"Why I Love the Country That Once Betrayed Me"" by George Takai and Answer Questions

Please read the attached article and answer the questions in complete sentences. This is an article written by actor George Takai that reveals his feelings for the United States in spite of the treatment he and his familiy recieved during World War II.

  In what ways was Takei’s grandparents’ journey to the United States similar to the journey made by the Starship Enterprise alluded to in the opening of the speech? How did both groups “boldly go where no one has gone before?” 

 What function does Takei's citing of the Declaration of Independence have on his argument for ""why he [loves] a country that once betrayed [him]?"" In what ways does his thesis gain support from the tenets of the Declaration? Use evidence from the text to support your answers. 

 Identify Takei's claim regarding heroism. Evaluate Takei's depiction of the heroic soldiers fighting the Germans at the Gothic Line. What is the importance of this story to Takei's claim? How is it effective in illustrating the allegiance the Japanese- Americans had to a country that was suspicious of them?

Small response paper

English paper","read Chaucer, Canterbury Tales, The Clerk's Prologue and the First Part of the Tale.

What are the differences between Chaucer's Boccaccio's and Marie de France's visions of this myth in modern American society? How? Where?

I put the two book on the files, read them and answer those questions, the paper should around 400 words, one page double space.

01.18 Forces of Nature Post-test

Question 1 (Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)(MC)Frankenstein Chapter 2, Excerpt 2 By Mary ShelleyVictor Frankenstein continues recounting the influences that lead to his great experiment:An accident again changed the current of my ideas. When I was about fifteen years old we had retired to our house near Belrive, when we witnessed a most violent and terrible thunderstorm. It advanced from behind the mountains of Jura, and the thunder burst at once with frightful loudness from various quarters of the heavens. I remained, while the storm lasted, watching its progress with curiosity and delight. As I stood at the door, on a sudden I beheld a stream of fire issue from an old and beautiful oak which stood about twenty yards from our house; and so soon as the dazzling light vanished, the oak had disappeared, and nothing remained but a blasted stump. When we visited it the next morning, we found the tree shattered in a singular manner. It was not splintered by the shock, but entirely reduced to thin ribbons of wood. I never beheld anything so utterly destroyed.Before this I was not unacquainted with the more obvious laws of electricity. On this occasion a man of great research in natural philosophy was with us, and excited by this catastrophe, he entered on the explanation of a theory which he had formed on the subject of electricity and galvanism, which was at once new and astonishing to me. All that he said threw greatly into the shade Cornelius Agrippa, Albertus Magnus, and Paracelsus, the lords of my imagination; but by some fatality the overthrow of these men disinclined me to pursue my accustomed studies. It seemed to me as if nothing would or could ever be known. All that had so long engaged my attention suddenly grew despicable. By one of those caprices of the mind which we are perhaps most subject to in early youth, I at once gave up my former occupations, set down natural history and all its progeny as a deformed and abortive creation, and entertained the greatest disdain for a would-be science which could never even step within the threshold of real knowledge. In this mood of mind I betook myself to the mathematics and the branches of study appertaining to that science as being built upon secure foundations, and so worthy of my consideration.What is the main effect of describing key events in the narrative as ""accidents"" or as happening by chance?[removed] They suggest the events are not entirely negative in their effects on the narrator.[removed] They suggest the events cannot be retold objectively by the narrator.[removed] They suggest the narrator feels a great sense of responsibility for the events.[removed] They suggest the narrator is not fully responsible for the outcome of his story. Question 2 (Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)(MC)Frankenstein Chapter 2, Excerpt 2 By Mary ShelleyVictor Frankenstein continues recounting the influences that lead to his great experiment:An accident again changed the current of my ideas. When I was about fifteen years old we had retired to our house near Belrive, when we witnessed a most violent and terrible thunderstorm. It advanced from behind the mountains of Jura, and the thunder burst at once with frightful loudness from various quarters of the heavens. I remained, while the storm lasted, watching its progress with curiosity and delight. As I stood at the door, on a sudden I beheld a stream of fire issue from an old and beautiful oak which stood about twenty yards from our house; and so soon as the dazzling light vanished, the oak had disappeared, and nothing remained but a blasted stump. When we visited it the next morning, we found the tree shattered in a singular manner. It was not splintered by the shock, but entirely reduced to thin ribbons of wood. I never beheld anything so utterly destroyed.Before this I was not unacquainted with the more obvious laws of electricity. On this occasion a man of great research in natural philosophy was with us, and excited by this catastrophe, he entered on the explanation of a theory which he had formed on the subject of electricity and galvanism, which was at once new and astonishing to me. All that he said threw greatly into the shade Cornelius Agrippa, Albertus Magnus, and Paracelsus, the lords of my imagination; but by some fatality the overthrow of these men disinclined me to pursue my accustomed studies. It seemed to me as if nothing would or could ever be known. All that had so long engaged my attention suddenly grew despicable. By one of those caprices of the mind which we are perhaps most subject to in early youth, I at once gave up my former occupations, set down natural history and all its progeny as a deformed and abortive creation, and entertained the greatest disdain for a would-be science which could never even step within the threshold of real knowledge. In this mood of mind I betook myself to the mathematics and the branches of study appertaining to that science as being built upon secure foundations, and so worthy of my consideration.This passage demonstrates use of a first person narrator, where the character tells the story. Why did the author use this writing style?[removed] It allows readers to focus on events rather than characters or personalities.[removed] It allows readers to understand the character’s personality while learning about events.[removed] It allows readers to identify easily with anyone who opposes the narrator.[removed] It allows readers to understand the secret feelings of other characters the narrator meets. Question 3 (Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)(LC)Frankenstein Chapter 2, ExcerptBy Mary ShelleyVictor Frankenstein recounts the influences that lead to his great experiment:When I was thirteen years of age we all went on a party of pleasure to the baths near Thonon; the inclemency of the weather obliged us to remain a day confined to the inn. In this house I chanced to find a volume of the works of Cornelius Agrippa. I opened it with apathy; the theory which he attempts to demonstrate and the wonderful facts which he relates soon changed this feeling into enthusiasm. A new light seemed to dawn upon my mind, and bounding with joy, I communicated my discovery to my father. My father looked carelessly at the title page of my book and said, ""Ah! Cornelius Agrippa! My dear Victor, do not waste your time upon this; it is sad trash.""If, instead of this remark, my father had taken the pains to explain to me that the principles of Agrippa had been entirely exploded and that a modern system of science had been introduced which possessed much greater powers than the ancient, because the powers of the latter were chimerical, while those of the former were real and practical, under such circumstances I should certainly have thrown Agrippa aside and have contented my imagination, warmed as it was, by returning with greater ardour to my former studies. It is even possible that the train of my ideas would never have received the fatal impulse that led to my ruin. But the cursory glance my father had taken of my volume by no means assured me that he was acquainted with its contents, and I continued to read with the greatest avidity.Read this excerpt from the text:It is even possible that the train of my ideas would never have received the fatal impulse that led to my ruin.What does the author mean by the ""fatal impulse"" he describes in this line?[removed] Something happened that set terrible things in motion.[removed] Someone checked his medical history and found bad news.[removed] Somewhere in his youth he had a near-death experience.[removed] Sometime in the future he plans to become famous. Question 4 (Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)(LC)Frankenstein Chapter 2, Excerpt 2By Mary ShelleyVictor Frankenstein continues recounting the influences that lead to his great experiment:An accident again changed the current of my ideas. When I was about fifteen years old we had retired to our house near Belrive, when we witnessed a most violent and terrible thunderstorm. It advanced from behind the mountains of Jura, and the thunder burst at once with frightful loudness from various quarters of the heavens. I remained, while the storm lasted, watching its progress with curiosity and delight. As I stood at the door, on a sudden I beheld a stream of fire issue from an old and beautiful oak which stood about twenty yards from our house; and so soon as the dazzling light vanished, the oak had disappeared, and nothing remained but a blasted stump. When we visited it the next morning, we found the tree shattered in a singular manner. It was not splintered by the shock, but entirely reduced to thin ribbons of wood. I never beheld anything so utterly destroyed.What does the word choice of this passage suggest about the overall tone of the novel?[removed] The story is uplifting and joyful.[removed] The story is romantic and kind.[removed] The story is factual and true.[removed] The story is tragic and scary. Question 5 (Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)(LC)Frankenstein Chapter 2, Excerpt 2 By Mary ShelleyVictor Frankenstein continues recounting the influences that lead to his great experiment:An accident again changed the current of my ideas. When I was about fifteen years old we had retired to our house near Belrive, when we witnessed a most violent and terrible thunderstorm. It advanced from behind the mountains of Jura, and the thunder burst at once with frightful loudness from various quarters of the heavens. I remained, while the storm lasted, watching its progress with curiosity and delight. As I stood at the door, on a sudden I beheld a stream of fire issue from an old and beautiful oak which stood about twenty yards from our house; and so soon as the dazzling light vanished, the oak had disappeared, and nothing remained but a blasted stump. When we visited it the next morning, we found the tree shattered in a singular manner. It was not splintered by the shock, but entirely reduced to thin ribbons of wood. I never beheld anything so utterly destroyed.Why does the author use only Victor’s information in this passage?[removed] Victor is the one who wrote the novel.[removed] Readers enjoy multiple perspectives.[removed] It allows Victor to tell the story.[removed] It prevents readers from knowing the ending. Question 6 (Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)(MC)Frankenstein Chapter 2, ExcerptBy Mary ShelleyVictor Frankenstein recounts the influences that lead to his great experiment:When I was thirteen years of age we all went on a party of pleasure to the baths near Thonon; the inclemency of the weather obliged us to remain a day confined to the inn. In this house I chanced to find a volume of the works of Cornelius Agrippa. I opened it with apathy; the theory which he attempts to demonstrate and the wonderful facts which he relates soon changed this feeling into enthusiasm. A new light seemed to dawn upon my mind, and bounding with joy, I communicated my discovery to my father. My father looked carelessly at the title page of my book and said, ""Ah! Cornelius Agrippa! My dear Victor, do not waste your time upon this; it is sad trash.""If, instead of this remark, my father had taken the pains to explain to me that the principles of Agrippa had been entirely exploded and that a modern system of science had been introduced which possessed much greater powers than the ancient, because the powers of the latter were chimerical, while those of the former were real and practical, under such circumstances I should certainly have thrown Agrippa aside and have contented my imagination, warmed as it was, by returning with greater ardour to my former studies. It is even possible that the train of my ideas would never have received the fatal impulse that led to my ruin. But the cursory glance my father had taken of my volume by no means assured me that he was acquainted with its contents, and I continued to read with the greatest avidity. When I returned home my first care was to procure the whole works of this author, and afterwards of Paracelsus and Albertus Magnus. I read and studied the wild fancies of these writers with delight; they appeared to me treasures known to few besides myself. I have described myself as always having been imbued with a fervent longing to penetrate the secrets of nature. In spite of the intense labour and wonderful discoveries of modern philosophers, I always came from my studies discontented and unsatisfied. Sir Isaac Newton is said to have avowed that he felt like a child picking up shells beside the great and unexplored ocean of truth. Those of his successors in each branch of natural philosophy with whom I was acquainted appeared even to my boy's apprehensions as tyros engaged in the same pursuit.Under the guidance of my new preceptors I entered with the greatest diligence into the search of the philosopher's stone and the elixir of life; but the latter soon obtained my undivided attention. Wealth was an inferior object, but what glory would attend the discovery if I could banish disease from the human frame and render man invulnerable to any but a violent death! Which line from the text explains the effect of the texts of Agrippa on the narrator?[removed] . . .the theory which he attempts to demonstrate and the wonderful facts which he relates soon changed this feeling into enthusiasm.[removed] My father looked carelessly at the title page of my book and said, ""Ah! Cornelius Agrippa! My dear Victor, do not waste your time upon this; it is sad trash.""[removed] . . . the principles of Agrippa had been entirely exploded and that a modern system of science had been introduced which possessed much greater powers than the ancient. . .[removed] When I returned home my first care was to procure the whole works of this author. . . Question 7 (Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)(MC)Frankenstein Chapter 2, Excerpt 2 By Mary ShelleyVictor Frankenstein continues recounting the influences that lead to his great experiment:An ardent imagination and childish reasoning, till an accident again changed the current of my ideas. When I was about fifteen years old we had retired to our house near Belrive, when we witnessed a most violent and terrible thunderstorm. It advanced from behind the mountains of Jura, and the thunder burst at once with frightful loudness from various quarters of the heavens. I remained, while the storm lasted, watching its progress with curiosity and delight. As I stood at the door, on a sudden I beheld a stream of fire issue from an old and beautiful oak which stood about twenty yards from our house; and so soon as the dazzling light vanished, the oak had disappeared, and nothing remained but a blasted stump. When we visited it the next morning, we found the tree shattered in a singular manner. It was not splintered by the shock, but entirely reduced to thin ribbons of wood. I never beheld anything so utterly destroyed.Before this I was not unacquainted with the more obvious laws of electricity. On this occasion a man of great research in natural philosophy was with us, and excited by this catastrophe, he entered on the explanation of a theory which he had formed on the subject of electricity and galvanism, which was at once new and astonishing to me. All that he said threw greatly into the shade Cornelius Agrippa, Albertus Magnus, and Paracelsus, the lords of my imagination; but by some fatality the overthrow of these men disinclined me to pursue my accustomed studies. It seemed to me as if nothing would or could ever be known. All that had so long engaged my attention suddenly grew despicable. By one of those caprices of the mind which we are perhaps most subject to in early youth, I at once gave up my former occupations, set down natural history and all its progeny as a deformed and abortive creation, and entertained the greatest disdain for a would-be science which could never even step within the threshold of real knowledge. In this mood of mind I betook myself to the mathematics and the branches of study appertaining to that science as being built upon secure foundations, and so worthy of my consideration.Which of the following topics could be used to write a narrative using supporting details from this excerpt?[removed] Victor’s experience studying a new science.[removed] The reason Victor's childhood heroes are the cause of his destruction.[removed] Victor sees himself as all-powerful.[removed] Victor wishing he had a different relationship with his father. Question 8 (Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)(MC)Read this line from Frankenstein:When I was thirteen years of age we all went on a party of pleasure to the baths near Thonon; the inclemency of the weather obliged us to remain a day confined to the inn.Based on the context, what does the word inclemency mean?[removed] Imprecision[removed] Forcefulness[removed] Unpleasantness[removed] Wetness Question 9 (Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)(LC)Read this line from Frankenstein:And thus for a time I was occupied by exploded systems, mingling, like an unadept, a thousand contradictory theories and floundering desperately in a very slough of multifarious knowledge, guided by an ardent imagination and childish reasoning. . .An adept is one who is an expert at something.Why does the author use the word unadept in this line?[removed] To show frustration[removed] To show confidence[removed] To show fear[removed] To show expertise Question 10 (Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)(LC)Which synonym describes the greatest degree of regret?[removed] Apologetic: acknowledging fault or failure[removed] Contrite: feeling or showing remorse for a shortcoming[removed] Remorseful: motivated by distress from a sense of guilt[removed] Repentant: feeling remorse to a degree marked by an extreme change Question 11 (Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)(MC)Frankenstein Chapter 2, ExcerptBy Mary ShelleyVictor Frankenstein recounts the influences that lead to his great experiment:When I was thirteen years of age we all went on a party of pleasure to the baths near Thonon; the inclemency of the weather obliged us to remain a day confined to the inn. In this house I chanced to find a volume of the works of Cornelius Agrippa. I opened it with apathy; the theory which he attempts to demonstrate and the wonderful facts which he relates soon changed this feeling into enthusiasm. A new light seemed to dawn upon my mind, and bounding with joy, I communicated my discovery to my father. My father looked carelessly at the title page of my book and said, ""Ah! Cornelius Agrippa! My dear Victor, do not waste your time upon this; it is sad trash.""If, instead of this remark, my father had taken the pains to explain to me that the principles of Agrippa had been entirely exploded and that a modern system of science had been introduced which possessed much greater powers than the ancient, because the powers of the latter were chimerical, while those of the former were real and practical, under such circumstances I should certainly have thrown Agrippa aside and have contented my imagination, warmed as it was, by returning with greater ardour to my former studies. It is even possible that the train of my ideas would never have received the fatal impulse that led to my ruin. But the cursory glance my father had taken of my volume by no means assured me that he was acquainted with its contents, and I continued to read with the greatest avidity. When I returned home my first care was to procure the whole works of this author, and afterwards of Paracelsus and Albertus Magnus. I read and studied the wild fancies of these writers with delight; they appeared to me treasures known to few besides myself. I have described myself as always having been imbued with a fervent longing to penetrate the secrets of nature. In spite of the intense labour and wonderful discoveries of modern philosophers, I always came from my studies discontented and unsatisfied. Sir Isaac Newton is said to have avowed that he felt like a child picking up shells beside the great and unexplored ocean of truth. Those of his successors in each branch of natural philosophy with whom I was acquainted appeared even to my boy's apprehensions as tyros engaged in the same pursuit.Under the guidance of my new preceptors I entered with the greatest diligence into the search of the philosopher's stone and the elixir of life; but the latter soon obtained my undivided attention. Wealth was an inferior object, but what glory would attend the discovery if I could banish disease from the human frame and render man invulnerable to any but a violent death! Which lines from the text most clearly suggest that the narrator will fight against nature?[removed] When I was thirteen years of age we all went on a party of pleasure to the baths near Thonon. . .[removed] . . .I always came from my studies discontented and unsatisfied.[removed] I had gazed upon the fortifications and impediments that seemed to keep human beings from entering the citadel of nature.[removed] . . .what glory would attend the discovery if I could banish disease from the human frame and render man invulnerable to any but a violent death! Question 12 (Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)(LC)Frankenstein Chapter 2, ExcerptBy Mary ShelleyVictor Frankenstein recounts the influences that lead to his great experiment:When I was thirteen years of age we all went on a party of pleasure to the baths near Thonon; the inclemency of the weather obliged us to remain a day confined to the inn. In this house I chanced to find a volume of the works of Cornelius Agrippa. I opened it with apathy; the theory which he attempts to demonstrate and the wonderful facts which he relates soon changed this feeling into enthusiasm. A new light seemed to dawn upon my mind, and bounding with joy, I communicated my discovery to my father. My father looked carelessly at the title page of my book and said, ""Ah! Cornelius Agrippa! My dear Victor, do not waste your time upon this; it is sad trash.""If, instead of this remark, my father had taken the pains to explain to me that the principles of Agrippa had been entirely exploded and that a modern system of science had been introduced which possessed much greater powers than the ancient, because the powers of the latter were chimerical, while those of the former were real and practical, under such circumstances I should certainly have thrown Agrippa aside and have contented my imagination, warmed as it was, by returning with greater ardour to my former studies. It is even possible that the train of my ideas would never have received the fatal impulse that led to my ruin. But the cursory glance my father had taken of my volume by no means assured me that he was acquainted with its contents, and I continued to read with the greatest avidity. When I returned home my first care was to procure the whole works of this author, and afterwards of Paracelsus and Albertus Magnus. I read and studied the wild fancies of these writers with delight; they appeared to me treasures known to few besides myself. I have described myself as always having been imbued with a fervent longing to penetrate the secrets of nature. In spite of the intense labour and wonderful discoveries of modern philosophers, I always came from my studies discontented and unsatisfied. Sir Isaac Newton is said to have avowed that he felt like a child picking up shells beside the great and unexplored ocean of truth. Those of his successors in each branch of natural philosophy with whom I was acquainted appeared even to my boy's apprehensions as tyros engaged in the same pursuit.Under the guidance of my new preceptors I entered with the greatest diligence into the search of the philosopher's stone and the elixir of life; but the latter soon obtained my undivided attention. Wealth was an inferior object, but what glory would attend the discovery if I could banish disease from the human frame and render man invulnerable to any but a violent death! Read this line from the text:I have described myself as always having been imbued with a fervent longing to penetrate the secrets of nature.In this line, the author is exploring man versus nature. Which word from this passage best demonstrates the conflict between man and nature?[removed] Described[removed] Myself[removed] Penetrate[removed] Secrets Question 13 (Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)(LC)Frankenstein Chapter 2, Excerpt 2 By Mary ShelleyVictor Frankenstein continues recounting the influences that lead to his great experiment:Before this I was not unacquainted with the more obvious laws of electricity. On this occasion a man of great research in natural philosophy was with us, and excited by this catastrophe, he entered on the explanation of a theory which he had formed on the subject of electricity and galvanism, which was at once new and astonishing to me. All that he said threw greatly into the shade Cornelius Agrippa, Albertus Magnus, and Paracelsus, the lords of my imagination; but by some fatality the overthrow of these men disinclined me to pursue my accustomed studies. It seemed to me as if nothing would or could ever be known. All that had so long engaged my attention suddenly grew despicable. By one of those caprices of the mind which we are perhaps most subject to in early youth, I at once gave up my former occupations, set down natural history and all its progeny as a deformed and abortive creation, and entertained the greatest disdain for a would-be science which could never even step within the threshold of real knowledge. In this mood of mind I betook myself to the mathematics and the branches of study appertaining to that science as being built upon secure foundations, and so worthy of my consideration.Which line from the text states that the narrator was young at the time?[removed] By one of those caprices of the mind which we are perhaps most subject to in early youth. . .[removed] I at once gave up my former occupations, set down natural history and all its progeny as a deformed and abortive creation. . .[removed] In this mood of mind I betook myself to the mathematics. . .[removed] . . .the branches of study appertaining to that science as being built upon secure foundations, and so worthy of my consideration. Question 14 (Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)(LC)Frankenstein Chapter 2, Excerpt 2 By Mary ShelleyVictor Frankenstein continues recounting the influences that lead to his great experiment:Before this I was not unacquainted with the more obvious laws of electricity. On this occasion a man of great research in natural philosophy was with us, and excited by this catastrophe, he entered on the explanation of a theory which he had formed on the subject of electricity and galvanism, which was at once new and astonishing to me. All that he said threw greatly into the shade Cornelius Agrippa, Albertus Magnus, and Paracelsus, the lords of my imagination; but by some fatality the overthrow of these men disinclined me to pursue my accustomed studies. It seemed to me as if nothing would or could ever be known. All that had so long engaged my attention suddenly grew despicable. By one of those caprices of the mind which we are perhaps most subject to in early youth, I at once gave up my former occupations, set down natural history and all its progeny as a deformed and abortive creation, and entertained the greatest disdain for a would-be science which could never even step within the threshold of real knowledge. In this mood of mind I betook myself to the mathematics and the branches of study appertaining to that science as being built upon secure foundations, and so worthy of my consideration.Read this sentence from the text:In this mood of mindWhat does this line say about the narrator?[removed] He made up his mind after careful consideration.[removed] He made up his mind based on his annoyance.[removed] He made up his mind by getting good advice.[removed] He made up his mind to quit working altogether. Question 15 (Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)(LC)Read this line from Frankenstein by Mary Shelley:It was already one in the morning; the rain pattered dismally against the panes, and my candle was nearly burnt out, when, by the glimmer of the half-extinguished light, I saw the dull yellow eye of the creature open; it breathed hard, and a convulsive motion agitated its limbs.Considering the use of the word agitated in this line, what is the most likely meaning of the word convulsive?[removed] Smooth[removed] Gentle[removed] Agile[removed] Jerky Question 16 (Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)(MC)Read Article IX of the United States Bill of Rights:The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.What is the main effect of setting the phrase of certain rights off with commas following the introductory phrase the enumeration of the Constitution?[removed] It emphasizes the rights are what should not be misconstrued.[removed] It emphasizes the rights belong to the people not the Constitution.[removed] It makes the rights more important than the Constitution.[removed] It suggests that some rights are more important than others. Question 17 (Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)(MC)Read this line from Frankenstein by Mary Shelley:I had gazed on him while unfinished; he was ugly then, but when those muscles and joints were rendered capable of motion, it became a thing such as even Dante could not have conceived. Which definition of render is most likely suited for this line?[removed] 14th Century: delivered[removed] 15th Century: returned[removed] 16th Century: depicted[removed] 20th Century: made Question 18 (Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)(MC)Read this line from Frankenstein by Mary Shelley:Sometimes my pulse beat so quickly and hardly that I felt the palpitation of every artery; at others, I nearly sank to the ground through languor and extreme weakness.Which definition of hardly is most likely suited for this line?[removed] Early 16th Century: With trouble or hardship[removed] Middle English—Early 19th Century: With energy or force[removed] Middle 16th Century: Barely, only just; not quite[removed] Middle 16th Century: Not easily Question 19 (Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)(MC)Read these lines from Macbeth:The west yet glimmers with some streaks of day:Now spurs the lated traveller apace,To gain the timely inn; and near approachesThe subject of our watch.Which of the following correctly describes how the word gain is used here?[removed] It suggests an increase of some value.[removed] It suggests earning something.[removed] It suggests reaching a place.[removed] It suggests something owned. Question 20 (Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)(LC)Which sentence uses syntax for emphasis?[removed] Ask not what your country can do for you. . . John F. Kennedy[removed] Few men have virtue to withstand the highest bidder. . . George Washington[removed] One man with courage is a majority. . . Thomas Jefferson[removed] The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it. . . Abraham Lincoln

700 word paper

Read the play Anna in the tropics from the attached file. Pick ONE topic from below and write a 700 word essay: What are the forces in the world that Cheche and Santiago/Ofelia represent?  How does the book, Anna Karenina metaphorically emphasize moments in the play? Look at the example on page 78. There is a passage from “Anna,” what does it have to do with the events surrounding it. Do not look for plot. Look at the atmosphere of the words and how they connect to plot of the play. What is the journey of Conchita and Palomo’s relationship in the play? Is there a resolution?

Observation Plan

According to child development specialists, one of the most accurate ways to learn about children is to observe them in daily activities” (Wortham, 2012, p. 117). Among the many types of observation discussed in Chapter 5, anecdotal records, running records, time sampling, and event sampling are widely used in schools and centers across the nation. For this discussion, you will begin to develop a plan for the observation types you will use in your written assignment this week, which involves the observation of an actual child. Here is what you are asked to do: Choose either anecdotal or running records. Describe the record type and explain its characteristics. Discuss whether you will be observing social/emotional development, physical development, cognitive development, or language development (choose one), and what the purposes are for assessing that domain. Next, choose either time sampling or event sampling. Describe the sampling method and tell what its characteristics are. Discuss whether you will be observing social/emotional development, physical development, cognitive development or language development (choose one that is a different domain from above) and what the purposes are for assessing that domain.  Attached is an example of the anecdotal and running record as well as the time and event sampling. Here is a video to assist you with this discussion this, all about the observation process:  The Center for Early Childhood Education [EarlyChildhooldVideos]. (2013, January 30). Observing young children [Video file]. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1Xtr3RKjGc Hardman, M.L., Drew, C.J., & Egan, M.W. (2011). Human exceptionality: School, community, and family. (10th edition). Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Company. Kostelnik, J., Rupiper, M., Soderman, A., & Whiren, A. (2014). Developmentally appropriate curriculum in action. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education. Morrison, G. (2009). Early childhood education today. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Wortham, S.C. (2012). Assessment in early childhood education. (6th edition) Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson (Required Text)


1. Complete the prewriting for the progress report:Prewriting prepares you to write and helps you organize your ideas.You may print the lesson and jot notes for yourself on the paper, or you may write notes on your own.You do not have to submit prewriting for any points, but don't skip this important step!2. Complete a draft of the progress report:Remember to use the memo format style in typing this progress report.This report should be two or more pages when you are completed.The draft will be much shorter than your final report.Follow a logical structure: introduction, what is finished, what is underway, what is left to do, and a conclusion.Use specifics such as dates, proper names, numbers, costs, etc.Include one or more visuals may such as pictures, graphs, charts, tables, etc.

Math college

1. Graph the function y=2x . Define the domain and range of the function y. 2. Graph the function Y=log2X. Define the domain and range of the function Y.

 1. Define six trigonometric functions, sin(x), cos(x), tan(x), cosec(x), sec(x), and cot(x) using a right triangle. 2. Graph the six trigonometric functions, sin(x), cos(x), tan(x), cosec(x), sec(x), and cot(x) and indicate its domain and range.",#######********?

2101 stat

Now you need to type up and discuss your findings for this data. Be sure to discuss similarities and differences between the 3 groups. Compare/contrast the mean, median, mode, min/max, spread of data etc. You should also discuss similarities and differences in the boxplots. This can involve spread, max/min, outliers, etc.

6 sentences is fine for this

Monty Hall Problem

 A famous controversy about a probability question erupted over an item in the ""Ask Marilyn"" column in Parade Magazine, written by Marilyn Vos Savant. The problem her column addressed was loosely based on a TV game show called Let's Make a Deal, hosted by Monty Hall, and hence is known as the Monty Hall Problem. Here's the question:

Suppose that you're on a game show and you're given the choice of three doors: Behind one door is a car, behind the other two doors are goats. You pick a door, say No. 1, and the host who knows what's behind the doors opens another door, say No. 3, which has a goat. He then says do you want to change your pick to door No. 2? Is it to your advantage to switch your choice?

Marilyn answered that the probability of winning was higher if the contestant switched. This answer generated many letters, including a few from mathematicians, claiming that she was wrong. Marilyn answered with the following logic. When you first pick door No. 1, the chance that you picked the one with the car is P(door 1) = 1/3. The probability that you chose a door with a goat is 2/3. When the host opens door No. 3 to reveal a goat, this does not change the 1/3 probability that you picked the right door (Door 1) in the first place. As only one other door remains (Door 2), the probability that it contains the car is 1 - P(Door 1) = 1 - 1/3 = 2/3. Therefore, it pays to switch doors. Visit a few of the many websites devoted to the Monty Hall Problem to gain some understanding of its subtleties. Do you agree with Marilyn’s logic? If so, try to explain it in your own words. If not, present an alternative approach. 


Answer questions on document attached watching these videos



Week 5 - Reflect

The following question will give you a chance to self-evaluate, think about what you've been learning in this course, and draw your own conclusions about how you can apply organization effectively in your life. Your answer may be used to determine how to improve the program for future students. Your answer will not be used for marketing purposes. Please respond in a paragraph of at least 5–7 sentences to fully address the question. Be sure to use your own words! Class is Using Math Inform Your World

 How have you used the organizational strategies learned in this course to help you improve your productivity in this course