Treatments for Gastrointestinal & Endocrine Disorders

Describe diagnostic criteria for nausea and vomiting and treatment recommendations

Discuss symptoms of GERD, complications, and drug management

Compare and contrast Crohn's disease and Ulcerative colitis

Discuss Diabetes, its causes, symptoms, and treatment

Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in the current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.  Each question must be answered individually

Theory Development and Evaluation

Theory Development and Evaluation,"Examine the science and art of theory development and evaluation.

Submission Instructions:

Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sourcess page


Nursing,"Identify the policy & procedure for treating hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia for patients on your unit - (labor & delivery).  

Where did you find this information?  

How do you share this information with diabetic patients during their hospitalization and as an education point before discharge?

Utilize at least one scholarly article and your textbook in an APA 7th ed. formatted reference to add depth and support to your post.

3-4 paragraphs (no title page

505 Discussion 4

Nursing Japanese cultural assignment,"Using Giger and Davidhizar's Transcultural Assessment Model, perform a comprehensive assessment of how Japanese cultural beliefs and practices might impact healthcare decision-making, treatment adherence, your communication, your interventions, and your education to align with the patient's cultural values and preferences. 

Utilize your mind map and the outline of your assessment and expand upon each of the six cultural phenomena for your selected group.  

Submission Instructions:


  The response is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation and misspelling.

  The response should be formatted per current APA and 4-5 pages in length, excluding the title and references page. Incorporate a minimum of 5 current (published within the last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work

Case Study

As clinicians, it's important to be financial stewards of your practice and/or as a healthcare professional.  That's why this case study was selected to give you a real-world scenario that does occur in the healthcare industry.   Additionally, just last week, the U.S. Department of Justice cracked down on nationwide fraud focused on health care for the elderly and disabled.  Read article here: Federal health care fraud crackdown snags several Florida defendants | WUSFLinks to an external site.


Read the following case study and article and then answer the questions below:


  What do you think about Westwood’s proposal to provide physicians with “leased” diagnostic equipment? Does it violate any laws?

  Thinking about the article. In your opinion, why do you think healthcare fraud is so prevalent in South Florida? Need to use evidence to support your argument.

  What strategies (2-3) would you propose to reduce healthcare fraud? Please explain.



Pink, G. H. & Song, P. H. (2014). Westwood imaging centers: Payment for referrals. Gapenski's cases in healthcare finance. Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press

Nursing,"See attached directions

Needs to be at least 600 words with at least 3 scholarly articles within the past 5 years. 

APAP format, no plagiarism.  


"Throat, Respiratory & Cardiovascular Disorders",

Interventions for Health Promotion,

(2 pages)

Literature Review & Evidence Matrix

Literature Review & Evidence Matrix of infection control in the NICUs,"For this assignment, you will prepare a 3 to 4 page review of the literature pertinent to INFECTION CONTROL AND PREVENTION IN THE NICUs and to use that review to propose a methodology to address the problem.

Conduct a search of literature relevant to the problem/topic. Identify a minimum of 4 references, most of which are randomized clinical trials. Only one opinion articles may be included. (MAY USE ARTICLES ATTACHED TO THE POST)

Read the peer-reviewed articles with the focus of preparing a document that will compare and contrast the information in the articles you found. Copies of the articles used must be submitted with the final assignment.

The reader of your literature review should be able to clearly identify the gaps in the knowledge in the problem area as well as the purpose of the study you are proposing. You should be able to write enough to create an effective argument but not so much that the result looks padded. 

Prepare an Evidence Matrix using the template attached

Submission Instructions:

The assignment is 3-4 pages in length and follows current APA 7 format including citation of references. (in paragraph form)

Incorporate a minimum of 4 current (published within the last 5 years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.

Journal articles and books should be referenced according to the current APA7 style.


The Evidence Matrix can help you organize your research before writing your literature review.  Use it to identify patterns and cohesions in the articles you have found similar methodologies?  common theoretical frameworks? It helps you make sure that all your major concepts covered. It also helps you see how your research fits into the context of the overall topic.

A literature review provides a summary of previous research on a topic that appraises, categorizes, and compares what has been previously published on a specific topic. It lets the author to synthesize and place into context the research and scholarly literature relevant to the topic. It helps to plan the different methods to a given question and reveals patterns. It forms the foundation for the author’s subsequent research and defends the significance of the new investigation.

The introduction should define the topic and set the stage for the literature review. It will include the author's perspective or point of view on the topic, how they have defined the scope of the topic (including what's not included), and how the review will be organized. It can point out overall trends, conflicts in methodology or conclusions, and gaps in the research.

In the body of the review, the author should organize the research into major topics and subtopics. These groupings may be by subject, type of research such as case studies, methodology such as qualitative, genre, chronology, or other common characteristics. Within these groups, the author can then discuss the evidences of each article and examine and compare the importance of each article to similar ones.

The conclusion will summarize the main findings of the review of literature supports or not the research to follow and may give direction for further research.

The list of references will include full citations for all the items mentioned in the literature review.



Work Breakdown Structure

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Within reason, is there such a thing as a project that is too complex to complete? Consider the Space Shuttle. One of the most complex machines ever built, the Space Shuttle had over 2.5 million parts, each of which had to be accounted for by someone. How did anyone manage to track and properly assemble these parts? The answer is through the application of a work breakdown structure (WBS). A WBS is a fundamental tool that project managers use to organize and divide the work of a project. A WBS focuses on breaking down a project’s scope into individual deliverables that may be created by assigned team members. There are multiple work breakdown structure formats and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Project managers select a type of WBS based upon the specifics of the project they are managing. Each WBS format emphasizes different aspects of a project. These varied perspectives may each be appropriate, depending upon what information a project manager needs. In this Discussion, you analyze different WBS formats and evaluate whether they meet basic criteria for clarity. To prepare: Explore the Work Breakdown Structure Formats document included in this week’s Learning Resources. The document presents a scenario and three corresponding WBS formats that pertain to the scenario. (SEE ATTACHED PDF FILE)Consider the advantages and disadvantages of each WBS format included in the document.Think about the level of detail dedicated to task information in each WBS format. Evaluate the formats based on the following criteria for clarity:   The task has a measurable status or completion.The task has defined start and end events.The task has a deliverable.The task’s time and cost are easily estimated.The task can be completed without interruption and additional input after its start.   Post  by tomorrow 10/04/16 a minimum of 550 words essay in APA format with 3 references. Based on the Work Breakdown Structure Formats document attached in the file area, address the level one headings as numbered below: 1) An analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of each work breakdown structure format.  2) Provide an analysis of whether (and how) the work breakdown structures meet the assigned criteria for clarity.  3) Provide a rationale for your response.     Required Readings     Biafore, B. (2010). Microsoft Project 2010: The missing manual. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly. Chapter 4, “Breaking Work Into Task-Sized Chunks” (pp. 77–100)  This chapter explains how to create a work breakdown structure and how to import a work breakdown structure into Microsoft Project.  Coplan, S., & Masuda, D. (2011). Project management for healthcare information technology. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Chapter 3, “Project Management” “Prepare Work Breakdown Structure and WBS Dictionary” (pp. 53–56) This section of Chapter 3 reviews the core processes of preparing a work breakdown structure (WBS). The chapter provides an example of a WBS and details its essential components. Project Management Institute. (2013). A guide to the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK guide) (5th ed.). Newtown Square, PA: Author. Chapter 5, “Project Scope Management” 5.3, “Create WBS” (pp. 125–132) This section of Chapter 5 reviews the process of creating a work breakdown structure. Specifically, the chapter examines how to determine inputs, WBS tools and techniques, and outputs. Kendrick, T. (2009). Identifying & managing project risk: Essential tools for failure-proofing your project(2nd ed., Ebrary version). New York, NY: AMACOM.Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. Chapter 3, “Identifying Project Scope Risk” (pp. 40–69)  This chapter examines methods of identifying scope risks and the types of scope risks pertaining to project deliverables. The chapter highlights a variety of sources of scope risk as well.  Shirey, M. R. (2008). Project management tools for leaders and entrepreneurs. Clinical Nurse Specialist, 22(3), 129–131.Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. The author of this article introduces project management tools that clinical nurse specialists may use to coordinate team work. The article highlights the usage of one such tool, the Gantt chart. Thomas, M., Jacques, P. H., Adams, J. R., & Kihneman-Wooten, J. (2008). Developing an effective project: Planning and team building combined. Project Management Journal, 39(4), 105–113.Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. This article analyzes project planning and control and the process of developing a project plan. The article also reports the results of research that sought to determine 137 organizations’ approaches to establishing projects. U.S. Government Accountability Office. (2009, March 2). Work breakdown structure. GAO Reports, 65–78. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. This article examines the importance of a work breakdown structure (WBS) in project management. The chapter demonstrates how a WBS assists in resource identification, cost estimation, and risk determination. Wu, Z., Schmidt, L. P., & Wigstrom, M. S. (2010). Product development workflow management based on work breakdown structure. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings, 1–5.Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.The authors of this article highlight the usage of WBS in managing complex product development projects. The authors examine how a WBS helps represent and manage the intricacies of tasks and activity relationships. Mathis, M. (n.d.). Work breakdown structure: Purpose, process and pitfalls. Retrieved March 13, 2013, from This article provides a general review of the WBS. The author focuses on the purpose, process, and pitfalls of a WBS. Document: Work Breakdown Structure Formats (PDF) (See ATTACHED PDF IN FILE AREA) This document presents a scenario and three corresponding work breakdown structures that you will use for your Discussion this week. Required MediaLaureate Education (Producer). (2013c). Planning, part I: Defining project scope and activities [Video file]. Retrieved from  Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 6 minutes. In this presentation, the participants discuss defining project scope and project activities, using the work breakdown structure, and managing project risk through SWOT analys

Nursing Homework EBA Article Review

Nursing Homework EBA Article Review,"Each student will be required to read and write a synopsis of professional (peer reviewed) articles this session from a Nursing Journal.  

At least 4 Nursing Journal Articles—3 pages written synopsis

Articles should be current (within 5 years). 

One page articles (such as editorials) are not appropriate for this assignment.  

The topic is: Technology (student choice)


COURSE DESCRIPTION:The rising cost of healthcare in the United States continues to be on the forefront of many political campaigns and discussions. This course will provide an overview of global health problems and national health systems to provide the student with a perspective on how societies in developed and under-developed countries approach health and healthcare including cultural, economic and political factors. In addition to national systems, the roles played by certain global/international systems such as the Global Health Data Exchange (GHDx), World Health Organization (WHO), certain United Nations (UN) agencies and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), will be explored. The student will examine the struggles faced by healthcare leaders in managing multiple demands and pressures to contain costs while providing quality care.




  Analyze the development of the Global Health Data Exchange (GHDx) and the significance towards world health improvement, data mining, global health reform and debate the need to adopt new technologies versus allocating resources for direct primary care (technology).

  Analyze the interrelationship of global health to foreign policy and macroeconomics while examining US Healthcare spending on an international perspective.

  Analyze the underlying determinants of biological and cultural perspectives on public health.

  Examine the influence of social and cultural constructs to sickness and healing while differentiating between preventive and curative services and the need for balancing these services from a financial perspective.

  Propose the need for maintaining a well-trained healthcare workforce and ensuring consumer participation when providing healthcare services

  Research the significant differences between several major health systems in the world