How can the present e-commerce business adapt their strategies in today’s changing business world? (500 words)

- Transition to mobile commerce. Select AI for personalization. Use the influencers as marketing tool. Concentrate on customize and the speedy logistics. This is a way to gain more with emerging tech like virtual reality.

What are the challenges in today’s e-commerce and ways on how to deal with these? (500 words)

- Challenges: risk, privacy, disbelief from consumer, difficult customer acquisition procedure, logistics, among others.
- Ways to address: A well-funded cybersecurity and enforcing data policies can build trust via reviews and transparency, and using referral programs and influencers for acquisition and supply chain optimization are other important areas.

What are the key characteristics of an e-commerce business and the different techniques used in finding opportunities? (500 words)

- Key characteristics: global footprint, quickness of service, tailored suitability, application of technology as its main idea.
- Finding opportunities: Evaluate customer buying patterns and shifts, discover brick and mortar store deficiencies, use Google Trends to unearth geographic consumers demands, find bottlenecks to provide better consumer experience.

Highlight the significance of technology in today’s business environment. (500 words)

- Technology this way is characterised by its ability to reach out to the world, by automation, data analytics and computer platforms as well as on-demand services.
- Illustrate some technologies such as cloud, AI, IoT, blockchain, and 5G and how they are the game changers among operations, customer experience, and supply chains.
- Technology plays a part in innovation, being one of the main drivers of the present economies competitiveness.

How support system for management decision does affect outcomes> Explain. (500 words)

- Data bases and sources are utilized in place of intuition and makes evidence based decision making possible.
- It supplies collated information from multiple sources for the guidance of an individual in making his/her decisions.
- The modelling possibility gives the chance to run scenarios quickly that can foresee outcomes.
- Allows the scholars to connect exclusive what-if analyses between different options.
- Enhances performance by expediting workflow through automation and data availability.
- It results in savings from optimizing the industrial processes.
- Aids the situations of transition and unstructured and uncertain decisions.
- Helps lift the quality and uniformity in decision-making.

Explain the forms of decision support systems. (500 words)

- Point out on various types - interpersonal, information, documents, knowledge-based, and model-based DSs.
- Explain to the audience what a particular piece of equipment is, how it works, and what it can be used for.
- Show systems that are analogs of the given type for an exemplifications.
- Highlight the manner in which they help the decision makers by presenting data, records, know-how and models that are structured from an organization point of view.
- Cover the shift to the Internet-based and business intelligence aided decision support.

Elaborate data acquisition and model acquisition. (500 words)

- Collecting the appropriate data from homogeneous and external sources is known as data acquisition. It is serviceable in making decisions.
- Describe why the data should be of high quality and be reliable, talk about the different data sources (internal databases, external databases, and others).
- Determine model acquisition as a process by which the models are built for further use in analysis of data and drawing conclusions.
- Give an example of an analytical model - optimization model, simulation model, predictive model, and so on.
- Talk about model base and how models are essentially representations of business processes within decision analysis context.
- Integrate models with organizational information to deliver actionable insights into business operations.

What are the factors to consider in re-engineering an existing process? (500 words)

- Conduct feasible examination of relevant processes
- Check out with the industry’s best practices.
- Highlight inefficiencies and problems that requires one's attention in order to solve.
- Analyze costs/benefits
- Get people on the management level and workforce for the adoption.
- Ensure redesign plan corresponds optimally to the company objectives.
- Deliver staff training and support through
- Monitor and calibrate if need arises

Discuss the potential risks of re-engineering a process. (500 words)

- Management helps guide and support new hires during their transition period.
- Unidentified planning and lack of resource distribution
- Poor change management
- Employees are left behind, and training and participation of employees are absent.
- Overreliance on technology
- Inadequate time as well as budgetary constraint during the production process.

Demonstrating the nuances of each risk by using scenario as an example. Discuss mitigation strategies.

In terms of potential BPR and scope, what are the differences of government and private sector organization? (500 words)

- Try to define what the BPR scope is - the private sector's focus is on customer satisfaction, cost cutting; while the public sector's main concern are citizens` services and accountability.
- Contrast elements of organizational culture such as hierarchy, decision making styles, stakeholder engagement, and operational adaptability. Substantiate with examples.