Mai Nguyen, Nam Nguyen's mother, has been experiencing blurred vision

Mai Nguyen, Nam Nguyen's mother, has been experiencing blurred vision.  At a recent ophthalmology appointment, she was told she has bilateral cataracts that will require surgical removal.  She reports to the primary care clinic today, accompanied by Nam.  Mai tells you, ""I don't know what happened.  I was pulling into a parking space at the grocery store, and the next thing you know I hear this loud boom.  I don't know how I did it, but I hit the care next to me.  I just didn't see it.""  Nam is very concerned and questions whether his mother should be allowed to drive.  Mai is visibly upset ""I don't want to hurt anyone, but I don't want to lose all my freedom.""  Nam insisted on this appointment to discuss his concerns.

What data will you need to gather from Mai and Na?

What assessments will you need to perform?

How will cataract surgery most likely affect Mai?

What information would you offer to Mai and Nam?"

1. Symptoms Supporting the Nursing Diagnosis of Acute Confusion:Symptoms Supporting the Nursing Diagnosis of Acute Confusion:


 Mrs. Nguyen is confused judging from Nam’s words whereby he says that things he tells her are confusing to his mother.

 She also has fatigue and shortness of breath (dyspnea) complaints which are not characteristic in her case.

 Confusion is common in older people and it’s made worse if the patient has a pale appearance and swollen ankles (edema) which could mean the patient’s condition has worsened.

 2. Physiological Changes Causing These Symptoms:Physiological Changes Causing These Symptoms:


 Mr. Nguyen has the medical care history of chronic congestive heart failure (CHF). Moreover, in CHF the strength with which the heart is pumping blood is diminished and the cardiac output is subsequently decreased. This leads to decreased blood supply of oxygen to the tissues and organs of the body such as the brain leading to confusion (cerebral hypoxia).

 CHF results in oedema in the peripheries and specifically ankles, brevit up, and fatigability. It also leads to edema that adds pressure on the heart and even decreases its pumping method.

 These symptoms of fatigue and dyspnea are consequent of reduced levels of blood flow and which make it very hard for Mrs. Nguyen to perform activities which are basic thus worsening her confusion.

 3. Additional Therapies the Physician May Prescribe:Additional Therapies the Physician May Prescribe:


 Diuretics: To aid in elimination of excess fluid in the body to decrease on oedema and lessen the load on the heart.

 Oxygen therapy: To increase the level of oxygen in the blood and, therefore, avoid hypoxemia.

 ACE inhibitors or beta-blockers: In order to enhance heart function by lowering the pressure on blood vessels and also the load on heart.

 Dietary counseling: In order to regulate salt consumption and the levels of fluid in your body, since such foods are normally high in salt content.

 Physical activity regimen: Gentle exercises that ensure that she builds her stamina as a patient with the condition without getting worse.

 4. How to Answer Mrs. Nguyen’s Question About Preventing Severe Illness in the Future:How to Answer Mrs. Nguyen’s Question About Preventing Severe Illness in the Future:


 Needless to say, it is advisable not to get this sick again and this requires you to manage your heart failure well. Some key steps include:


 Taking your medications as prescribed: It is always important to take your heart medications as prescribed as this will help manage your symptoms, and any progress in your heart diseases.

 Monitoring your weight daily: Weight gain that happens quickly might mean the buildup of fluid and one should seek medical attention about this.

 Following a low-sodium diet: Avoiding intake of salty foods, and minimize your salt intake, to avoid the problem of fluids buildup and also to give your heart a rest.

 Staying active within your limits: Strenuous and intense exercises will exert pressure on the entire body while walking exercises help to improve the condition of the heart without necessarily exerting more effort.

 Attending regular check-ups: They let your doctor monitor the health status concerning with one’s treatment and can easily detect those that are worsening.

Hey guys, make a justifiable response for the following.

Hey guys, make a justifiable response for the following.

As the worldwide response to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) continues, nurses are working to assist the sick, quell community fears and address concerns. Nurses, the largest sector of healthcare workers in every country, play a pivotal role in preparation for a possible pandemic. The nurses' role in a pandemic begins even before a disease has an opportunity to cause widespread devastation, the World Health Organization (WHO), the American Nurses Association (ANA) and other healthcare organizations said. In a 2018 policy brief, the ANA said nurse leaders are the key to preventing and containing widespread illnesses. They have the skills and education to develop coordinated global networking and properly identifying of infectious diseases. As frontline responders, nurse leaders are the first to recognize symptomatic patients and harmonize response efforts, the ANA said. ""The American Academy of Nursing asserts that nurses are prepared for the leadership roles in policy decisions of health systems and government agencies and can prepare for, identify, respond to and direct recovery efforts from global pandemics that require an informed, internationally coordinated response,"" the ANA said in ""Expanding nursing's role in responding to global pandemics."" In preparation for advanced roles, registered nurses (RNs) who earn a master's in nursing degree (MSN), including through online master's in nursing programs, can be prepared for the worst. In an MSN career, RNs have an opportunity to provide expert help and guidance through devastating illnesses, including COVID-19.

1. In a fact-filled manner, rationalize or falsity the following concerning the polypeptide second configuration.

The hydrophobic/hydrophilic quality of amino elements is vital to secondary configuration.

2.Basically, given a double portion of polypeptides have a mutual scope of series

recognition during chain configuration, a similar execution has low chances of being

shared. Is the inference true or false? Elucidate.

3.State three facts about secondary polypeptide arrangement.

4.identify the least complex amino elements series and state its components.

5.Using data from genomes, determine the mechanism that interlinks

the cell configuration incident in animals.

6.Basically, what initiates the convenience of polythene chromosomes? Describe the mechanism.

7.Fundamentally, an arrangement with hydrogen bonds between polypeptide chains set

side by side is?

8.Alternative sorts of facts for a relationship between two genes are also given that are

not dependent in sequence similarity. Falsify or justify the following.

phylogenetic outlines unveil the genes are not that regularly present in organisms


9.From bioinformatics concept, determine an integral implication of the two inferences


Genes are transcribed from the same DNA strand and genes are closely connected on

the same chromosomes

10.What is the implication of the inference below basing on bioinformatics concepts?

Gene syntheses are pragmatic amid otherwise distinct genes.

11.Determine the count of sorts of polypeptide dilapidation trails unveiled in a eukaryotic cell."

1. There is an important consequence of the amino elements’ hydrophobic/hydrophilic nature for secondary configuration.

 Rationalization: True. Another level of structure of the polypeptide chain is the alpha-helices and beta-sheets are equally affected by the amphipathic nature of the amino acids chains. These properties help in determining the kind of folding and packaging pattern of the protein. Hydrophobic part of the protein is usually found within the structure, it is insulated from the water, while the hydrophilic part works with the aqueous surroundings, it is located usually at the surface of the protein structure.

 2. As a double portion of polypeptides has a mutual scope of series recognition during chain configuration, a similar execution has low chances of being shared.

 Inference: This statement is most of the time untrue. Nevertheless, if the sequences of two polypeptides overlap in a mutual scope of series recognition, they are presumably identical in structure and function. In many cases sequence homology will therefore result in functional and structural similarity of the homologous proteins.

 3. Three Facts About Secondary Polypeptide Arrangement:Three Facts About Secondary Polypeptide Arrangement:

 Inter secondary structures are considered to be secured mainly through hydrogen bonds.

 The two main forms of the secondary conformation are alpha-helix and beta-pleated sheets.

 Dispositions of these structures make a valuable contribution to the three-dimensional formation and the work-capacity of the protein.

 4. To Examine the least complex amino elements series, it is necessary to include the following parts.

 Glycine is an amino acid which is the smallest, the side group of a glycine is simply one hydrogen atom bonded to the nitrogen. Some of its parts include; an amino group (-NH2), a carboxyl group (-COOH), a hydrogen atom and a side chain (H).

 5. Based on the Data from Genomes, Find Out the Mechanism which connects the Cell Configuration Incident in Animals.

 Gene expression regulation is one of the processes that links up cell configuration. Inside the genome, it is possible to discover the process which specific genes get activated or deactivated during development for the purpose of making cells specialized and tissues formed. Epigenetic changes, the activity of specific genes and signalling pathways control this process.

 6. What Sets off the Convenience of Polythene Chromosomes? Describe the Mechanism.

 Polytene chromosomes are generally observed in some cells such as Drosophila salivary gland cells. They are obtained via multiple rounds of DNA replication but not followed by division – endoreduplication, so the chromosomes are large and distinct. The ‘convenience’ is in their size: the larger organisms enable observation of the chromosomal bands and gene activity.

 7. An Arrangement with Hydrogen Bonds Between Polypeptide Chains Set Side by Side Is?

 This can be described as a beta-pleated sheet, a highly prevalent second level of proteins whereby strands of parallel or antiparallel polypeptides are held together through hydrogen bonds.

 8. Other Kinds of Facts for a Pair of Genes not Sharing Sequence Similarity.

 Justification: In phylogenetic analysis, the genes can be detected that are in functional categories or expression profiles even they do not have significant sequence conservation. For example, genes encoding for proteins that are products of the same metabolic pathway may be functionally more similar than they are structurally.

 9. Integral Implication of the Two Inferences:Integral Implication of the Two Inferences:

 Genes are transcribed from the same DNA strand: Proposes that some genes may be controlled in ‘co-regulated’ or ‘operon-like’ fashion, predominantly in prokaryotic organisms.

 Genes are closely connected on the same chromosome: In less organized terms, might suggest co-inheritance or linkage disequilibrium, in which genes, effectively linked, are passed on together.

 10. Implication of the Inference: Many Gene Syntheses Are Pragmatic Though Genes Are Otherwise Distinct.

 This probably relates to gene fusion/gene fission, the scenario where two or more separate genes come together, to generate unique functions or, more probably, regulatory elements.

 11. Count of Polypeptide Degradation Pathways Unveiled in Eukaryotic Cells:Count of Polypeptide Degradation Pathways Unveiled in Eukaryotic Cells:

 Some of the major routes are the UPS and ALP; however, there are somewhat more diverse depending on context and cell type.

Sleep & Rest

Sleep & Rest

Yen Nguyen arrives at the clinic accompanied by her husband, Nam.  She appears very tired. Nam tells you that she has been sleeping poorly.  ""She worries so much.  She worries about Kim, our grandchild.  She worries about our kids. Now she's worried about my mother.  When we were going through that mammogram scare, she was even worse!  Mrs. Nguyen shrugs her shoulders, I can't help it, and I'm like that. I've always been a worrier.  But it's gotten worse lately.  Now I worry and get so emotional.  I lie in bed thinking about all this stuff and end up in tears.  Then, when I finally get to sleep, I wake up covered with sweat.  I've tried extra soy for hot flashes, melatonin from the health food store, herbal tea, and even Benadryl - but nothing seems to work.  I'm so tired. But when I get up, I have to deal with all these little kids at work.  They're bouncing all over the place and noisy.  I just get so short-tempered with them.  That's not like me I can't take this anymore!""

Clearly Yen has a sleep problem, underline the data that are defining characteristics of a sleep problem.

Which data suggest ideas about the etiologies of Yen's sleep problem?

Determine a 3 part nursing diagnosis for Yen."

Defining Characteristics of a Sleep Problem:


 Tired appearance

 Sleeping poorly

 Extreme concern for family and other pressure sources

 Insomnia arising from worrying all through the night

 Emotional distress (crying)

 This is next to waking up in a cold sweat.

 Carefully, I went through several treatments (soy, melatonin, herbal tea, Benadryl) and none seemed to work.

 Daytime fatigue is another pronounced symptom of chronic fatigue syndrome.

 Hasty and short temper, particularly, at workplace

 Etiologies of Yen’s Sleep Problem:Etiologies of Yen’s Sleep Problem:


 It is marked by excessive worry (on the events or issues which are related to family, health, or life stressors).

 Hormonal modifications (hot flash, sweating during the night)

 Lack of sleep or poor quality sleep can be attributed to several factors, use of some sleep aids such as melatonin, herbal tea and Benadryl is however considered ineffective.

 Stress arising from having to cope with noisy children at the workplace

 3-Part Nursing Diagnosis for Yen:3-Part Nursing Diagnosis for Yen:


 Nursing Diagnosis: Sleep deprivation

 Related To (Etiology): Contamination, obsessions, and anxiety, autonomic arousal, and sleep disturbance.

 As Evidenced By: Lack of sleep, difficulty to stay awake during the day and excessive tiredness, night sweating, use of caffeine and other sleep-inducing products without positive results, mood swings at work

Discussion: Week 3-Please complete prior to clinical

Discussion: Week 3-Please complete prior to clinical



6  6 unread replies.  6  6 replies.

Knee Pain and Obesity

Patient Profile

N.R., a 52-year-old woman, comes to the clinic for complaints of right knee pain. She had been hoping that the ""pain would just go away,"" but it continues to worsen, especially with activity. She currently takes no medications.

Subjective Data

Denies that her weight has any relationship to the knee pain

States that her mother is a large woman and accepts that it is normal for people in their family to be ""large""

Objective Data

Height 5'2"", weight 205 lb

Describes pain in knee as a 7 on a scale of 1-10



Question: Calculate the BMI (body mass index) for N.R. Is N.R. overweight or obese?

Question: Describe the additional history that needs to be collected specific to weight reduction.

Question: Based on the above data, what other assessment data do you need to perform on N.R?

Question: What nursing diagnoses are appropriate for N.R.?

Question: Outline a basic weight reduction plan appropriate for N.R.

Question: Would N.R. benefit from any referrals and why?"

Patient Profile: N. R. 52 years, female, primary complaint knee pain.

 Objective Data

 Height: 5’2” (62 inches)

 Weight: 205 lbs

 BMI Calculation:

 Formula: BMI = Affected weight in pounds divided by square of affected height in inches then multiplied by 703.

 BMI = (205 / (62 x 62)) x 703 = 37. 5

 Interpretation: A BMI of 37. 5 of them classify N. R. as an obese person.


 Questions and Answers

 By what percent is N. R a candidate for overweight or is N. R. obese using the Body Mass Index (BMI)?


 Currently, N. R. ’s BMI is 37. 5 which puts her into the obese bracket (BMI > 30).

 Explain what further history will be needed of concern to weight reduction.


 Dietary habits: Previous dietary habits, portion sizes, the frequency of meals and snacks as well as the consumption of high calorie or high fat foods and ready processed foods.

 Physical activity: Present exercise profile, the number of hours spent doing exercise (if any), the general active- living profile, and the challenges to integration of exercise into daily practice.

 Previous weight loss attempts: Knowledge about dieting in general, previous achievements, or failures in terms of diets.

 Psychosocial factors: Emotional eating habits , perceived stress levels and perceived behavioral readiness.

 Medical history: Screening for other diseases that may affect weight loss such as hypertension, diabetes or hyperlipidemia amongst others.

 From the above data the following assessment data are required to perform on N. R.


 Musculoskeletal assessment: Flexibility and extension of the knee joint, stability of the joint and presence of any oedema in the involved limb.

 Pain assessment: Type, time, and factors which worsen/ improve knee pain.

 Cardiovascular assessment: Such indices were blood pressure, frequency per minute, and certain indications of the cardiovascular load.

 Metabolic assessment: Look for features of metabolic syndrome, including hyperglycemia or hyperlipidemia.

 Psychosocial assessment: Self-serve on weight loss and intention to carry out behavior modifications.

 What nursing diagnoses are appropriate for N. R. ?


 People with obesity have complex chronic pain, particularly knee pain brought by stress on the joints based on the self-reported knee pain of 7/10.

 Imbalanced Nutrition: Other than Body Requirements concerning excessive caloric intake as is evidenced from the BMI of 37. 5.

 Activities: Limited Schleroderma Movement due to sensitivity to sunlight.   Pain: Impaired Physical Mobility related to knee pain and obesity: The patient report increased pain level with activity.

 Patient-Centeredness, a subcategory under Self-Care Readiness, namely Readiness for Enhanced Health Management in relation to patient’s concern as well as the requirement for pain relief.

 Provide usual and manageable weight loss plan that can fit NR.


 Dietary Modifications:

 Eat in moderation and it is recommended that you embark on a healthy eating plan, with an emphasis on low-fat fruits, vegetables, lean meat, whole grains, and the recommended portion size.

 Suggest that clients constrain the consumption of sweets, canned soda, and other fatty products.

 Physical Activity:

 Start a low impact exercise regimen like swimming, taking a walk or cycling for the improved effect on weight loss without necessarily putting a lot of pressure on the joints.

 Initially, the exercise should be moderate for 30 minutes on each of the 5 days but the duration and the intensity should be progressive.

 Behavioral Strategies:

 Promote the idea of giving realistic expectations on how much weight a woman can lose a week (1-2 pounds).

 Educate patients about proper eating behaviours, including taking time to eat, and listening to hunger and satiety signals.

 Support and Monitoring:

 Subsequently follow up on the patients periodically to check on their progress and to motivate them.

 Try writing down what he or she eats for a time period and then use the diary to analyze the common things that can be avoided.

 Would N. R. benefit from any of the referrals and why?


 Nutritionist/Dietitian: So that I can coach and educate the patient on how they should take and portion their recommended meals to take in per given time.

 Physical Therapist: Knee pain, joint health, weight training, flexibility, balance, aerobic fitness, walking/running for weight loss and osteoarthritis.

 Behavioral Therapist or Counselor: To tackle some of the issues that are likely to lead to eating disorders and to present ways for sustaining motivation.

 Orthopedic Specialist: For more assessment of knee pain and to discuss the prospects of joint management within the context of weight – primarily for the patient I luckily chose.

The specific objectives can be found here:

The specific objectives can be found here: Use this website to answer below questions:


Questions to answer


1.Description of the topic?  identify their specific objective and describe the scope of the problem. For example, if assigned a health condition, you might describe the disease itself or its history or if assigned a specific population you may define that population and the history of those within the population.


2.Describe the public health concern :

Address why this objective was developed?

What are the broad and/or specific health concerns that must be addressed?

What has the concern had on society?"

To answer the questions based on the Healthy People 2030 website, follow these steps:If you want to answer the questions that relate to website of Healthy People 2030, you will need to follow these steps:


 Visit the Healthy People 2030 Objectives and Data page: Trials and Reviews: https://health. gov/healthypeople/objectives-and-data/browse-objectives.


 Choose a specific health topic or objective: Healthy people 2030 has different topics including but not limited to the chronic diseases, mental illnesses, nutrition and diets, maternal health and child health among others. Select a topic that interests you or if it is an instructional project, then, one that has been given.


 Use the information provided under each objective to answer the following questions:To answer the following questions, utilise the information given under each of the objectives:


 1. Description of the Topic:

 Identify the Specific Objective: Choose one of the objectives on the list developed by Healthy People 2030, it can be aimed at increasing the rate of decrease in the rate of diabetes or improving mother’s health.

 Describe the Scope of the Problem: Explain what the objective involves or what it includes; information in terms of past data, history or even background knowledge associated with it; that is affiliated to it. Where it is health condition, goes into some of the peculiarities and trends regarding the ailment. If it is population specific, state the population and briefly describe the most previous health inequalities they have experienced.

 2. Describe the Public Health Concern:Explain a Public Health Issue:

 To the best of the literature, there is no study conducted that might shed light on why this objective was set. : Provide an appreciation of the kind of objective that has to be achieved and why it was stated in the first place. But what was it about the data or trends that catalyzed the requirement for such objective specification to be made? Some of the information that makes up the topic may involve; trends in the incidence of the disease, disparities in the disease treatment, and likely, intervention.

 Health Concerns to Address: What have been postulated as important health challenges governing this objective at a general level or where a lot of detail if provided. For example, in the aspect of mother and child health, ethnic disparities can be contemplated on the basis of maternal mortality.

 Impact on Society: It is now necessary to explain how it implies for the society. Factors such as efficiency affect, cost disturbance, drawbacks to the caregivers, and advocacy including social justice and wellness inequality.

Phan, Nam Nguyen's mother fell in the yard and has abrasions on her knees and a deep puncture wound on her left hand, and a laceration on her scalp

Phan, Nam Nguyen's mother fell in the yard and has abrasions on her knees and a deep puncture wound on her left hand, and a laceration on her scalp.  Mr. and Mrs. Nguyen bring her to the clinic for assessment. She is moving all extremities, and expresses pain. No previous treatment has been given.

What should be your first course of action?

What kind of care will Mai need at the clinic?

You determine that the scalp laceration will need to be sutured.  What actions should you take to prepare Mai for the suturing?

One week later Mai arrives at the clinic with Nam Nguyen to have the sutures removed.  The scalp laceration is dried and healed.  When you inspect her other wounds you notice that her left knee is erythematous, warm and painful to touch, and that there is a moderate amount of purulent drainage. 

What assessment questions should you ask?

Nam states that Mai would not allow anyone to help take care of the wound. You cleanse the knee and remove several small pieces of gravel from the wound bed.  The wound is yellow and malodorous.

What kind of care will Nam need to provide to Mai to heal the knee wound?"

Initial Course of Action

 Primary Assessment:


 Check on Mai to see if she is stable on our arrival at the ER.

 G&G: Tertiary survey : Primary assessment should take place in any casualty, potential severe injuries, for instance, head injury due to the scalp laceration, shock, or internal haemorrhage must be checked.

 Palpate for pain and check whether any urgent request for Oropharyngeal area control is necessary.

 Triage the Wounds:


 Assess the severity of each wound: as for the injuries that range from the abrasions, puncture wound the laceration.

 Determine which of the two wound is more dangerous (For instance deep puncture injury coupled with scalp injury need more attention).

 The Clinic: An Exploration of the Possibilities for Care

 Wound Cleansing and Debridement:


 Rinse all the injuries with normal sterile saline solution so as to reduce infection possibilities due to dirt.

 Talking about the deep puncture wound it is very necessary to wash it, puncture wounds are usually prone to infections.

 Suturing Preparation:


 Prepare all the aseptic surgical equipment and preset to suture the wound in the scalp.

 Conventing Mai and her family that everything would be fine, describe the procedure to Mai family so that they do not get tensed.

 Place Mai in a proper position that will enable her to be holding antiseptic on the side of the injury.

 If some our surgery is required for whatever reason, give a local anaesthetic as and when required.

 Seven days later (suture removal, knee bacterial infection)

 Assessment Questions:


 Some general local measures that need to be taken at home for proper wound care are? As to daily care one should inquire a schedule and protocols of cleaning and other dress changes as well as other problems experienced.

 Has Mai indicated any other symptom or newly developed or worsening of the symptoms, pain or flu like symptoms?

 Were there any constraints (fear, lack of information etc. ) that may had denied proper management of the said wound.

 Wound Evaluation:


 Such manifestation as erythema, warmth and purulent discharges are signs of infection in the wound. This is particularly observed by the yellow colour and the bad odour which may indicate bacterial or an abscess formation.



 Secondly the wound requires local debridement once again so as to remove debris on the tissue.

 By its severity, which is treatable with antibiotics only, topical or oral.

 Educate Nam on proper wound care, including:Teach Nam on how to take care of his wounds:

 The wound:should be washed with saline solutions daily and the correct dressing should be put on it.

 Supervision for signs of worsening of the infection for instance, pain, redness, or pus formation.

 Chronic wound can also lead to inadequate hydration and shield from the usual influences such as pathogenic attack.

 Focus begins and ends with observation, then advise that if the wound fails to heal as directed, one needs to consult a doctor.

During her visit at the clinic, you notice that Mrs. Nguyen is very confused.

During her visit at the clinic, you notice that Mrs. Nguyen is very confused.  Her weight has dropped 7 pounds since her visit last month, her mucous membranes are dry, and she is dyspneic with any activity.  She is diagnosed with pneumonia.  Because of her rapid decline, Mrs. Nguyen is admitted to the hospital to receive intravenous antibiotics.  At the hospital, her initial pulse oximetry reading is 90%, and she is unable to cough up secretions.


Write the most appropriate nursing diagnosis for Mrs. Nguyen.

What actions should you anticipate taking?


The hospitalist writes prescriptions for IV fluids, antibiotics, suction prn, and continuous pulse oximetry. 


What additional prescriptions will you need to provide care for Mrs. Nguyen?

What therapy would you suggest?


Mrs. Nguyen requires suctioning to help remove secretions.  She has a weak cough and crackles and rhonchi throughout al lung fields.  There are few secretions in her oropharynx, and she bites down on the catheter.


What technique would you use to suction her? Explain your choice.


After 4 days in the hospital, Mrs. Nguyen is discharged to hone.  She asks the hospital nurse, ""What can I do to make sure I never get that sick again?""


How would you answer this question?"

Initial Course of Action

 Primary Assessment:


 Check on Mai to see if she is stable on our arrival at the ER.

 G&G: Tertiary survey : Primary assessment should take place in any casualty, potential severe injuries, for instance, head injury due to the scalp laceration, shock, or internal haemorrhage must be checked.

 Palpate for pain and check whether any urgent request for Oropharyngeal area control is necessary.

 Triage the Wounds:


 Assess the severity of each wound: as for the injuries that range from the abrasions, puncture wound the laceration.

 Determine which of the two wound is more dangerous (For instance deep puncture injury coupled with scalp injury need more attention).

 The Clinic: An Exploration of the Possibilities for Care

 Wound Cleansing and Debridement:


 Rinse all the injuries with normal sterile saline solution so as to reduce infection possibilities due to dirt.

 Talking about the deep puncture wound it is very necessary to wash it, puncture wounds are usually prone to infections.

 Suturing Preparation:


 Prepare all the aseptic surgical equipment and preset to suture the wound in the scalp.

 Conventing Mai and her family that everything would be fine, describe the procedure to Mai family so that they do not get tensed.

 Place Mai in a proper position that will enable her to be holding antiseptic on the side of the injury.

 If some our surgery is required for whatever reason, give a local anaesthetic as and when required.

 Seven days later (suture removal, knee bacterial infection)

 Assessment Questions:


 Some general local measures that need to be taken at home for proper wound care are? As to daily care one should inquire a schedule and protocols of cleaning and other dress changes as well as other problems experienced.

 Has Mai indicated any other symptom or newly developed or worsening of the symptoms, pain or flu like symptoms?

 Were there any constraints (fear, lack of information etc. ) that may had denied proper management of the said wound.

 Wound Evaluation:


 Such manifestation as erythema, warmth and purulent discharges are signs of infection in the wound. This is particularly observed by the yellow colour and the bad odour which may indicate bacterial or an abscess formation.



 Secondly the wound requires local debridement once again so as to remove debris on the tissue.

 By its severity, which is treatable with antibiotics only, topical or oral.

 Educate Nam on proper wound care, including:Teach Nam on how to take care of his wounds:

 The wound:should be washed with saline solutions daily and the correct dressing should be put on it.

 Supervision for signs of worsening of the infection for instance, pain, redness, or pus formation.

 Chronic wound can also lead to inadequate hydration and shield from the usual influences such as pathogenic attack.

 Focus begins and ends with observation, then advise that if the wound fails to heal as directed, one needs to consult a doctor.

1, What do you find to be the hardest part of the nursing process AAPIE (ADPIE) as a novice nurse and/or nursing student?

1, What do you find to be the hardest part of the nursing process AAPIE (ADPIE)  as a novice nurse and/or nursing student?

 2, Why do you think you find it difficult?"

1. Nursing MAP: Writing the Hardest Part of the Nursing Process



 Reason: It involves the recording of minute details about the patient’s welfare, his physical health, his psychological health and his social health. A significant concern of a novice is the inability to establish a cancer specific approach in the assessment of findings and relevant points arising out of material under consideration.

 Complexity: This as a result entails a lot of analysis and lots of observation and observation skills are therefore expected. Others may have challenges as to which data is relevant and understanding some of the findings may be a challenge especially to the new nurse.



 Reason: This is the part what has been developed in the care plan and interventions implementation. At times, there could be a lot of patients to address thus, the process of applying the interventions to patients and needs can be clumsy.

 Complexity: Scheduling, time and time management and flexibility are necessary to produce response which will facilitate needs of the patient or the changes in his condition. Organising and supervising care and ensuring diverse therapies can be all very overwhelming merely contemplating with whom and in which manner and then whether all aspects of a patient’s requirement have been addressed.

 2. Reasons for Difficulty

 Assessment Difficulties:


 Lack of Experience: The authors are not unique in their criticism of first-time nurses as having inadequate experience and knowledge of gradual changes in the patients or understanding of relationships between manifestations and a patient’s state.

 Overwhelm: One can sometimes sit back and be amazed that it becomes a challenge, simply because of the incredible amount of data that is available and then by virtue of the need to scan through all the data in order to get a reasonable picture of the patient.

 Decision-Making: This makes newcomers fail slightly on how to determine which data is relevant and how it can be used to attend a particular patient in the right manner.

 Implementation Difficulties:


 Multitasking: Of course, there is one pressing issue that you are sure to come across and that is how to manage and implement several care interventions to several patients.

 Time Management: This means that the duration to be spent on each intervention as well as the time to be spent with each patient must be planned and any changes in condition of the patient well managed.

 Coordination: However, getting to communicate and share some items together with other healthcare workers and ensuring all aspects of the above implementation of care planning are hard.

 Among the recommendations towards averting these difficulties, some of them are;

 Practice and Experience: The better you become at evaluating the patients, as well as the introduction of as well as implementation of the-care plans the more one practices. Search for the enhanced sample of practice situations and the script samples.


 Mentorship: Experienced nurses, colleagues or your trainers should be able to mentor you, sometimes scolding you and above all encourage you throughout the course of these stages.


 Education: It is always important to read on information in relation to various diseases, treatments as well as practices that are available in the nursing sector. It is useful to know how actual cases contribute to realizing the theory of the nursing process.


 Reflection: The increasing experiences should be looked at more often so that feedback can be gotten to see the areas that he or she requires more practice and to also build confidence in the acquired skills.

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In the one year that the Spanish flu ravaged the globe, nurses worked tirelessly to care for sick and dying patients, at the same time exposing themselves and their families to the virus.In the height of the disease outbreak, nurses worked in hospitals and private homes to treat patients. Since there was no cure for the illness, nurses provided necessary care to keep patients comfortable. ""Most people received care at home since hospitals teemed with the ill. In cities, where immigrant ghettos were considered 'hives of illness,' nurses visited patients in their cramped tenement flats. In rural areas, they called on patients in remote farmhouses, log cabins and shacks,"" Lisa Yarkony, Ph.D. and managing editor of the National Association for Home Care's magazine Caring, wrote in, ""Flu, 1918 And Now: The Importance of Good Nursing."" Since the world is more complicated than it was more than 100 years ago, nurse leaders must continue to develop plans that can slow or prevent the progress of any widespread illnesses. Part of developing an effective strategy is using skills learned to earn an MSN degree. RNs who earn an MSN degree learn ways to encourage and improve population health. Through Duquesne University's Online MSN Program, RNs prepare to take leadership roles that improve critical responses to healthcare emergencies.

1.State and explain whether the following is valid or invalid.

Diverse executions are most likely to transpire among units of a gene whose

presentation emerges and declines under identical scenarios.

2.Is it factual do deduct that it is challenging to amalgamate the oligonucleotide chains

directly on the slide? Respond regarding Microarray evaluation.

3.State three facts concerning the microchip assessment in relation to the biomedical


4. Sourcing from bioinformatics, within ________ examination of ________data-A node is

developed between the ________ scoring set, and the gene presented outlines of

these two genes are moderated and the linked components are weighted by the

________ of elements they encompass.


5.Within what constellation assessment is the mechanism repeated n -1 times until one

element remains. What does the count of adjustments offer?

6.Given a nurse locates that a patient's abdominal wound has exenterated,

determine the nurse's next move. Explain.

7.For release from PACU, what vital sign should a patient unveil?

8.Determine the glycoprotein that executes as a lubricant and protective agent.

9.Falsify the following regarding fatty acids.

Naturally occurring unsaturated long-chain fatty acids are nearly Trans-


10.What does fixing of manifold ligands to several GPCRs?"

1. Such variations suggest that diverse executions are most likely to transpire among units of a gene whose presentation emerges and declines under similar circumstances.


 Invalid. The expression of genes changes can be said to change due to several reasons such as genetic modification, epigenetic modifications and environmental factors. The same situations may not always lead to the same formation of genes because of these factors.

 2. Can it be true to conclude that direct fusion of the oligonucleotide chains is difficult to perform on the slide? Respond regarding Microarray evaluation.


 Factual. However, in the microarray analysis, one does not have a raw amalgamated oligonucleotide chains on the slide. Instead the process involves coupling labeled nucleotides directly to the probes that are already fixed on the microarray slide. Direct amalgamation would be a bit difficult because of the issues of blending especially where it calls for stringent control and requirement of certain circumstances for the blending of the two types of organisms in a bid to form a third type.

 3. Tell us three things regarding the microchip assessment in regard to the biomedical notion.


 Microchip Assessment Facts:

 High-throughput Screening: Microchips (or microarrays) enable testing of fixed number of thousands of genes or proteins at the same time for comparison of gene expression intensities.

 Quantitative Analysis: They give exact data of gene expression patterns, thus the appropriate genes that are upregulated or down regulated in situations or diseases can be recognized.

 Diagnostic and Prognostic Use: Microchip assessments involve the measurement of biomarkers in the diagnosis and predicting the likely hood of occurrence of a sickness or response to remedy.

 4. Derived from bioinformatics, within the context of ________ examination of ________ data – A node is developed between the set of values obtained from the ________ scoring set and the gene presented outlines of these two genes are moderated and the components linked with are weighted by the ________ of constituent elements they contain.


 Answer: In the course of network assessment of the gene expression data – a node is created between the scoring set in relation to the gene presented: The contours of these two genes are moderated and components linked to them are parameterized by the number of components they cover.

 5. Within what constellation assessment is the mechanism repeated n-1 times until on element is left the process is repeated. What does this count of adjustments tell us?


 Answer: This refers to the k-fold cross-validation method of evaluating the statistical models. This is done a total of n-1 times so as to build and assess the model against different data portions. The count of adjustments is useful in determining the accuracy and reliability of the model and how well it can be generalised.

 6. Suppose a nurse has come to know that a patient’s abdominal operative site has opened, identify the action to be taken by the nurse. Explain.


 Next Move: The eviscerated organs should be covered with a sterile dressing that has been soaked in saline solution and the incident reported to the surgical team. Explanation: Sapronization is a severe condition that entails situation where internal organs are exposed due to an open wound and surgery must be done as soon as possible to avoid further complications and treat the wound appropriately.

 7. Regarding PACU discharge what sign should a patient display?


 Answer: The patient should be hemodynamically stable and show normal blood pressure, pulse, respiratory rate and oxygen level. Given the consistent normalization of the patient’s vital signs during her postoperative period, it is well clear that she is recovering excellently from anesthesia, and prepared for discharge from the PACU.

 8. Find out which glycoprotein plays a role of a lubricant and a protective layer.


 Answer: Mucins are glycoproteins that have the function of a lubricants and protectants in the fluids such as mucus. They are of paramount importance to protect and to reduce friction of epithelial tissues.

 9. The following statements are to be falsified about fatty acids. The other natural occurring unsaturated long-chain fatty acids are very close to Trans-configuration.


 Answer: False. The naturally occurring unsaturated fatty acids are the cis configuration of the double bonds not the trans. k-9 trans-configured fatty acids are linked to industrial processing or changes, as in partially hydrogenated oils.

 10. What does the fixation of manifold ligands on several GPCRs?


 Answer: Attaching manifold ligands to some G-Protein Coupled Receptors (GPCRs) indicate that several types of ligands interact with different GPCRs that innervate several intracellular signal transduction pathways and physiological effects. This process adds to the understanding of how cells are signalled and regulated, which remains intricate.

What is ATI's basic concept on addressing physical limitations with feedings?

ATI’s basic concept on feedings related to physical limitations include the following: Individual feeding plans for patients with physical or functional problems that decrease their ability to take foods and fluids. Key aspects include:


 Assessment of Limitations: Assessing the particular aspect of feeding that may be restricted due to certain possible physical disabilities including dysphagia, motor abnormalities or cognitive abnormalities. This assessment assist in identifying the best feeding method and any interferences that should be made.


 Individualized Feeding Plans: Preparing individualized meals that can be eaten by the patient with regard to the disabilities that the patient is having. This may be done by changing the texture and consistency of foods, employing specific utensils to feed the patients.


 Alternative Feeding Methods: Feeding techniques to be used when oral feeding is impossible or not advisable. This can include:


 Enteral Feedings: Embedding nutrients through nasogastric (NG) tubes, gastrostomy (G-tube), or jejunostomy (J-tube) fed directly to the gastrointestinal tract.

 Parenteral Feedings: Feeding patients with nutrients that are administered intravenously for those patients that can not digest nutrients through the stomach and intestines.

 Safety and Comfort: To ensure feeding methods are safe for the patient and comfortable for the patient also. This also comprises assessment for complication such as aspiration, confirmation of tube’s position and comfort measures to avoid harm to the patient.


 Patient and Family Education: Enabling the patients and their families to understand about other feeding techniques as well as if the tubes were in use, how to assess for complications or problems that might arise with the feeding tubes.


 Monitoring and Adjusting: Liaison for nutrition care planning and evaluation of feedings as needed in order to make changes in the patients feeding plan to address the patient’s needs.