Organizational Website Dialogue

Organizations often provide great resources for scholars working in specific fields. The student/scholar looking into the Battle of Gettysburg might find great information and some key leads by looking at the Gettysburg Foundation website ( ). The student studying steam-powered trains might be similarly aided by a visit to the website for the National Railway Museum in the UK ( ) or the National Railway Museum in Green Bay, Wisconsin, linked ( )The student studying a particular author like C.S. Lewis might be likewise surprised to discover the resources available at the C.S. Lewis Foundation ( ). Conduct some creative research of your own and find an organizational website that adds to the information you have gathered already for your project. In your initial post, share with fellow students what you discovered and how you intend to use the information.  Include the link to the organization's website. 200-250 words


Now that you have significantly researched your topic, write an issue ppr of four to six pages where you consider the main points concerning your . Each point you consider should contribute substantially to the development and support of your main point. Significantly explain these points, including source origin and credibility, and discuss your strategy for addressing them in your ppr:

 What are the main points?

 What do these main points mean to your focus/claim and ppr development?

 Why do you consider the points you identify as crucial? 

 How will you address each main point in your ppr? At what point will you introduce each main point and how will each main point relate to one another?

Conclude with a thorough discussion of the nature of opposition (at least one potential counter argument) you have encountered regarding these points and the effect this opposition has had upon your ppr development. Also, discuss how you will address the opposition of your pr argument/your position on this topic.

Annotated Bibliography

Answer this question: What are the personal and/or communal ethical factors that may be involved in determining the moral position of either side in that debate?

 Next, articulate and then evaluate the ethical positions using Kantian ethics (that is, the categorical imperative) relative to the long standing debate (that is your topic chosen in the week three assignment).

 Finally, create a complete annotated bibliography for 5 academic scholarly sources. You will annotate each source. The sources should be relevant to your topic chosen in the week three assignment

English Young Module 3- Assignment 1 (MO 3.1, 3.2, 3.3)

Taking into consideration the information you learned about wordiness, thesis statements, and sentence variety, respond to the prompt.

Your response should have the following:

- A clear thesis statement

- Supporting ideas/evidence

- Concluding sentence

English Homework


I came to the united states (Miami with a visa 15 years ago, I made the decision to stay because my country was going through political problems at that time I am from Nicaragua, I stayed illegally for 10 years, and I couldn't study or work legally. Before coming to the United States. I had just entered college. I got married I have a pair of twins. i have been able to bring my sister and two of my nephews and i have my mother in transfer of residence , which i can say that it was worth making all the sacrifice because now my family is with me .I have learned after staying 10 years without documents and many challenges in this country without a drop of English that everything is possible if you have faith and keep your eyes on Christ, never give up. in the future there will be more obstacles, with God by the hand will face them.

Annotation II

Annotation 2 (Weeks 3 & 4 coverage) 


Reading List Week 3

Week 3

Volume D

East Asian Drama

Kong Shangren (1648-1718)

The Peach Blossom Fan


Week 4

The Enlightenment

Sor Juana Inez De La Cruz (1648-1695)

Sonnets (pgs. 263-265)

Please read the author’s biography AND the Sonnets


In place of your initial post for this final unit, create a PowerPoint presentation of 10-15 slides that provides an overview of your research project for other students in the class to read. Provide a brief paragraph introduction in your thread and attach the presentation. Look through and respond in a meaningful and positive manner to the presentations from two other students for your response posts

English Homework

You have already been introduced to MLA format, in-text citations, and the Works Cited page. In this lesson, you will continue to build your MLA skills as you finish drafting your work

The recursive writing process has five stages: planning, drafting, revising, editing, and formatting, but the process is not linear. Recursive means to re-write. Its use here indicates that various stages of the process overlap or are returned to as needed.  

Formatting is a stage that often overlaps with drafting because writers typically pause as they finish a draft to ensure that they have met format requirements. That is your task in this lesson.  

Formatting is important because it is part of your ethos as a writer. 

 A skilled college writer uses formatting to ensure that their work meets the assignment requirements but also that it has properly used source material as well. 

 For college instructors, a properly formatted work indicates a student that is motivated to produce a high-quality work by meeting the assignment requirements down to the details of correct formatting. 

 For readers, a properly formatted work indicates a conscientious and trustworthy author.

 read the instruction above and answer the questions below with work cited page in MLA.



 Submit a copy of the draft of your work The draft should be fully developed with all sections of the work in work format, not questions and answers, and not fill-in-the-blank from the outline; the document, in-text citations, and a Works Cited page must be in MLA format.

 Your instructor will provide global feedback on your draft. Contact them if you have specific questions that you want to discuss regarding help you need with your draft.

Your instructor will review:

 Purpose and audience are correct (descriptive NOT argumentative)

 Reflects research, SQ4R work, annotated bibliography, and outline

 Meets organizational work requirements

 Reflects the tone and style meets the purpose of an informative work

English Homework

Now, we bring this discussion about supply chains home, to your home.

Of all the performance metrics described in this chapter, select one from each of the four ""major categories"" and explain how it might apply--not in a supply chain, but in your life as a student.

Annotation 3

Reading & Viewing List Week 6

Week 6

Samuel Clemons, (pen-name of Mark Twain) – 1835-1910

from King Leopold’s Soliloquy”

Hawaiian Folktale 914

Navajo Ceremony 917

 Annotation 3