English help

The first thing I want you to do is plagiarism, there a lot of sentences that needs to be restated in order to avoid plagiarism. I have attached my Annotated bibliography and I need you to make it longer. each source should have two paragraphs a summery approximately 100 word and an evaluation approximately 200 word. Therefor, the AB should have 11 paragraphs 10 for the sources and 1 for the introduction. I don't want to write a new AB but I only need you to improve it half the work is already done. I also have attached an example for you to see.  # each paragraph should answer these questions depending if its an intro, summary, or evaluation. Your annotated bibliography should contain the following elements:An introductionWhat is your topic? Why did you choose it? Why is it important?How are your sources related to your topic? How are your sources related to each other?A reference entryUse APA citation.Do not create a separate reference page.A summaryIf applicable, what are the research question(s) and findings?What are the main points of the source?Do not be too specific; use roughly 100 words.An evaluationIs this source reliable? Why or why not?If applicable, do you agree with the argument/findings the author made? Why or why not?How is this source related to your topic? How is it helpful to you? If applicable, how does it help you narrow down your topic?How does this source support or disagree with your other sources?What questions does this source leave unanswered?Be concise; use roughly 200 words

Complete Project

In her chapter from What Terrorists Want, Louise Richardson speaks of her experience growing up as a sympathizer of the Irish Republican Army. Because of her experience growing up during a time of conflict in Northern Ireland, she writes that ""when I hear of a terrorist atrocity, I do not think of the perpetrators as evil monsters; rather, I think of the terrorists I have met and the people I have known who have joined terrorist groups, and I rehearse in my mind their own justifications"" (xii). 

Drawing on specific stories from Richardson's chapter, as well as the other readings assigned for this week (see the syllabus), what justifications are commonly used by anti-state, ""social revolutionary"" terrorists? Why does Richardson and others from similar backgrounds not see such terrorists as ""evil monsters"" but as misguided individuals who believe they are fighting for a ""greater good""? 

Finally, why does she think it is important for policy makers to see terrorists in this way? And, do you agree with her?

Color of Law

African Americans and Housing Discrimination

Having read The Color of Law, you are now becoming an expert on housing discrimination in the United States. You have been appointed to a commission on housing and must determine whether the federal government is responsible for finding a solution or remedy for the lasting effects of housing discrimination against African Americans. 

Rothstein makes a powerful case in arguing that it is our government’s responsibility, so if you want to take the easier route, one needs to just choose what you feel are his strongest reasons and paraphrase them in your own words. If you want to argue the government should not attempt to find a remedy or solution, you should look at some of the arguments and his answers in the frequently asked questions section. Regardless of your position, you should address issues like restrictive covenants, exclusionary zoning laws, blockbusting, redlining, and some of the key Supreme Court decisions and the Civil War amendments. 

Keep in mind that the focus of the is on why or why not offer a remedy. You can discuss specific solutions in the conclusion. You are certainly welcome to bring in some of the solutions that Rothstein proposes in the chapter “Considering Fixes” or you can come up with your own remedy.  must be four pages.

Discussion Thread

Diversity,"Read a current (no more than 5 years old) scholarly article that addresses diversity. In your initial post, summarize the article and note the recommendations. What insights from the article did you find helpful or confusing? Has your educational perspective changed as a result of reading the article? Discuss how a Christian worldview may influence the article recommendations. Cite and reference the article (and any other resources you may mention) in your initial post and replies.(450 words or more)


I need Rogerian Argument write up for the following topics;

1. Which Is Better: Traditional Or Online Education?

2. Should Schools Have Armed Guards?

It should comprise of 8 paragraphs including an introduction, 6 body paragraphs and a conclusion followilng the Rogerian Argument guidelines and requirements on the attached documents.

I will need the work done in 12 hours from now.

Antithesis Final Draft

Working Thesis:

Cybercrime is a subject that affects everyone from all businesses to your average phone user. As technology advances so do the possibilities of being hacked or having your identity stolen. I believe that while you must do your best for prevention you must prepare for the worst and with proper education, updating software along with technology, and password protecting important documentation you can help mitigate the effects. Cybercrime will be an important and ongoing topic for years to come as our world relies heavily on technology and its advancing at a rapid speed.


Based on the most current and most recently revised version of your working thesis, write a brief post (of around 750 words) where you identify, explain, and answer the antithesis to your position. Specifically,

 present at least two opposing viewpoints to your thesis

 along with corresponding counterarguments for each

Keep in mind that the main goal of this post is to think about an audience of readers who might not agree with you and to answer at least some of the questions and complaints they might have about your research project.

Be sure to include textual evidence about both the antithesis and your working thesis, and be sure to answer the objections hostile readers might have

Rels Reflection

Final. Take home. Each student shall write a 4 pages in which they critically interact with the following questions: 

1. What were the three most valuable lessons you learned in the class?

2. Why were they the most valuable?

3. How have they affected your character? 

4. How will they influence your future life? 


The will be written according to the following criteria: 

- Full title page

- Times New Roman 12 font

- Double spaced

- This is a personal reflection P and so no outside sources are necessary. However, 

if you chose to use outside sources, they must be referenced properly in the notes 

and in a bibliography


To solve the obesity problem in children, the government needs to step in.


watch YouTube as reference 








Final Project Recommendation report

This assignment is a recommendation report

attachments are attached with the details

this assignment must be completed on May 2nd 2022 by 3pm eastern standard time

Project outline must be completed as well

The link below is a sample recommendation report
