Approximation Paper

Your paper should be approximately 3 pages double spaced (~750-1000 words).

Papers can talk directly about a mathematical topic related to approximation, they can be a personal reflection, and an expository talk relating approximation to something in history, design, name it! Above all, make sure your writing is focused and specific. However approximation appears in your paper, write about it with as much precision as you can.

A good paper should include a working definition of approximation that is relevant to your topic, and outside references. Good papers are readable (avoid typos and grammatical mistakes).

Avoid a paper that is a simple laundry list of approximation problems in your life. Write about something you find interesting or that you care about. Try to find a way to quantify the approximation problem that you want to discuss. Looking for interesting approximation mistakes is often very insightful.

Application of Discrete mathematics and statistics techniques

Assignment Details

Assignment Description

This data set is a sample of Web server statistics for a computer science department. It contains the following 11 sections of data:

Total successful requests

Average successful requests per day

Total successful requests for pages

Average successful requests for pages per day

Total failed requests

Total redirected requests

Number of distinct files requested

Number of distinct hosts served

Corrupt logfile lines

Total data transferred

Average data transferred per day

Write an essay of 2–3 pages that contains the following:

A complete overview of the data, identifying anomalies in different weeks, and the weeks that the data are not regular.

Choose 5 different sections of data, examine these sections, and provide the specific selection process and criteria you used to select this data set.

Provide the measures of tendency and dispersion for each of the 5 different sections of data you selected.

Provide 1 chart or graph for each of the 5 processed sections. This may be a pie or bar chart or a histogram.

     Label the chart or graph clearly.

     Explain why the graph you provided gave a good visual representation of the data.

     Based on your explanation above, identify some specific advantages why, in general, charts and graphs are important in conveying information in a visual format.

Determine the standard deviation and variation for each of the 5 selected sections of data, and explain their importance in statistical analysis of a data set.

Based on the tasks you performed in this project, research how statistics are used in information technology (IT), and provide references for your research

Your essay should include proper citation in APA formatting, both in-text, and in reference pages. Include a title page and use 12-point Times New Roman double-spaced font throughout the text.

Modeling Data on Social Media Usage

1.) Read the following article:

Perrin, A. (2015). Social media usage: 2005-2015. Pew Research Center. Retrieved from

2.) Post one initial response of at least 150 words but not more than 350 words responding to the following. First, did anything surprise you in the article about social media trends from 2005 to 2015? Be specific as you share. Also, pick two points from one of the graphs in the article and form a y=mx+b model letting x be the number of years since 2005 and y be the percent. Then use your model to predict in what year the percent reaches 100%.

3.) Respond to at least two of your colleagues throughout the module with at least 50 words each response. You may simply give your own thoughts on what they share, or you can ask them follow-up questions.

4.) Feel free to respond to more colleagues if you like, or respond to responses. Also, answer any direct questions that are asked of you. Don't feel like you have to respond to every comment directed to you, but if someone asks you a direct question then at least answer that. Overall, make sure to be respectful and professional.

Rubric (Total of 20 Points)

Initial Post Worth 10 Points (At Least 150 Words):

7-10 points for the post being deep in substance and of the correct length

4-6 points for the post being good yet needing improvement in substance and/or length

1-3 points for the post being unprofessional, lacking in substance, or severely too short

0 points for incomplete

First Response Post Worth 5 Points (At Least 50 Words):

4-5 points for the post being deep in substance and of the correct length

2-3 points for the post being good yet needing improvement in substance and/or length

1 point for the post being unprofessional, lacking in substance, or severely too short

0 points for incomplete

Second Response Post Worth 5 Points (At Least 50 Words):

4-5 points for the post being deep in substance and of the correct length

2-3 points for the post being good yet needing improvement in substance and/or length

1 point for the post being unprofessional, lacking in substance, or severely too short

0 points for incomplete

Math Problem Set 2

As part of your retirement planning, you purchase an annuity that pays 3.9% annual interest compounded quarterly

a. If you make quarterly payments of $1600 how much will you have saved in 5 years?

b. Instead, if you make quarterly payments of $800, how much will you have saved in 10 years?


#1) You plan to purchase a house for $ 375,000 and you will make a 20% down payment. You are evaluating two mortgages a 30-year fixed mortgage at 2.82% and a 15-year fixed mortgage at 2.35%. Your goal is to have a monthly payment that fits within your budget.

a. Which mortgage will give you the lowest monthly payment? What will that payment be? How much less will this be than the other monthly mortgage payment?

b. Assuming you take the full term of the mortgage, which mortgage will result in you paying the most interest? What will that interest be?

Discussion 1

Write out your strategy to the statement below on how you will solve the task/problem. What other information is needed that is not included in the problem information? What do you have to consider in terms of cost?

              You are planning to hang lights around your windows for a party. The cost is $4.00 for a 20-foot string of lights.

Number Theory AJ

Paper Outline

Number Theory 

An introduction explaining why the topic is important.

     Define the research topic. Refer to at least one source.



Tell what is already known about it.

Preview how your research is going to help the audience learn more about it. (What applications are you going to talk about?)

History: A review of the research literature that the student has found about this topic. 

*This should be broken into several paragraphs and be several pages long.

Use your sources to summarize the history of the topic. Provide information on the origination, impact, and any variations or special cases created to investigate further.

Prior research on the topic. (At least 4 sources used here.)

 i. Describe and summarize findings.

 ii. Consider including similarities and differences between studies.

Sources used:

  An explanation of your research project.

*This should be broken into several paragraphs and be several pages long.

Define any terms

Terms with sources used:

Explain the actual equation/theorem/proof- 

 i. Mathematically

 ii. Visually- Are there ways to illustrate this idea to your audience using everyday scenarios? Are there charts/images/graphics you would like to include?

Are there theorems within this topic that need to be explained?

Are there different forms of the equation/theorem/proof that you can explain?

Applications of equation/theorem/proof (Include at least 2 applications)

 i. Examples of how to use it. Provide lots of details. 

Application 1:


Application 2:


Any conclusions or results from your research.


     Usefulness-how has this contributed to mathematics?

 A list of references you used. *Remember to cite using NEW APA 7.

Math homework

Firefighters use the formula S = 0.5P + 26 to compute the horizontal range S in feet of water from a particular hose, where P is the nozzle pressure in pounds.  Find the horizontal range if pressure is 90 lb.

Basic Math Accelerated

On My Math Lab Pearson, I need only one module complete and that is Module 2. No test is required, simply the work for each section and the quick check. I can provide the login details and answer any questions you have.


My original codes:


Actuarial Mathematics,"Everything is attached below.

There are 4 questions which I have a screenshot of and two other files that will give you an idea of how to work with it.

The book is also attached.

Pie Charts

1.) Read the following two articles, which can be found at the given links:

Randle, T. (2015). What do you mean I'm not supposed to use pie charts?! Geckoboard. Retrieved from

Beschizza, R. (2008). MacWorld’s iPhone pie chart: Perspective trick makes 19.5% look bigger than 21.2%. Wired. Retrieved from

2.) Post one initial response of at least 150 words but not more than 350 words responding to the following. First, do you agree with the first article’s conclusion about pie charts? Also, how long did it take you to catch the dishonesty going on in the pie chart shown in the second article? Finally, look at one or more websites that you read regularly, and find an example of a graph or a chart of data that it displays. Share a link with us so that we can see this example. Or, if you cannot think of an online example, feel free to instead attach a phone pic of a graph or chart from a magazine. Also share how well you think this graph or chart does in displaying the data it represents.

Rubric (Total of 20 Points)

Initial Post Worth 10 Points (At Least 150 Words):

7-10 points for the post being deep in substance and of the correct length

4-6 points for the post being good yet needing improvement in substance and/or length

1-3 points for the post being unprofessional, lacking in substance, or severely too short

0 points for incomplete