Shakespeare Web Quest

Shakespeare Web Quest,"you will complete a web quest to learn more about William Shakespeare. The web quest is attached to this assignment and actually contains two tasks, the web quest itself and an annotated bibliography

100 word summary

100 word summery on first person account of negative environments for Online Learning,"After the group has created a research plan, each group member will individually locate two sources. The following print sources can be used:


     Scholarly publications (Journals)

     Articles from College Database

     Popular sources (News and Magazines)

Professional/Trade sources

     Books / Book Chapters

     Government Documents

     Theses & Dissertations



 Students should use the CRAAP test to evaluate sources. Here is a video demonstrating this method: The CRAAP Test (Links to an external site.).

 Research Summary: group members will then provide the following information for each source:


     A formal citation in MLA format. Click here to see an example: MLA format (Links to an external site.).

     A 100 word, original summary of the article. Summaries should not include direct quotations, instead use your own words to summarize the author’s ideas. Summaries should also not incorporate your opinions, interpretations, conclusions, assumptions, etc…

     At minimum, 3 direct quotes copied from your source and pasted below the summary. The selected quotes should be particularly informative and/or striking.

     And finally, you will include a brief statement that explains why each source passes the CRAAP test.



The Topic is in the question title also need that CRAAP test explanation at the end"

Discussion 2

Midterm Report Card""  Answer both of the following topics listed below (1 and 2) with an original post of 6-8 sentences  Try to post early in the week and reply to at least one classmate's post with thoughtful details. **Each weekly discussion is worth 30 points. Take your time and give us as much insight and detail as you can.** 

 Share 2-3 things you learned from the first five weeks of ENG 315 that impressed or surprised you. How has what you learned so far changed the way you communicate?

  List 2-3 professional communication goals you plan to achieve by Week 11. Briefly explain how you will implement these goals.


Formulated a debatable thesis

Wrote 1,000 words with a neutral point of view i.e without I, we, or you

Referenced and cited one class text/visual with a summary and a quote cited MLA style

Integrated findings from three sources, one of which must be from the MVC Library Opposing Viewpoints: one academic journal, one video, and one news.

Copied and pasted a visual , wrote a caption , and cited the image

Organized a cohesive paper that takes a stand using one of the patterns: Aristotelian, Toulmin, or Rogerian

AssignmentsBuilding Adaptive Capacity

We currently live and work from day to day assuming that the climate will remain within a certain set of experienced conditions. One way that communities survive and adapt to the changing conditions around us is to have flexible and responsive social and physical structures. This assignment asks you to develop a plan for increasing the local adaptive capacity (broadly interpreted) that you experience in your everyday life, within your own community. The first step in bringing about change is imagining it. It is that step that we are trying to address with this assignment.

How to proceed:

 First, think broadly about the adaptation strategies and the steps needed for an adaptation plan. Then watch the following video and think about the climate related aspects of where you live:


 Then describe and evaluate some of the social and economic aspects of your community. Do people in your community have the social connections to help one another during a period of extreme weather? (such as flooding or a heat wave). Secondly, describe the physical aspects of your neighborhood. Draw a roughly approximate map of the neighborhood (or an area near where you live that you are familiar with that could be susceptible to flooding), include the area where the area where water would be likely to go if a flood occurred. Your map can be a hand-drawn sketch, a photocopy of a close-up paper map, a close-up map available from the web (e.g., from Google maps or similar mapping service), or any other source. You will not be graded in map making skills but will be evaluated on how well you can illustrate a plan. The map should be at least ½ page and no more than 1 page in size.

 Assessment: If the community was to experience a significant flood, where would the water go? Outline this area on the map. Who would be the people affected? Explain the possible impacts to day to day living if the flood lasted a month. What might help your community adapt to prolonged flood conditions or other extreme weather?

 Imagine how a community response plan to this flood might work. Think creatively about how to work within the neighborhood conditions you have described and how the community could work on addressing a large flood. Then propose how you would work to raise awareness, and build a community network could be developed to respond to these types of events. Provide your ideas on both how to build a community fostered response and what changes to local infrastructure might help to alleviate local flood risks. Remember that this plan is to help the entire community to come together and adapt as best as possible, in an inclusive, deliberative process.

 In at least 1200 words (to 1800 max) How, specifically, what will be involved and what are the steps in your proposed plan? How would you bring the community (stakeholders) together to work on the plan and develop a more cohesive community within the prospect of many possible climate extremes (flooding being just one example)? How will it provide a comprehensive community response, and would changes to infrastructure or land use be needed lower your flood risk? What would be the “co-benefits” to the community? Show the proposed change on your map (or make a second map using your first map as the template) that effectively shows how you would make the area less susceptible to flooding. Your map should depict some element of the infrastructure, physical or not, as it currently exists (e.g., roads, housing unit locations, greenspace, development patterns, sidewalks, public transport, school locations, school transportation plans, food production, utilities, etc.). You will NOT be graded on your technical expertise as a mapmaker—but rather on how effectively the map conveys the features that are relevant to addressing floods in your adaptation plan. You will need a legend, and probably some text on the map.

The assignment will be graded on content (does it reflect a good understanding of adaptation planning stages and strategies from the reading assignments and videos, and sound critical thinking about ways to achieve them?) and the effectiveness with which the content is communicated.

Note: The point of this exercise is to generate ideas without constraining ourselves to inside-the-box thinking. However, please do not be completely unrealistic in your plans, and remember that all of the people in the community matter, including those with different interests. Assume only currently existing technologies are available.


Your assignment is to write a minimum five paragraph argumentation essay on the topic of your choice. You must choose an issue researchable from the database we reviewed. (Issues and Controversies)

After you choose your topic, you should formulate your position on the topic. In other words, you need to take a side. Once you do, go into the database and research. Find ONE article that will be the source for your paper. It must be an article with a pro/ con side in it.

¢ Do not use any article published before 2015.

¢ In your essay, you must include in-text citations from researching your article; thus, your Works Cited page will have one article listed as a source. Remember, since you have a source listed in your Works Cited page, you must have matching in-text citations in your essay.

¢ You will have research from your article included in each of your three support paragraphs, either paraphrased or quoted, each with an in-text citation matching your Works Cited page. 

¢ Can you use more than one source? Yes, but this is not necessary . Can you write your paper without doing research? No. May you use outside information not in the QCC database? No. 

¢ We are using MLA format.

Please use Arial 14 pt., double space. Your paper must be submitted in .doc or .docx format ONLY. If I cannot read your file, that is your responsibility, and you may earn a zero


Review the six stages of interpersonal relationships and the types of messages associated with each stage in the textbook and in the learning activities.

 Review interpersonal relationship types and the theories of interpersonal communication in the textbook and in the learning activities.

 Think of a relationship from a television show or movie that demonstrates the stages of a relationship.

 Write a three to five-page paper analyzing that relationship from the contact stage to conclusion.

 Your paper should include a discussion of the stages of interpersonal relationships and the types of messages associated with each stage. Include links to clips or refer to specific episodes or time markers in the show(s) or film(s).

Assignment Submission:

 The use of outside resources is strongly recommended, and all papers must be cited and written in current APA format.

Persuasion Essay

This final essay writing assignment is to develop a 5-7 pages(Times Roman, 12pt font, double-spaced, 1-inch margins) analysis of a persuasion-related issue. Reference pages are NOT included in overall page length. Pick one topic below to answer the question highlighted in yellow. There are no right or wrong answers, rather I will be looking for how well your support your argument.The supporting material for this paper should come mainly from our textbook. The four sections highlighted below are required.

Introduction: This section is where your will lay out for the reader your question at issue you intend to address, present your thesis statement (recommended answer to the question), and communicate the main points your will be presenting in the body of the paper. 

Body: This section should be a well-organized analysis based on facts and logic.Cite your textbook, including any outside sources (e.g., media articles) to support your analysis. 

Conclusion: This section should summarize the question at issue, thesis statement and main points. I should have a clear sense of the logic of your paper. The conclusion is not the place to introduce new information, facts, sources, etc.

References: follow APA style and be free of spelling and grammatical errors

Review Ch14 (pp.416-420) – your textbook lists five categories of compliance-gaining strategies. 

First, review Ch3 “Persuasion and Ethics” (pp.64-68; pp.70 first paragraph); discuss different approaches, then develop your own ethical frameworkfor compliance-gaining tactics. Use this framework to evaluate when it is appropriate or not appropriate to employ EACH of these five categoriesto gain compliance. 

Second, when it comes to persuading someone to practice safer sex, which technique(s) would be most effective (you may select more than one technique from different categories)? Justify your argument.


We will discuss how to research the independent article you will use for Essay 3, the Pandemic Essay. 

1. If you would prefer to use an article on the internet rather than one from the database you can even do that . 

2. Know that you can use numerous resources on APA .

Add your article citation to your References page that you created for your APA template . Upload your updated APA template, with your now complete References page with your article citation in correct APA style, here.

Peer Review

Answer the feedback questions for each Essay you read. 

 When commenting on a paper, be straight forward—tell the writer the truth.

 Write comments in the same manner you wish to receive comments—no rude comments. Be considerate to other writers.

 Readers pay attention to the content of the paper. Do you understand the writer’s message?

 Readers do not make comments about a writer’s grammar. I will do that. ******


8 Feedback Questions:

When commenting let the reader know which paragraph you are referring to (i.e. in paragraph 3 you write about)

 What is the writer's thesis statement?​

 What is the main idea of each paragraph?

 What has the writer done to help the delivery of his/her message?

 What is your favorite line?

 What can the writer do better?

 What questions does the writer leave in your mind?

 Was it easy or difficult to follow the writer's paper? Explain why

 Are their any notes that can help the writer with the delivery of his her paper?

300words for each essay