in respect to the ability to give full attention to the speaker, the second one is to understand the content and the information that has been relayed to the group by the speaker, the third one is to offer a courteous response to the speaker and the last one is to be able to repeat back what the speaker has said. This entails paying attention to the content of what is being said, or the verbal cues, and also watching the nonverbal cues of the given speaker and respond to him/her.


 Benefit for Children: Listening to the children also make them seem important and may be the only one whose voice counts and learn how to handle their emotions. It enable the caregiver or educator to have the tool to monitor and respond to all the needs of his or her charges with an aim of enhancing their learning process.


 Benefit for Families: Families need Active listening in order that they may feel that they have been heard and that their wants and preferences should be considered. This means that families are better placed to find efficient and better service providers thus resulting in an usual better provision of services.


 Benefit for Colleagues: In a business environment it improves on the effectiveness of working in a group as active listening improves on the communication. It helps in cutting out hitches and confusion and encourages the flow of ideas and issues; and the problems get to solve themselves for they get to hear all.


 Clear and Concise Expression


 Skill: Precision entails abstracting information and ideas and concepts, and knowledge and passing it on as clearly and simply as possible. This calls for the exclusion of technical jargons and the simple refraining from using big words, while at the same time making sure that one is thinking coherently at the least, elementary level of thought.


 Benefit for Children: While working with children it is very helpful not to complicate them because it helps them fully understand instructions and other realities. This helps them in their learning process and makes them quite relaxed courtesy of their contact with the other grown-ups.


 Benefit for Families: Lower chances of passing on wrong or vague information make families knowledgeable and informed all the time. This ensures they are able to make right decisions and or be receptive and responsive to the service.


 Benefit for Colleagues: relative to colleagues, clear communication minimizes possible errors and misunderstandings thus increasing professionally sound and efficient methods of getting a job done. Allow me to remind that it advances productivity and ensures the unity of their actions in the process of working.


 Empathy and Validation


 Skill: Understanding and recognition are defined as a realization of the involvement, feelings and perceptions of the counter-party. It involve listening, non-jonal acceptance and also non-jonal acceptance in spite of the degree of similarity between the speaker and the listener.


 Benefit for Children: Thus an ability to comprehend what a child may have endured, and affirmativeness towards the child, can help make a child emotionally balanced and stout hearted. It bring about exchange of information, enriches the relationship between the caregivers and educators.


 Benefit for Families: One should listen to the parents and consider their grievances this fosters good relationship with them. It brings team work in handling issues and hence the family’s satisfaction with the service is enhanced.


 Benefit for Colleagues: Friendly working relationships and adoration of one another leads to formulation of sound-working culture among the workers. They help in the prevention of conflicts, building trust and development of sound relation at workplace as well as amongst the workers.