HUM 10

painting Judith Slaying Holofernes by Artemisia Gentileschi.

A Contextual Criticism examines artworks as personal creations that reflect aspects of the artist's life and times. While some artworks show little of this information, there are many creative works that can be examined for this type of content.

The work of art that is to be examined for this assignment is titled ""Judith Slaying Holofernes"" by the painter Artemesia Gentileschi.

 Where and when was this artist born? When did the artist die?

 What kind of support did the artist have from the art guilds?

 How was this artist trained - in the academy for artists or elsewhere?

 Who were the artist's artistic influences?

 What period of art was the artist painting in and what are the characteristics of the period?

 What famous astronomer was a friend and supporter of Artemesia Gentileschi?

 What circumstances in the artist's life may be reflected in the painting by the act that is being done, by the style, color, emotional content, anatomy, decorations.

 Describe the expressions on the faces of the three people in the painting. What do their postures and expressions mean in the context of the artist's personal life?

 What does the technique of CHIAROSCURO contribute to the impact of the painting? To learn about Chiaroscuro, click here.

 What does the technique of SFUMATO contribute to the impact of the painting? To learn about Sfumato, click here.

 Artemesia Gentileschi painted several versions of this subject over a number of years. Look at another version here. Why did this artist retain a lifelong interest in painting this subject?

 Judith is the fourth book of the Old Testament Apocrypha in those versions of the Bible following the Greek Septuagint (generally Roman Catholic and Orthodox versions). Do you think Artemesia Gentileschi identified with the Biblical Judith?


If you were the asset manager for a hotel, would you recommend that the GM have their bonus tied to specific benchmarks? Why or why not? What would be the best metric to use that most reflects performance? Do you think the metric used for the GMs bonus should be used for all employees? Why or why not?


MLA Format •

 1 ½ to 2 pages (double spaced), not including the Works Cited page

 • Work Cited page • 

A minimum of 1 source

Essay Topics for Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner

Write at least 1,200 words on ONE of these questions:  Discuss the book as a tragedy. How do hubris (extreme pride) and hamartia (poor decisions based on misguided thinking) figure in Wringhim’s downfall? You will need to discuss, obviously, his relationships, influences, beliefs, prejudices and actions along with their consequences. Of course, you can discuss other human vices/flaws/deadly sins besides pride and poor judgement as contributors to Robert’s terrible descent into his hellish fate. Or,   Referring to both the The Editor’s Narrative and The Private Memoirs and Confessions of Wringhim himself, discuss in detail your view of the Wringhim/Gil-Martin relationship. Who is Gil-Martin? How do you ascribe the responsibility of what we know they have done, and assume they have done between the two of them? Refer, of course, to their interactions with others as illustrative of the nature of this relationship. Be sure to offer sound textual evidence for any claims you make.



 You MUST include a complete introduction and conclusion. However, for the supporting evidence section, please provide the research evidence/quotes you will use to support your reasons. Remember to cite your sources.

choose one of the following:

Should K-12 schools be allowed to use metal detectors as a safety protocol in U.S. ? OR

Should gene editing be allowed in the United States?

Creative Writing | Quests Creation Workshop

Please use proper grammar to the best of your ability for texts and follow the conventions established in quests already, such as writiing the logs from the perspective of the Pixie.

Each quest has the following:

- Title (ex. Human Research)

- Description (ex. Covertly gather data on the universe's strangest creature.)

- Time length (4 hours, 6 hours, 12 hours)

- Boost type (direct token payout or chance to earn bonus points)

- Boost amount (ex 5x or 2x)

On every quest, there is a base chance to receive both bonus points and a direct payout. The base chances are:

payout: 0.06%

Bonus points: 30%

For example a Boost Type of Token Payout with a 10x boost amount will result in a 0.6% chance of a payout.

- Point reward

And then each quest has 3 events with:

- Event Text

- Health, magicka, stamina change. Set to 0 for no change.

example format in pictures below

Create 50 &

submit assignment


This case study includes the Word document that contains the background and the case task. The Excel file contains data you will need to complete your analysis.

 Week 11 Franchise Analysis Case Study.docx Week 11 Franchise Analysis Case Study.docx - Alternative Formats

 Franchise Analysis Data.xlsx 

When you are complete, upload your Excel file using the name ""yourname.xlsx"". Enter the name of the brand you are recommending into the text field of the submission.

For information about how you'll be graded, refer to Franchise Analysis Case Study Rubric.docx Franchise Analysis Case Study Rubric.docx - Alternative Formats

The Italian and German Unification movements

Please use the pdf to support your answer. The directions are listed below in the docx. file

Managing interpersonal relationships

Managing interpersonal relationships: What are the Layers of Self Disclosure? Which layers do you think are appropriate to discuss on your “first date?”

For full credit, your response should be a minimum of 200 words and use terminology from your textbook  (please cite any sources you use). You should also reply to 2 other classmates--these should be a minimum of 50 words and should be thoughtful and thorough. You will need to create your thread before you are able to view other threads in this forum. 

Use correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Remember to capitalize the personal pronoun, ""I""


I need an Annotated Bibliography for the following topic;

'' Which is better: Traditional or Online education?''

It should have 5 sources with the details on the attached document, I will need the work done withing 10 hours