DB 1

For this discussion topic, I'm asking an open-ended question as to whether you feel contract law, and by extension, contracts, are essential to businesses.

If you agree that contracts are essential to business, explain why you feel that way and provide at least two examples of why you feel contracts are essential.

If you feel contract law, and by extension contracts, are not essential, explain your position and provide at least two examples that support your position 200 words

Communication Through Email

You have been working on a group project with several other students

Power of Punctuation

After you have learned about the different types of dashes, read Emily Dickinson's poem below.

Answer the following questions in a complete paragraph.

 How does the speaker use diction and figurative language to portray what it's like to be a ""somebody""? What tone does this create? Use evidence from the poem.

 Describe the form, structure, and punctuation of the poem. What effect does this have on the overall poem?

Do not stress as I know we are not poetry scholars. The goal is to see the effect of words and punctuation has on the readers.


I'm Nobody! Who are you? (260)

Emily Dickinson (Links to an external site.) - 1830-1886

I'm Nobody! Who are you?

Are you – Nobody – too?

Then there's a pair of us!

Don't tell! they'd advertise – you know!

How dreary – to be – Somebody!

How public – like a Frog –

To tell one's name – the livelong June –

To an admiring Bog!

Public Health

1 page, APA-7 format, in-text citation, references include

Interpretive summary link :https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/covid-data/covidview/index.html

Covid-19 Tracker link( specific for Frederick County,Maryland ) : https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/covid-data/covidview/index.html

Provide insight on the differences/similarities of the state data and the Interpretive summary for the week.

-Assess how it compares and explain why any indicators are moving in the opposite direction (if any).

-Explain what public health and policy efforts are not working (not implemented) OR are working better than reported in the summary.

Offer a diplomacy/communication initiative that could aid in the implementation/enforcement of the public efforts directed to counteract COVID-19 transference and response. 

Make sure to support your reasoning and conclusions with evidence from credible sources (no less than 2)

Hacker's Grammer Homework

Exercise 36-2 page 323

 Exercise 37-1 page 328

 Exercise 38-1 page 332

 Exercise 39-1 page 335


Week 8: Rhetorical Analysis Final Submission,"RHETORICAL ANALYSIS: to be completed along with the third unit project in this course The Advocacy Text Rhetorical Analysis is an es.say that explores the question “How did I make my decisions to create the Advocacy Text based on the rhetorical situation I was responding to?”

Your analysis should show that you made your rhetorical choices from an informed and reflective point of view, so in the Rhetorical Analysis, you should:

 Articulate the history or definition of your cause, its scope or significance (who’s impacted, when, where, why, how, and to what extent?), and the recency or relevance of the cause. 


     Please cite any relevant outside research that you had to consult to create your Advocacy Text. For instance, if you had to learn more about your topic in order to choose content for your Advocacy Text, explain and cite that research in your Rhetorical Analysis.



 Identify the features of the rhetorical situation in which your Advocacy Texts operated and narrate how you shaped your decisions based on those features.


     Use specific examples of details from the Advocacy Text itself to explain how you made your rhetorical decisions, addressing the elements that make up your rhetorical situation: the message itself (how you chose the message elements, including the mode or channel, conventions, and graphic, visual, or design elements), the rhetorical purpose (what change you were trying to evoke from the audience and how you think your choices helped you do that), and the audience (including the intended audience, the actual literal audience, and how you got the message to reach these audiences—both figuratively and literally).



 Reflect about how your identity or experiences related to your choice of cause, how you experienced the composition process, and what you might be realizing or learning from these connections.


     Reflect on the affective (or emotional) experiences of this composition process and what you might be realizing about or learning from those experiences.



Technical Requirements

 You must use (4) total outside sources in the creation of the Advocacy Text and Rhetorical Analysis project. Thinking about source literacy from previous units, you want to select high quality and credible source material to build your advocacy text. (i.e. consider using the CRAAP assessment).

 Advocacy Text and evidence of “submitting” your Advocacy Text to the intended audience must be submitted as a PDF file


     Length requirement for the Advocacy Text should be approximately 1-page or more depending on the genre selected



 Rhetorical Analysis must be submitted at a .doc/.docx file  

o  For the Rhetorical Analysis, the es.say and document should use MLA style and to reach the level of depth expected, the es.say should be no shorter than about 1,000 words but may be longer


text. For your initial post, address the following in the discussion forum:

               •            Select a managed care plan such as an HMO, PPO, POS, or EPO and discuss its advantages and disadvantages.

               •            Explain the main features of a consumer-directed health plan (CDHP).

               •            Examine one real-life example of a CDHP plan (e.g., Cigna 1500) and another for the selected managed care plan (e.g., Aetna Open Choice PPO) in terms of covered benefits, choice of providers, and level of cost sharing and then determine which one would be the optimal choice for your family.

Your initial post should be at least 300 words. Support your response with a minimum of two

Week 1 Short Assignment

This is an assignment seriously overdue! I need help with this ASAP! Is anyone available?

Ethan Frome project

Discuss the representation of women in Edith Wharton’s ‘Ethan Frome

Free writing

Use these 20 words and make a story in one paragraph 


· Symptom

· Dermatologist

· Hypodermic

· Hernia

· Hyperplasia

· Unilateral

· Hematocrit

· Erythropoietin

· Hyperpnea

· Spirometer

· Trachea

· Tonsillitis

· Hypotension

· Lactose

· Lipopenia

· Hyperglycemia

· Eupepsia

· Emesis

· Articulation

· Gonorrhea