Critical Thinking

Why is a thesis statement important?

Family and Gender Roles

How is family life, and customs, expectations, and gender roles within the family, depicted in modern day film?

Personal Integrity Dialogue

For this week's discussion, respond to the following: 

In Harper Lee's great novel To Kill a Mockingbird, Atticus Fitch says this, “They're certainly entitled to think that, and they're entitled to full respect for their opinions... but before I can live with other folks I've got to live with myself. The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience.” What part does personal integrity and a Christian conscience play in the way we should conduct research and compose our own academic ppr? Does the Bible speak to the subject? Where and how?

(200-250 words)

Article Summary Dialogue 3

Find and summarize an article. Compose your initial post in a way that both explains your interest and might also incline your reader to be interested in the subject. Be specific about what makes the article valuable. Include an article citation 

-for quick help consult


Library Database website

Cultures in Conflict

Does the meeting of cultures raise issues about tradition, or about personal or cultural identity?

Discussion responses

Select one of the following populations:

 Aging Population


 Migrant Workers


 Other Identified Vulnerable Populations from Your Reading

Then complete the following steps for your discussion post:

 Identify which vulnerable population you have chosen to use for this post and describe what this vulnerable population looks like in your community

 Discuss an identified public health issue based on your chosen population.

 Discuss 3 ways public health nursing can intervene to address this problem. Utilize current literature to support the relevance of your interventions.

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references

Movie Analysis

Describe the unique features of your chosen movie.

 Identify the genre of your chosen movie (film noir, romantic comedy, the screen musical, the western, horror, suspense, thriller, documentary, fictionalized biography, comedy, drama, etc.).

 Explain what you like and/or dislike about the genre.

 Analyze what makes your chosen movie a good representation of the genre. Use descriptive language and include at least two examples.

 Describe at least three aspects of this movie that make it engaging and memorable.

APA Format

Need in two hours

Using this module’s assigned article by James, Martinez, & Herbers (2015), discuss the process of Transformative Learning. What is required for transformative learning to be successful? Citing Scripture, provide an example in the Bible where Jesus used transformative learning with His audience. Next, choose any teaching strategy/technique discussed in the article and provide an example of how you could use that technique to engage students in the hypothetical course you have chosen for this term. Your example should be specific to the content of your course and describe something you would actually do or teach in your course. Remember to pose a discussion question in your thread per assignment instructions.

Metacognitive Reflection

How do representations in each work deepen your appreciation of another culture?

From the novel Nervous Conditions

What is Tambu trying to achieve by telling her story?

i need a very controversial thesis statement and support it by textual evidence.