
Gregorio drinks 4.5 pints of milk each week. How many fluid ounces of milk does he drink each week? Options: A) 68 B) 72 C) 84 D) 96

Math Discussion

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:  

 This week focuses on the standards and methods of problem solving. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics states that it is important to focus on the process when teaching mathematics. What does this mean? How would you help students accomplish this? Provide at least one specific example.

HOMEWORK Principles of Accounting I

The Lab assignments for Week 1 are listed below. 

Please read Chapters 1 in the textbook and complete the following Exercises/Problems:

Chapter 1:  Ex 1-19, page 36; PR 1-2A, pages 39-40;

Chapter 2: Ex 2-9, page 86; PR 2-2A, page 91.

Please create your own Excel Sheet.


ISBN-10: 128574361X

Authors: Carl S. Warren; James M. Reeve; Jonathan Duchac

Edition: 26th

Binding: Hardcover

Publisher: South-Western College Pub

All Work Solver

In response to your peers, comment on facts about the normal distribution your peers have posted, supporting your response by explaining why it captures your interest or describing how the principle can be applied in psychology and/or everyday life.

Savanna post


The normal distribution is an interesting statistical unit because it almost always applies to all studies done in psychology. It is a bell curve and from it we can infer the direction of the results. This is so interesting to me because it doesn't matter what the study is about, it can be a study about the impact of a dog in a childhood home, or the impact of addiction and job performance. The studies are unrelated in many ways, yet the results will have the same normal distribution. 95% of both data sets will have results within 2 standard deviations of the mean, which will create this curve. An example of this in my life would be my work every day. I work in Logistics, specifically eCommerce and we are currently doing a study on glove performance and different types of gloves and lifespan and quality. We finished up our study today and surveyed the associates who participated. I then took that data and created a bar chart, but after reading this chapter I was interested and created a histogram with the quality lifespan results, and sure enough I got a very narrow bell shaped curve. All of my data points besides 1 were within 2 standard deviations of my mean. It was really neat to apply this concept to my actual work and added a statistic to help us make a more informed decision. 

Esmeralda post


There are a couple of things that I found interesting about normal distribution. The first thing I found pretty cool was that it is characterized by the bell shaped curve which is defined by the probability density. Another this was that the means for a data set is the same as the peak of the distribution bell. Also an important thing is that normal distribution is not just used for statistic but it is also used in psychology. It helps to get a better understanding of a graph in a histogram or even a common shape. Since I have been pregnant twice I didn't realize that this could also be used to show the possibility of someone going into labor 15 days before and within 15 days after. Although this was a lot of information that was very new to me I found that a lot of it interesting and a lot hard to understand.  


Emilee post

Dishonesty has no place in any type of setting, especially a professional setting. When a person is caught being dishonest about one thing, the dishonesty is transferred to all matters that person is involved in. The credibility that a person had is lost and people will no longer be able to trust what that person is saying. For me, this is especially true when some is dishonest about something seemingly small. If a person can not be trusted with something small, then my trust for them with something big is gone. Dishonesty has no place in a professional setting. In business, these dishonesties can affect production, customers, services, delays in logistics, and so on. In my current profession. I work closely with sales reps that rely heavily on me to give them accurate and quick information. When something comes up that I am not sure about, I am honest with them. I let them know that I am not sure of the answer but I am working hard to find them an answer and that as I find out the information, I will get back with them. This keeps my credibility with my colleagues and gives me the proper amount of time to ask questions and find the correct answer.

Pamela post


I have to ask myself the reasoning behind the dishonest act. Therefore, I would not automatically be suspicious of someone's honestly regarding other things. In everyone's life, unique situations exist. It may be true that an individual lied, but he may well be candid in different scenarios. Therefore, I do not need to be suspicious of his dishonesty regarding other things automatically. I feel that perception also plays a role. With the case of Bill Clinton, the president of America, generally, it is expected that he ""should"" be honest in all areas of his life because that is the perception that the public holds of him. 

Ideally, we should not be suspicious about the individual regarding their honestly on other things. However, as he or she has been dishonest in the past, pre-conceived notions will creep in, and a negative bias regarding the same. It becomes challenging to get rid of the idea from our minds, but as professionals, we should not have such notions or biases as they may hinder us from doing business

Misuses of Statistics

Your e-text at the end of chapter 11 has a section titled Supplement: Misuses of Statistics.

The introduction notes that “…The point isn’t to make you reject any statistical study or result.  It’s to help you recognize when information or conclusions you’re being given might be presented in a biased or dishonest way.”

This Supplement looks at 7 areas related to the misuse of statistics:

Suspect samples

Ambiguous Averages

Convenient Use of Percentages

Detached Statistics

Implied Connections

Misleading Graphs

Faulty Survey Questions

After studying this material choose one of the seven areas that particularly interests you.

 Identify two real world examples that in your opinion illustrate misuse in the area you chose.

Provide an internet link to the example or discussion of the example. 

 For each example, explain why you think there is a misuse or summarize the discussion of the example.  Do not link to a text or lecture notes etc

Module 1 assignment and module 2 assignments

Please solve problems for module 1 assignment and module 2 assignments 

see attachments


For this post, reflect upon the learning activities you completed in this module with regards to schizophrenia and related disorders. Focus on schizophrenia or one of the related disorders. Address the following prompts in at least two paragraphs:

In your own words, explain the symptoms of schizophrenia or related disorder you have identified. 

Briefly explain the etiology of schizophrenia or related disorder; be specific. 

Based upon your perceptions as to the etiology, provide some specific current treatment options. 

 On the Internet, find at least one organization that would be an excellent resource for clients or family members who suffer from this disorder. Briefly discuss what the organization provides and make sure to list the URL and the name of the organization.


How do I find a derivative of multiple functions?

Week 3 discussion

This week focuses on applications of geometry. Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

How would you explain to a classmate the difference between perimeter and area of two-dimensional shapes?

How about the difference between surface area and volume of three-dimensional shapes?

 What examples or activities would you use to help a classmate understand the differences?


Use the definition of derivatives to find dy/dx for the following: 

(1) y = x^2 -3x + 4 

(2) y = 1/(x-1)

  (3) y = sqrt(x+1)

  (4) y = 1/x^2 

(5) Use the product rule and power rule to find dy/dx if y = (x^2+x+1) (x^2-1)