Questions 21-24 refer to the following situation:

On his morning commute, a researcher notices that the shorter the interval of time between traffic light changes, the more vehicles run the red light. Interested in this relationship, the researcher conducts an experiment over the next few weeks. Each morning he first chooses a traffic light at random. Once the light changes, he begins counting the number of vehicles running red lights. He continues to count until the light changes again. The data on six lights is as follows:

Length of Light (X)   Number of Cars (Y)

10                 20

13                 19

19                 17

25                 11

28                 9

30                 8

21. Calculate the regression line.

22. What is the Y-intercept?

23. Calculate the coefficient of determination.

24. ""If the length of a light was 7 seconds, how many cars would you predict would run the red light?""

Use the following scenario for 25 only.

Use the method of regression analysis to test the relationship between temperature (X) and the number of cars recorded as speeding (Y). Set α = .05

Temperature   Number of Cars Speeding

50                  10

65  12

80  16

85  16

90  13

70  10

75  12

25. Use the method of regression analysis to test the relationship between temperature (X) and the number of cars reordered as speeding (Y). Set __=.05

Math and Statistics Pre Course Questions

Dear Sir/Madam: Please find attached a set of 10 questions covering Maths and Statistics. I would highly appreciate in a fast turnaround and completion of all 10 questions with answers in detail and in full.  Thanks,Samiur 1. Please include step by step working out/details, since it will be easier for me to follow through. Unfortunately, I covered this material a few years ago and my Math and Statistics is rusty and as a full time professional/employee, I have not found the time to search my textbooks and work through the problems. 2. I need the answers by August 26th 10 AM EST (New York Time). 3. I

Week 5-Discussion

Week 4 Discussion COLLAPSE Overall Rating: 12345 12345 Discuss Forecasting Methods Select one (1) of the following topics for your primary discussion posting: Identify any challenges you have in setting up a time-series analysis in Excel. Explain what they are and why they are challenging. Identify resources that can help you with that. Explain how forecasting is used in the real world. Provide a specific example from your own line of work, or a line of work that you find particularly interesting


Given an equation of a line, find equations for lines parallel or perpendicular to it going through specified points. Find the appropriate equations and points from the table below. Simplify your equations into slope-intercept form.

Use your assigned number to complete.

line parallel                                                              perpendicular

y = -3x – 6; (-1, 5)            y = -3x – 6; (-1, 5)

Discuss the steps necessary to carry out each activity. Describe briefly what each line looks like in relation to the original given line.

Answer these two questions briefly in your own words: 

     What does it mean for one line to be parallel to another?

     What does it mean for one line to be perpendicular to another?

Incorporate the following five math vocabulary words into your discussion. Use bold font to emphasize the words in your writing (Do not write definitions for the words; use them appropriately in sentences describing your math work.):


Ordered pair 

X- or y-intercept  



Your initial post should be 150-250 words in length. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts by Day 7 in at least a paragraph. Make sure you choose people who don’t have the same equations as you worked. Do you agree with how they used the vocabulary? Do their equations seem reasonable given what they started with?

Music and mathematics

I need help with a music homework, I will attach all the pages to the chapter please review it. Ch. 3 Exercises #1, 2 parts ab, 8, 12, 13

Liberal Arts Math

How is the decimal expansion of an irrational number different from that of a rational number? Provide an example of an irrational number, integer, whole number, and natural number. What are some ways that you could use these types of numbers in the real world?

Please include the name of the person or question to which you are replying in the subject line. For example, ""Tom's response to Susan's comment.""

Also response to students comment below ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

The difference between irrational and rational number decimal expansion has to do with repeating values. A decimal with repeating numbers such as 0.567567567 is rational. A decimal which does not repeat such at 0.52386, is irrational. A whole number is a positive number, including 0. An integer includes both positive and negative counterparts, including 0. A natural number is a whole, non-negative number. Most of these numbers are used by everyone daily, whether we are counting, shopping, driving or just managing our time. All these types of numbers are part of our daily routine. Rational and irrational numbers are likely used less frequently than whole numbers, but you might come across them when calculating your family budget or looking over your credit card statements.

Math Essay about M.C. Escher 4pages



4 pages of text 

plus picture,ect not included in 4 pages so an additional page is needed for that. 

Also include bibliography and plagiarism check report


Each problem should have algorithm, proof of correctness of algorithm(using formal proof such as induction), and running time (using masters theorem)


It’s online math discrete if you not able please don't text me and my offer is $170 for whole course again don't text me if u not able or not good with math. I have the login for who is interest it not to see

Summer Case Study

Summer's mother gave Summer $20 to share with her 3 brothers equally. How much did each person get?,Summer's mother gave Summer $20 to share with her 3 brothers equally. How much did each person get?