Write note from video

write note from video need 4 page.



Reflect on the following quote by William C. Steele: Seeking diversity automatically leads us to excellence, just as focusing on excellence inevitably leads us to diversity. What does this quote mean to you? Relate your response to graduate studies and/or the field of speech-language pathology

Movie Theaters

What are some reasons why people still go to movie theaters despite the availability of television movies, DVDs and Netflex.","Movie Theaters

What are some reasons why people still go to movie theaters despite the availability of television movies, DVDs and Netflex.

Post your response with atleast 100 to 150 wordsin the Weekly Discussion forum which is equal to about two paragraphs or more; you may use at least two examples from an article to prove your points.

Your discussion grade will be based upon the thoroughness, accuracy, and insightfulness of your responses; also, your use of correct spelling, grammar and correct sentence and paragraph format (ALWAYS spell check your responses).


I need a minimum of 200 words.

You are now engaged in a research project! This can be a very exciting and intimidating process, but you have a great support network to help you.

Take just a moment to think about something you have researched in the past, and describe what that experience was like. What did you research? What were your reasons for researching it? What did you find out about the topic and about yourself? Did you find yourself seeking out primary or secondary sources? What kinds of sources did you use? How did you choose your topic, and what was the result of your research?

Feel free to choose any experience. You do not have to limit yourself to an academic research topic. You might reflect upon research that you did for your job, or you might want to reflect upon a time that you researched a large purchase, such as a new computer or a car.

Annotated Bibliography for Persuasive Speech

Annotated Bibliography for Persuasive Speech

What is an annotated bibliography? An annotated bibliography is a list of citations of books, articles, and documents. Each citation is followed by a descriptive and evaluative paragraph—the annotation. The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited and possibly to be used for the speech.

Directions: Write an annotated bibliography for three to five sources in preparation for your Week 7 Persuasive Speech. Document the sources using APA standards. Alphabetize by author last name, double space, and use the hanging indentation style.


 Sources should be in alphabetical order by author last name. Cite the book, article, or document using appropriate APA style.

 Write an annotation that summarizes the central theme and scope of the book or article, gives information about the author, and tells how you might use this information in your speech.


     Paragraph 1: First, summarize the source. Be sure to put the writing into your own words and avoid plagiarism. Second, evaluate the authority or background of the author. What makes them an authority or expert on this subject? You may have to search beyond the article to find out more about your author.

     Paragraph 2: Explain specifically how this work might be used in your research paper. For example, it would be good for background, good for discussion of opposite views (state what they are), good for valuable facts and statistics, a good summary to help with your conclusion, good quotations from experts in the field, and so forth.



For a sample annotated bibliography, download the Annotated Bibliography Sample document from the Files section of your course.

Grading Rubric

ContentPointsMinimum of three scholarly resources: Sources must be from current, reputable publications. 15 points

Correct use of APA formatting: Include full and in-text citations. 15 points

Well written summaries include key details form the sources that may be used in the speech. 20 points

Develop an analysis that explains how and what portions of sources may be used in future speech assignment. 20 points

Grammar and style: There are limited errors with clear and concise prose. 5 points

Total 75 points

Write essay (1000 words)

Please write an essay describing how you will utilize the Florida Studies special collections materials into your studies.

my study is Early Childhood Education and development



Concept Essay

Anybody that can write a concept essay first and final draft. First draft due Monday.

Paper 4

Part 1 - Using the template provided complete your Animal Research/Human Research Scenario Reflection - attachment name ""template""

Part 2 - 

USE THE TEMPLATE PROVIDED BELOW - attachment name "" Outline template ""

Outline Directions:

 submit an outline of your term paper.

 Your submission must include an introduction, body, and conclusion sections in outline format.

 Each section of your outline should include topic sentences and paragraph transitions that help tie your major points together.

 Your outline must follow current APA style formatting.

 Your ethical theory used to back your stance

 The pro and con sides of the argument

 Refer to the writing resources below to get started


Violent Borders,"Book; Violent Borders: Refugees and the Right to Move by Reece Jones 


Initial Post ( at least 150 words)

Your initial post for this discussion should focus on Chapter 1 of Violent Borders and respond to the following two prompts: 

 Explain what you believe to be the most significant argument Jones makes in this chapter and identify what you what you believe to be the most compelling, interesting, or revealing piece of support Jones uses, whether they be facts, statistics, or examples (historical, personal, or others).

 Research how border policies have changed since the publication of this book (early 2016). Introduce at least one new change to border policy and/or one new or updated fact that you found significant or compelling in your research. (Use the toolbar to link in the URL to your source; you can also use the toolbar to embed any images or videos that you referenced. See Helpful Canvas Guides below).

Reply to Two Posts (at least50 words for each)

Respond to two of you peers' posts by acknowledging the significance (and accuracy) of the information presented by your peers, and add on to their work by discussing how it connects to other arguments in the book and/or other additional support from the book or from your research; if you find any contradictory research or have a different understanding of Jones' argument, it is important to share this with your peers. (Use the toolbar to link in the URL to any source you use; you can also use the toolbar to embed any images or videos that you referenced. See Helpful Canvas Guides below).

Submission and Grading

Discussions are an important tool for the interaction and development of a learning community. Your timely participation is essential. The attached rubric will be used to grade this assignment (please note the criteria for timeliness). To view the rubric, select the gear icon. If you're using a mobile device, the rubrics can be found in the course navigation menu.