what is a stage II pressure ulcer?

what is a stage II pressure ulcer?

what causes wound infection?

how is related the Wound infection stage II with Type 2 diabetes mellitus?

what is the treatment?"

Stage II Pressure Ulcer

 A Stage II pressure ulcer is a skin break down through which the epidermal skin layer and small portion of dermal skin layer are destroyed. This appears clinically as an open, superficial ulcer with a red-pink wound base and without slough. It might also look like a mucous or pustule – an undamaged bubble, or a broken one.


 Causes of Wound Infection

 Wound infections are a contingent sequence of bacterialogenic or some other kind of microorganism invasion in to the wound. Factors that contribute to wound infection include:Factors that contribute to wound infection include:


 Compromised immune system: One can barely think of an ailment such as diabetes that does not affect the capability of the immune system to protect the body.

 Poor wound care: Triage – Deficiencies in obs and qual washing of lesions and injuries.

 Presence of dead tissue: Tissue that is dead or sloughed, may contain bacterial organisms.

 Reduced blood supply: Various diseases can interfere with the total function for the increased risk of chronic infections and hindered healing capabilities such as a diabetic patient who has a poor blood circulation.

 Correlation between Wound infection at stage II of ulcer with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

 Type 2 diabetes mellitus can complicate the healing of Stage II pressure ulcers due to:Type 2 diabetes mellitus can complicate the healing of Stage II pressure ulcers due to:


 Impaired Immune Function: This disease has an impact on white blood cells, and the body gets a harder time to initiate an immune response against such infection.

 Poor Circulation: Such complications as the peripheral artery disease is perhaps associated with diabetes which hampers blood flow to the limbs as well as the limbs’ ability to heal from injuries.

 High Blood Sugar Levels: High glucose concentration act as a source of nutrients to the bacteria hence promoting bacterial infections.


 Wound Care: Wound cleaning and often, debridement, to remove necrotic tissue and subsequent dressings to cover the wound and stimulate healing.

 Infection Control: There is prescription of topical or systemic antibiotics for infection control.

 Blood Sugar Management: Maintenance of proper glycemic control in the body to boost immunity and increased ability in wounds healing.

 Pressure Relief: Restriction of several movements on the particular part of the body, use of special mattresses or cushions which relieve pressure on distinct zones.

 Additional Considerations

 Proper controlling of blood sugar levels and following diet, as well as correct care of feet, are essential for patients with Type 2 diabetes to avoid worsening of pressure ulcers and infection danger level.

Discuss the importance of analyzing multiple studies when gathering literature for an evidence-based project proposal.

Discuss the importance of analyzing multiple studies when gathering literature for an evidence-based project proposal. Can a study with limitations still be useful to your project research?

When gathering literature for an evidence-based project proposal, analyzing multiple studies is crucial for several reasons:


 Comprehensive Understanding: Thus, by having several articles before you, you get a more general insight of the subject. While family members may report one type of outcome, staff members may provide information of another type, which of course is valuable to consider.


 Identification of Patterns and Trends: This is because when we try to compare multiple studies, it becomes easier to see patterns, trends or outcome, which is the main intent of meta analysis. This makes your conclusions more stronger or authoritative and assists in developing a better quality of evidential support.


 Critical Evaluation: Well, all the studies are not of similar standards. From the multi-source approach, one can identify the merits and demerits of each study, and the quality and suitability of the techniques used to gather data, and come up with a generalized conclusion as to information credibility.


 Addressing Bias: It can therefore be said that no study is absolutely devoid of either bias or certain limits. Flipping through several related articles in an endeavor of reviewing them assists in reducing specific study bias and attains a fairer picture of the available data.


 Support for Evidence-Based Practice: EBP involves the use of research findings amalgamate with professional experiences and the patient’s preference. Secondary research is also useful in that it enables one to submit a project proposal that must draw from a broad range of studies to ensure clinical decision making.


 Good But Limited; Can a Study with Limitations Still Be Useful?

 Yes, a study with limitations can still be useful to your project research, particularly if:Yes, a study with limitations can still be useful to your project research, particularly if:


 Relevant Findings: Nevertheless, it is always beneficial and often necessary, to look for a study even if this study isn’t perfect, in order to read valuable insights or gather relevant data about the research question and/or the topic.


 Contextual Contribution: A study with limitations can always be useful to provide the overall setting or background of your study, this can put into focus the problem which you are seeking to look at or point out the areas within the current literature that you are going to be filling.


 Comparison with Other Studies: If a study is conducted along with a few restrictions, then it becomes possible to compare the difference in the results and identify the degree of their similarity or divergence, using other comparable studies.


 Guidance for Future Research: Recognising the limitations of a particular work can be useful for the further consequent research, as knowing certain gaps in this limited study will help you to direct your work to a better methodological approach or to complete the information that the limited study did not manage to embrace.


 Complementing Stronger Evidence: Such a study with obvious limitations can add to a collection of more rigorous studies or at least give similar results.


 In conclusion, it is always important to know and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of a study, however, such studies can be quite useful when one is compiling a number of studies as part of an evidence based project proposal

List three non-clinical moments in the workplace when you would perform hand hygiene with soap and water rather than using an alcohol-based hand rub.

List three non-clinical moments in the workplace when you would perform hand hygiene with soap and water rather than using an alcohol-based hand rub.


2.how does Bacteria and bacterial spores act to cause infection.



3.  The chain of infection involves six steps. List the steps in the correct order in the following diagram.


Entry: How microorganism enters new host

Exit: How the microorganism leaves the reservoir

Host: New pathogen residence

Mode of transmission: microorganism movement from old host to new host

Pathogen: disease causing microorganism

Reservoir: where the microorganism lives



21.  Complete the following  by defining the terms ""critical"", ""semi-critical"" and 'non-critical"" items for reprocessing of equipment for patient care, and identifying the reprocessing procedure for each.


Critical Items

Semi-critical Items

Non-critical Items"

1. Three Non-Clinical Instances to Wash Hand with an Emphasis on Soap and Water

 After Using the Restroom: Remediating the environment also goes a long way in preventing cross infections and this is done simply by washing our hands with water and soap after using the washroom.

 Before Eating: Asking is fundamental with a view of avoiding any contaminants that might be ingested through hand contact.

 After Handling Trash: When handling garbage or disposal of the same, soap and water is preferred for washing off dirt, soiling or even traces of bacteria.

 2. How Bacteria and Bacterial Spores Behave to Produce Infection

 Bacteria: Infection as a result of bacterial pathogens involves penetration of the bacteria into tissues of the host and multiplying therein. It can make toxins, avoid recognition by the immune system, subsist on host nutrients and cause tissue injury and diseases.

 Bacterial Spores: Spores are other forms of bacteria which are inactive structures that are capable of surviving unfavourable conditions. When they get into a favorable substrate (e. g. , a host), they can germinate, turn into the active structure, and ensue on the process of infection. Spores are generally much more resistant to disinfection and therefore are often more difficult to eradicate.

 3. The following diagram is the correct order of the chain of infection:

 Pathogen: Disease-causing microorganism

 Reservoir: Here the microorganism exists

 Exit: How the microorganism escapes the reservoir

 Mode of Transmission: There is transfer of microorganisms from one host to another host

 Entry: Modes of invasion by the microorganism in the new host

 Host: New pathogen residence

 4. The Reprocessing of Items of Equipment for Use in the Treatment of Patients

 Critical Items


 Definition: Equipment or objects either penetrating the sterile body spaces or the vascular system.

 Reprocessing Procedure: This organism must to be sterilized. Sterilization methods in this category include; autoclaving where the object is exposed to steam under pressure, ethylene oxide gas sterilization, and others.

 Semi-Critical Items


 Definition: Products or devices that touch mucous membranes or non-intact skin, for example, swabs, probes, endoscopes, stethoscopes,کاتتر, <Kateter> tubing, ENT instruments, suture, catheter, advocate, endotracheal tubes and any object that has been in contact with mucous membranes or non-intact skin.

 Reprocessing Procedure: Has to be disinfected at high level, this might be done using chemical disinfecting agents such as glutaraldehyde or hydrogen peroxide.

 Non-Critical Items


 Definition: Products which by their nature, make contact with intact skin; it does not encompass any product that come into any contact with the mucus membrane.

 Reprocessing Procedure: Describes those surfaces and objects that must be cleaned and disinfected at the low level, using only detergent and water. These include blood pressure gadgets such as the cuff and stethoscopes to listen to the output.

brief description of metoprolol drug with mode of action, indication, management and conclusion."

brief description of metoprolol drug with mode of action, indication, management and conclusion."

Metoprolol: Brief Description

 1. Mode of Action:

 Metoprolol is accepted to have beta-blocking action on the adrenergic receptors where it gives precedence to beta-1 receptors. It acts by IMPAIring the adaptive ability of the heart to recipient louder rates of adrenaline (epinephrine) since it Abs known beta-1 receptors. This action reduces hea rate, force of contraction and output of heart, thereby lowering blood pressure and the myocardial oxygen requirement.


 2. Indications:


 Hypertension (high blood pressure)

 Angina pectoris (chest pain)

 Heart failure

 To prevent a first myocardial infarction (heart attack)

 Arrhythmias (irregular heartbeats)

 3. Management:


 Dosage: Usually in tablet or liquid form and taken internally in quantities which may depend on the ailment being relieved or controlled. Intravenous administration may be in the emergency, for example, myocardial infarction.

 Monitoring: Blood pressure, pulse, and ECG should be checked every 2–4 weeks in maintenance phase and dose should be adjusted according to Above changes and side effects should be looked for.

 Side Effects: Some associated complications that the patients experience include bradycardia as well as hypotension, fatigue, dizziness, and depression. Signs of new-onset heart failure or deterioration of the patient’s status should be observed.

 Contraindications: Should be used with considerable precautions in patients with bradycardia, heart block or severe asthma. It should be noted that sudden cessation of therapy is contraindicated in order to avert rebound hypertension or angina.

 4. Conclusion:

 Metoprolol is a useful drug for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases; hypertension and angina pectoris being among them. Due to its role in decreasing a load on the heart, it is widely used in the therapy of different heart diseases. However, it has to be managed and monitored well, so that it can offer all its advantages, while avoiding such drawbacks.

The combination of benzoyl peroxide and erythromycin is prescribed for acne because benzoyl peroxide:

The combination of benzoyl peroxide and erythromycin is prescribed for acne because benzoyl peroxide:

A- Improve the efficacity of erythromycin

B- Decreases the risk of desquamation

C- Decreases the risk of resistance to erythromycin

D- Increases the time patient can be exposed to sunlight"

The correct answer is:


 C- Decreases the risk of resistance to erythromycin


 Explanation: The combination is often added when treating acne with benzoyl peroxide that is employed to decrease the bacterial resistance to erythromycin. Benzoyl peroxide regularises the concentration of acne provoking bacterias on skin which helps get the best outcome from erythromycin use and minimises the bacterias’ ability to develop resistance to the antibiotic

Mai Nguyen, Nam's mother, has hypertension.

Mai Nguyen, Nam's mother, has hypertension.  She is forgetful about taking her medicines since her husband dies, she has experienced periods of depression.  When asked about her medicines she often replies, ""It doesn't really matter since my husband diet.  If I die, what difference will it make?"" Mai Nguyen was scheduled to have lunch with friends but did not arrive.  When her friends called the house, they got no answer.  At the end of lunch, one of Mai's friends decided to call Nam to inform him of her concerns about his mother.  Nam found his mother unresponsive on the kitchen floor.  He called 911, and she was brought to the hospital by ambulance.  At the hospital, the emergency department doctor tells Nam that his mother has had a massive stroke brought on by uncontrolled hypertension.  He asks Nam whether Mai has an advance directive or living will.  Mai has neither.  The physician asks Nam to consider what level of care to offer his mother.  He tells Nam that comprehensive treatment would include intubation, mechanical ventilation, and tube feeding support.  He fells it is unlikely that she will experience significant recovery from this stroke.  Name tells you, ""I want everything done for my mother.  I lost my father this year, and I'm not going to lose her too.""  Yen, Nam's wife, reminds you that Mai has been depressed since her husband died and has expressed a desire to die.  Because Nam and Yen are not in agreement about the course of action, no decision is communicated.  Mai's condition continues to deteriorate, and the ED physician feels he must intubate her, place her on a ventilator, and admit her to the ICU according to hospital protocol.


You are aware of Mai's statements and her poor compliance with treatment.  What, if any, concerns do you have about this course of action?

Mai continues to decline.  Nam is informed that the ""only thing keeping his other alive is the ventilator and IV medicines"".  Do you consider this heroic treatment?

How would you approach Mr. Nguyen to speak with hi about how he is feeling?

Nam and Yen have asked to meet with the team providing care to Mai.  They announce that they would like all the ""heroic measures to end.""  They request that Mai be allowed to die.  Could you participate in this care?  What actions would you be comfortable with? What actions would you be uncomfortable with?"

To address Nam’s concerns and resolve the conflict regarding Anh Chu’s outpatient cataract surgery, follow a structured approach:To be able to effectively handle Nam’s concerns and find a solution to the conflict involving Anh Chu’s outpatient cataract surgery, a structured approach should be taken:


 1. Acknowledge and Validate Concerns

 Listen Actively: First of all, you are to have a conversation with Nam and attempt at identifying the main concern that this character has in his mind. Absorb the anxiety he has for his aunt’s protection and the kind and amount of attention she is going to receive.

 Validate Feelings: Explain to Nam that he or she should not think of the feeling as ridiculous as what he or she is feeling is important. You should recall that he has some justified concerns about health of his aunt for she is of a certain age and has been through some changes lately.

 2. Provide Clear Information

 Explain Outpatient Surgery: Make certain that Nam understand that outpatient surgery for cataracts and the explanation of why most patient receives attention and is discharged within the same day. Tell them many patients go through this and that is normal to add to the fact that the procedure is relatively safe.

 Detail Safety Measures: Outpatient surgeries are safe and the measures taken are as follows: examinations performed before and after surgery If anything goes wrong the following plans are made: Include info on how the surgical team will ensure that doing the process of sharing the care responsibility does not leave Anh Chu vulnerable to neglect during the process.

 3. Address Specific Concerns

 Assess Risk Factors: Decompose on Anh Chu ailments such as osteoporosis and the new complication with “accidents” as well as the effects of the vices on cure. Stress, however, that all these factors are seen and considered by the surgical team in relation to the upcoming operation and the after-treatment.

 Discuss Support Needs: : Nam’s is concerned he has an aunt who is also targeted to be helped. Educate her on other programs that are available in the society that could assist her once she had been discharged from the hospital such as home care services, transportation services, and any other organization which would be of help to her.

 4. Improving the quality of communication with the healthcare providers

 Arrange a Meeting: Roll for a meeting to Nam and Anh Chu with the healthcare team to discuss more about the plan of the surgery. Ideally, this could be an ophthalmologist, a nurse, or a case manager who could make better sense of the findings and perhaps set the mind of the person at rest.

 Encourage Questions: Tell Nam that for him to get certain questions/ matters he wants addressed, let them take them to the meeting. Ensure that all the questions that he majors in is well answered to the best of your capability.

 5. Support and Follow-Up

 Provide Resources: Inform a relay regarding other related patient database and the support group for the people who had the procedures done to them. This can also (2) help Nam to becomes more empowered and confident as a result of the information acquired.

 Offer Follow-Up: Nam: Organize a short discussion of status of complaints that have been made and satisfaction of vents Nam and fulfillment of postoperative care Anh Chu.

 6. Document the Discussion

 Record Details: Capture all the complains ever made, all the presentations made and any action that was made as an outcome. Ensure this record is shared with the rest of the healthcare team, it can be handy in case some emerged problems appear.


 In the conflict it would be possible to help Nam with listening to her concerns, offering some factual information, helping her with the communication with the providers, supporting her and follow up for her to help her with the conflict and to ensure that Anh Chu gets the proper care that she needs. It also helps to build the trust that Nam has on the health care team and possibilities to cooperate with them.

What approach might the nurse take to assist in resolving the conflict between Mrs. Lieberman and her daughter

What approach might the nurse take to assist in resolving the conflict between Mrs. Lieberman and her daughter

To assist in resolving the conflict between Mrs.  Lieberman and her daughter, the nurse can use the following approach:The following is the steps that the nurse ought to employ in order to help reconcile the conflict between Mrs. Lieberman and her daughter:


 1. Active Listening:

 Objective: Possess the capability to analyze the story from both Mrs. Lieberman’s as well as her daughter’s perspective and feelings.

 Action: Do not interrupt and try not to talk until one is certain that they have heard all that the other person has to say. Replace it with feeling and concern to make them have an understanding they are being listened and their feeling matters.

 2. Open Communication:

 Objective: Encourage candour and courtesy, which will not quickly degenerate into a quarrel.

 Action: Assist in starting conversations and approvals where both of the participants will be in a position to forward their views and grievances. They should use questions in the discussion with the objective of enabling both advocates to speak their side.

 3. Mediating and Negotiating:

 Objective: Bargain to the point that a suitable middle ground will be agreed on and bring bargaining to a halt.

 Action: Educate them over to understand that which aims and concerns are relevant to all the inhabitants. Engage in negotiations in a way that both partners will be able to benefit from the outcome arrived at.

 4. Providing Information and Education:

 Objective: When there is a misunderstanding or any extra information needed in this committee is required this person gets it.

 Action: Give doctors or care-related information regarding the facets of the clash. Let them know any procedures, codes/regulations or the opportunities available to them.

 5. Encouraging Problem-Solving:

 Objective: Allow them to bring together a team and work together in an attempt to conjure a solution to the challenge.

 Action: Come to their rescue as they try to analyze various courses of action and make decisions concerning the pros and cons of each solution. Whenever you can, try to help the two of them arrive at the decision themselves.

 6. Offering Emotional Support:

 Objective: Advise Mrs Lieberman as well as her daughter.

 Action: Stand by the candidate during this process, teach them, assure them and inform them that this is expected. In other words, one should allow children to feel however they want and advise children to attempt to resolve that.

 7. Documenting and Follow-Up:

 Objective: Ensure that after the decision is made, the follow-up is done well and is enough.

 Action: This way ensure that when recording the conflict that was made they also record the resolution that was arrived at when negotiating. Recommend to schedule further follow up points on meetings in order to discuss with the team on the status of work done and work remaining.

Anh Chu, Nam's aunt, is scheduled for outpatient cataract surgery later this week at the local hospital.

Anh Chu, Nam's aunt, is scheduled for outpatient cataract surgery later this week at the local hospital.  Nam reports to the clinic wishing to discuss the pan for his aunt's surgery ""with whoever is the boss.""  Nam is concerned that his aunt will not be staying at the hospital.  ""She's having surgery.  I don't understand this! She's 78 years old.  She's going to need help.  This doesn't make sense.  You have to change things.  It won't be safe. Nam tells you he has discussed his concerns with the ophthalmologist.  He tells you that the ophthalmologist told him he was ""overreacting.  We always do it this way.  You just don't understand.""  Nam is visibly upset.  He believes that his aunt is receiving inadequate care.  He appeals to you to help him take care of his aunt. ""This is where Aunt Chu gets her care.  You know her.  You have to change this.""  Anh Chu has been seen at the family clinic several times over the past few years.  She takes a medication for osteoporosis and has been counseled about the need for exercise and weight loss.  She has also begun to experience problems with ""accidents.""  She has never had surgery in the past and her only hospitalizations have been for childbirth.  Mr. Chu's husband recently passed away, and she has been living alone since then.

Devise a plan to resolve this conflict with Nam."

In this case, Nam is asking quite reasonable questions about the dangers of outpatient cataract surgery for the wife of his elder uncle, Mrs. He cares about her life, and perhaps even more that there is no clear care protocol after the surgical operation. Here’s how you can approach resolving this conflict:

 Nam’s concerns squarely fit within the validity concerns that are commonly discussed in qualitative research; thus the first action that the authors would have to take would be to admit to them.

 Active Listening: First of all, listen to Nam’s words even if there is no necessity to interject him. Carry on talking and insist that he is quite normal to worry, especially because the aunt is much older and in not very good condition anyway.

 Empathy: In order to be a protective nephew and demand that Jacky and the hosts of the show recognize his feelings toward Nam, those feelings have to be involved. For example: “I am able to understand that you have being concerned with your aunt after some surgery she has been through through your received emails.

 Sub-step 2: Provide ‘lay’ interpretation

 Education about Outpatient Cataract Surgery: That is why, you ought to provide information as to why cataract surgery is predominantly carried out on outpatient service. Emphasize that it is a quite expected operation with a considerable efficacy rate and most of the patients are allowed to go home and recuperate with an adequate treatment.

 Post-Operative Care Plan: Describing in detail what will be told to Mrs. Chu about next visits, instillations, activities limitation and signs to look for in case of complications.

 Getting the Support Plan of the new candidate is the third strategic step in the hiring process.

 Assessing Mrs.  Chu’s Support System: Helps Nam in finding out who can visit Mrs. Chu after her surgery. Discuss the prospects of any of them having a family member, neighbor, or caregiver drop them off, cook for them or help them with some chores sometime after the operation.

 Consider Home Health Services: If Nam continues to worry, recommended looking for perhaps home health care perhaps a nurse coming to the house to see how Mrs. Chu is doing, for a few days at most to help out.

 The fourth step is the aspect known as Array Communication Trouble:

 Interprofessional Communication: Express your desire to act as a go-between between Nam the ophthalmologist and the other other health care personnel that he/she may be interacting with. Advise Nam to discuss with the ophthalmologist, which she has not done as she was never given an opportunity to speak.

 Patient Advocacy: If Nam still possess such an attitude that nobody is listening to him then you represent Nam to arrange with the healthcare team so as to Nam can fully ventilate all the grievances better in this approach.

 Nam organise the following people and their spouses: Nam and Mrs Chu, Nguyen and Mrs Mai Anh, Dang and Mrs Ngoc Tra.

 Encourage Participation: Nam and Mrs. Chu needs to be involved in the decision making. Ensure that the procedure is understood by Mrs. Chu Then tell Nam to pursue the other concerns that might be remaining.

 Respect Autonomy: Nam is quite pushy, though, one has understand that Mrs. Chu has her right to decision making for her treatment. Be especially careful that she feels empowered when in this process.

 The last step is the Reassuring and Closing of the Communication is the final step where the sender of the message or communication ensures that his/her message has been understood and the intended action has been taken [].

 Reassurance: It is important to reassure that the members of the healthcare team will try to do everything in order to safeguard Mrs.  Chu.

 Follow-Up Plan: Follow up later through a call or meeting to know how Mrs.  Chu maybe feeling after the surgery to probably offer her more support .

 If participants in this conflict act as follows, one can solve it in favor of Mrs.  Chu and help her receive proper care: Nam’s concerns are considered; Nam receives the information needed to understand the process, which is going on; the plan of post-operation care is created in cooperation with Nam; the barriers which could hinder proper communication are eliminated.


Provide a definition of diversity.

Provide a  definition of diversity. Diversity: Describe the characteristics of each aspect of diversity listed below  Culture, race, ethnicity, Disability, Religious or spiritual beliefs,  Gender,  Generational,  Sexual orientation/sexual identity - Heterosexual, (LGBTQIA) lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, asexual or allied."

Definition of Diversity:

 Diversity then is the variation that is present within the context in question. It includes a broad collection of aspects for instance color, origin, sex, generation, sexual preference, disability, creed, and culture. In the healthcare setting, diversity refers to the acknowledgment and acceptance of the differences, which helps to provide the proper kind of care and attention to the patient.


 Characteristics of Different Aspects of Diversity:Characteristics of Different Aspects of Diversity:



 Definition: The system of beliefs, values, and norms that have evolved and are practice by a society or a culture.

 Characteristics: Consists of language, beliefs and attitude, norms, and customs of the people in the community. Culture plays a significant role in the way and extent of talking, and thinking about illness and treatment and in handling decisions.



 Definition: A system of classification of people in societies which is based on color, face shape, size and texture of hair and other body features.

 Characteristics: Identity, on the other hand, does have an affect on social experience, race determines who one can interact with, and what kind of resources one has access to. With it being related to health and diseases, it commonly is associated with differences and prejudiced treatment.



 Definition: In essence, a cultural, ancestral, linguistic or national bond.

 Characteristics: Ethnicity involves culture, custom, and language of the people as they practice it. The mentality and the identity is build by it, and it can bind people to certain communities and histories.



 Definition: A state of health given by the nature that hampers the mobility or other functions of an individual.

 Characteristics: Disabilities are categorized as physical or non-physical; may be present all the time or from time to time. They define ways that people engage with reality and commonly call for adjustments to make it possible for everyone to engage and participate.

 Religious or Spiritual Beliefs:


 Definition: Religious beliefs that guide a person in choice of dress, food, place of work, place of residence, and nearly every other aspect of life.

 Characteristics: Moral values, religious and spiritual beliefs provide direction for choice of actions, practices and attitudes to life and death. They may core concerns and decisions in the area of medicine such us treatments, diets, and rite of passage pertaining to illness and recovery.



 Definition: Gendereed roles and behaviors as well as learned responses and attitudes embraced and expected as masculine, feminine, or anything else outside this dualism.

 Characteristics: Biological sex and gender identity may be the same or they may not be the same. It is a social construct that impacts norms, career and job possibilities, and perceptions of the world and the self in the areas of interactions, perceptions, health and medicine.

 Generational Diversity:


 Definition: Age or era of birth diversity, including relative valuing and differing modes of communication and outlooks.

 Characteristics: People for different generations (for example, Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials) may have different attitudes towards work, technologies, and social problems. This diversity has implications with regard to team interactions as well as the service delivery to the patients.

 Sexual Orientation/Sexual Identity:


 Heterosexual: Anyone who is sexually interested by members of the different gender.

 LGBTQIA (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Intersex, Asexual or Allied):LGBTQIA (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Intersex, Asexual or Allied):

 Characteristics: Sexual orientation refers to to whom one is attracted, whereas gender identity definition refers to how the individual sees themselves; for instance, male or female or non-binary. These identities determine interpersonal connections and interactions, and may a have an impact on mental health because of prejudice and discrimination. First, in the field of healthcare, it is important to establish such an environment that would recognize these sexual orientations.


 Learning and embracing all these aspects of diversity in any environment but especially in healthcare fosters good communication, tailored care, as well as environments that embrace diversity. It also assists in eradicating inequities and enhancing the relations of trust within diverse population groups.

Mai Nguyen, the mother of Nam Nguyen, has been experiencing blurred vision and decreased visual acuity.

Mai Nguyen, the mother of Nam Nguyen, has been experiencing blurred vision and decreased visual acuity.  A local ophthalmologist diagnosed bilateral cataracts.  The ophthalmologist has recommended cataract removal in the left eye with insertion of an intraocular lens.  He told Mrs. Nguyen to schedule the surgery ""at your convenience"" and explained that the surgery would be performed on an outpatient basis.  

What preoperative testing is Mrs. Nguyen likely to have?

Why must Mrs. Nguyen have surgical clearance from her PCP prior to the surgery?

What preoperative teaching would you do with Mrs. Nguyen?"

Thus, concerning the preoperative preparation of Mai Nguyen who is to be operated under cataract surgery with intraocular lens implantation, some of the following should be done: Here are the factors of consideration:


 Preoperative Examination of Patients Before Cataract Operation

 Mrs.  Nguyen will likely undergo the following tests:MRS. Nguyen will likely undergo the following tests:Nguyen will likely undergo the following tests:


 Comprehensive Eye Examination:

 Visual Acuity Test: To measure the degree of her near as well as distant vision.

 Slit-Lamp Examination: It is impossible to closely examine the cornea and the lens of the eye without making an anterior part of the eye slightly oedematous.

 Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT): Eye check up particularly the retina to diagnose diseases such as degeneration in the macula and the Retina-Macula.


 For this purpose, we typically have the use of such facilities as for the measurement of the length of the eye and curvature of the cornea. This is important in a bid to determine potential power of the intraocular lens that is to be implanted.

 A-Scan Ultrasound: If needed this test is accurate in measuring the eye and assist in the calculation the intraocular lens than is required.

 Blood Tests:

 The common tests conducted in the laboratory include the Complete Blood Count (CBC) as well as the coagulation profile in case there is an aspirin use or the patient is suspected to be bleeding, or may be unwell.

 Surgical Clearance from PCP

 Mrs.  Nguyen needs surgical clearance from her Primary Care Provider (PCP) because:My dear wife and home maker. Nguyen needs surgical clearance from her Primary Care Provider (PCP) because:Nguyen needs surgical clearance from her Primary Care Provider (PCP) because:


 Medical Fitness: Thus the PCP assesses her general health for any risks to surgery and age is an issue together with any chronic diseases she presently has or has had in her past including hypertension, diabetes among others.

 Medication Review: The pcp does a medication assessment at this time for surgery optimization (for instance stopping the use of blood thinners if needed).

 Anesthesia Risks: The clearance also helps to bring out cardio and or respiratory complications that may affect the use of anesthesia.

 Chronic Condition Management: Conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure or osteoperosis are conditions that normally require control before the operation is done so that they do not complicate the operation.

 Teaching plans of Preoperative course for Mrs. Nguyen

 Pre-Surgery Instructions:

 Medication Adjustments: Instruction: Write down which medications should be continued or need to be discontinued before the surgery like for instance, blood thinning drug or an antidiabetic drug.

 Fasting Instructions: Ensure they have understood their requirements when fasting prior to the operation especially if there is to be sedation.

 What to Expect During Surgery:Anasazi HS And Some Information about Expectations During Surgery

 On this, let me state that cataract surgery is usually brief and takes approximately 15-30 minutes and is done under local anaesthesia together with intravenous sedation.

 Reassure her that although you will see to it that she is told in detail when the procedure is being carried out, she will not feel any pain.

 Postoperative Care:

 Eye Protection: In case of surgery, the woman will have to cover It with an eyepatch /shield immediately after the surgery.

 Activity Restrictions: She should avoid lifting things, bending or anything that will exert pressure on the eye for one week.

 Medication Instructions: It will be recommended that she is administered with antibiotic as well as anti-inflammatory eye drop; how and when to apply it.

 Follow-Up Appointments: Emphasize the need to come back for follow up to get to see effects of healing and also to monitor vision recovery.

 Signs of Complications: Teach her the fundamental understanding of the signs of worsening of the symptoms which may include pain, redness, vision change or discharge since they could be as a result of infection or rise in intraocular pressure.

 It is important to spruce up and meet all the medical needs of Mrs. Nguyen and most importantly make sure that she has adequate knowledge in medicine in order for her to understand the surgery and what she is to undergo next, the doctor has the responsibility of making the lady understand every aspect of the surgery and even the best way she should conduct herself after the surgery in order to gain the best results.