Nursing Critical Research Appraisal Assignment

Nursing Critical Research Appraisal Assignment,"Critical Research Appraisal Assignment


You will critically appraise a research design


Content Requirements: 

You will select one research report with a qualitative design and one with quantitative design and answer the following questions regarding the following categories:


  Discuss what is meant by the term Qualitative Research


      Briefly, describe the characteristics of qualitative research and identify nursing issues/phenomena that lend themselves to a qualitative research approach.

      Compare and contrast three different qualitative research methodologies.

      Briefly, discuss the strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research evidence for informing nursing practice.

      Communicate how this research design used in research.





  The study, sampling, data collection, analysis, rigor, findings and limitations


      Identify the purpose of the study.

      Briefly, describe the design of the study and explain why you think it is either appropriate or inappropriate to meet the purpose.

      Identify ethical issues related to the study and how they were/were not addressed.

      Identify the sampling method and recruitment strategy that was used.

      Discuss whether sampling and recruitment were appropriate to the aims of the research.

      Identify the data collection method(s) and discuss whether the method(s) is/are appropriate to the aims of the study.

      Identify how the data was analyzed and discuss whether the method(s) of analysis is/are appropriate to the aims of the study.

      Identify four (4) criteria by which the rigor of a qualitative project can be judged.

      Discuss the rigor of this study using the four criteria. 

      Briefly, describe the findings of the study and identify any limitations.

      Use the information that you have gained from your critique of the study to discuss the trustworthiness and applicability of the study. Include in your discussion any implications for the discipline of nursing.

  Discuss what you understand by the term Quantitative Research - Use the following dot points to guide your discussion (give reasons for your argument and support with references):

      Describe the characteristics of quantitative research.

      Identify nursing issues/phenomena that lend themselves to a quantitative research approach

      Differentiate between observational and interventional research designs and also between experimental and quasi-experimental designs.

      Briefly, outline the difference between inferential and descriptive statistics and their relationship to levels of measurement.

      Communicate how this research design used in research.

  Critique the Quantitative Research Report - Use the following headings to guide your critique (in all discussions and explanations give reasons for your argument and support with references):

      The study

          Identify the purpose and design of the study.

          Explain what is meant by ‘blinding’ and ‘randomization’ and discuss how these were addressed in the design of the study.

          Identify ethical issues related to the study and how they were/were not addressed.


          Explain the sampling method and recruitment strategy that was used.

          Discuss how the sample size was determined – include in your discussion an explanation of terms used.

      Data collection

          Briefly, outline how the data was collected and identify any data collection instrument(s).

          Define the terms validity and reliability and discuss how the validity & reliability of the instruments were/were not addressed in this study and why this is important.


      Data analysis

          Outline how the data were analyzed.

          Identify the statistics used and the level of measurement of the data described by each statistical test – include in your discussion an explanation of terms used.

     Findings and limitations

       Briefly, outline the findings and identify any limitations of the study

          Use the information that you have gained from your critique of the study to briefly discuss the trustworthiness and applicability of the study. Include in your discussion an explanation of the term statistical significance and name the tests of statistical significance used in this study

Electronic data interchange

Imagine you are the office manager at a small doctor's office. As the office manager, you are in charge of educating new hires.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word reference guide describing electronic data interchange (EDI).

Include the following in your summary:

Define EDI.

Explain how using EDI facilitates electronic transactions.

Explain how HIPAA has changed how health care information is transmitted in EDI. 

Describe the relationship between Electronic Health Records, reimbursement, HIPAA, and EDI transactions.

Cite a minimum of two outside sources. For additional information on how to properly cite your sources, log on to the Reference and Citation Generator in the Center for Writing Excellence.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines

COPD,"Read the case study listed below

COPD,"Read the case study listed below.

  Refer to the rubric for grading requirements.

  Utilizing the Week 3 Case Study TemplateLinks to an external site., provide your responses to the case study questions listed below.

  You must use at least one scholarly reference to provide pathophysiology statements. For this class, use of the textbook for pathophysiology statements is acceptable. You may also use an appropriate evidence-based journal.

  You must use the current Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG) for the management and prevention of COPD (GOLD Criteria) to answer the classification of severity and treatment recommendation questions. The most current guideline may be found at the following web address: to an external site.. At the website, locate the current year’s CPG and download a personal copy for use. You may also use a medication administration reference such as Epocrates to provide medication names.

  Proper APA format (in-text citations, reference page, spelling, English language, and grammar

Week 2 Discussion response 2 RW NR501NP

In the nursing profession, overcoming challenges and adversities have become a major part of it. During my new grad nurse residency we were expected to attend classes, seminars, labs, as well dedicate three days to work on the floor with our preceptors. Once you completed the first part of the residency in four months, you were expected to be on your own. I worked on a surgical ICU unit where the patients were considered to be the highest acuity in the hospital. They were very ill and needed a variety of interventions completed such as titrating drips, and use of continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) which is a temporary dialysis machine. Patients on CRRT are considered to be a one to one nurse to patient ratio due to the acuity of the patient while on the machine. Most of these patients were also intubated and on the ventilator as well. As a new grad nurse, they advised all managers and supervisors that we shall not care for these patients until the residency was fully complete to ensure we were prepared. On my first independent shift, I was assigned two patients; one was an intubated CRRT patient and another was a post op kidney transplant patient. I knew the assignment was unethical and decided to advocate for myself to the charge nurse who stated they are short staffed and didn’t have anyone else to take the patient. I advocated for myself and also the patient stating it was not a safe assignment for the patient or myself. I was not trained on CRRT at the time therefore the patient would not receive the care they needed. However, the charge nurse continued to insist that I accept the assignment in spite of that. I felt very uncomfortable and unprepared to accept this assignment because I knew that this patient was very ill and deserved care from a nurse who was well prepared to attend to the CRRT machine and any troubleshooting it may need. I also felt that I did not have an adequate support system from my team leaders. It seemed as if they only cared about numbers rather than the safety of the patient and their best interest. 

The underlying nursing issue in that situation is nursing shortage. According to Haddad, nursing shortage can be described as not having enough essential workers on a unit to provide care to patients due to a variety of reasons such as nurse burnout, underpay, or lack of support (Haddad, 2023). Lack of support is a major issue in the nursing profession. Most nurses are afraid to advocate for themselves in fear of retaliation from the leadership team. Major hospitals pride themselves on patient satisfaction, however employee satisfaction leads to higher percentages in patient satisfaction. According to Jacobs, most institutions will create values but they are centered on the hospital rather than the nursing profession (Jacobs, 2013). Jacobs then continued by examining each model and elaborating on how they were built and what their focus is based on. The nursing profession will continue to face adversities until practice models are incorporated to truly improve satisfaction rather than trying to keep the name of a Magnet status. 

Reflecting on past experiences, as a practitioner I want to be the support that my nurses need in any shape or form. There are things that I will not be able to control such as nursing shortages, however being a patient and nurse advocate is something within my control.  As a member of leadership, providers are expected to always have the patients best interest as a priority. Carper's Pattern of knowing was very insightful. Breaking down the different approaches and elaborating on each one causes you to identify previous practices that can be improved while also allowing for new practices to be formed. I am interested in focusing on the ethical knowing in my future practice. Carper explained this by simply stating that codes cannot determine the plan or outcome of how a patient situation should be handled, it places boundaries on what the patient wants and what true happiness is defined as (Jacobs, 2013). My goal as a future nurse practitioner is to get to know my patients as a whole and establish goals with them. Establishing and building rapport with my patients will allow them to trust me and see the passion for nursing that I have so that we can work together to accomplish future goals. 


Haddad LM, Annamaraju P, Toney-Butler TJ. Nursing Shortage. [Updated 2023 Feb 13]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan-. Available from:

Jacobs, B. B. (2013). An Innovative Professional Practice Model. Advances in Nursing Science, 36 (4), 271-288. doi: 10.1097/ANS.0000000000000002

Care plan and concept map

Care plan and concept map,Needing assistance with creating a care plan and a concept map with the attached information

Write 1-2 paragraphs reflecting on ways of knowing and the use of metaparadigm in the NP role

Write 1-2 paragraphs reflecting on ways of knowing and the use of metaparadigm in the NP role. Then save the reflection as a Word Document for submission to this assignment.


  Provide one specific example of how you achieved the weekly objectives.

  What do you value most about your learning this week?

  What else about the weekly topics do you need to explore to grow further as a future NP?

Week 2 Reflections NR501NP

Week 2 Reflections NR501NP,"Weekly objectives

 Explore an area of interest through patterns of knowing (CO 1)

  Examine the components of the nursing metaparadigm.

  Examine different patterns of knowing in nursing. (CO 2)

  Analyze the benefits of reflection for shaping and understanding theory. (CO 2)

  Differentiate between the received and perceived schools of scientific thought. (CO 2)

Nursing Homework

Create a 3-5 page annotated bibliography and summary based on your research related to best practices addressing a current health care problem or issue

Influencing Health Module 4 Discussion

Influencing Health Module 4 Discussion,"What are specific actions that health professionals can take regardless of their practice area and site to promote population and community health?

  What advocacy actions might you take to improve health care through legislation at the state or federal level?

Submission Instructions:

 Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points

Diveristy Module 4

Diveristy Module 4 Discussion,"Describe the family structure of some East Indian Hindu families and the effect the family organization may have on health-seeking behavior.

  What are the contributing factors that lead to the high birth rate in Haiti and among Haitian immigrants? 

  List religious needs a Jewish client may have while being hospitalized with which nursing staff can assist. 


Submission Instructions:


  Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted, and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.  Your initial post is worth 8 points