For honest business writer

Write a paragraph using at least five complete sentences that full answers the following questions.

""We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness""

What does this mean? Does America live up to this ideology?

How does music introduce math concept?50 words count


Discuss similarities and differences between various numeration systems. 50 word count

in math what do building on previous knowledge mean? 50 word count


Write about your thoughts of the exhibtion in general; choose your favorite Concinnitas print, explain why it appeals to you, and write about what it depicts (or what you understand about it). 

the Concinnitas print you need to write about:(

other general information:

Math 107

1) Use the United Nations’ prediction that the world population will be 9.3 billion in 2050 to verify the claim that per-person carbon dioxide emissions that year should be about 0.9 metric ton per person to meet the IPCC recommendation of a reduction to 40% of the 1990 level by then.

2) Let g(t) be the US population (in billions) at t years since 1950. Create a scattergram of the data and then find the best fitting regression equation of g. 

3) a) Use your model g of Problem 3 to predict US population in 2011.

b) Use your model h of Problem 2 Part 2 to predict the US carbon dioxide emission in 2011.

c) Use your results from parts (a) and (b) to estimate US per-person carbon dioxide emission in 2011. Compare your results with the actual amount of 18.0 metric tons per person.

d) Is the United States heading in the right direction to meet IPCC’s recommendation of 0.9 metric ton of carbon dioxide per person per year? Explain.

4) Use substitution or elimination method to predict when developing countries’ carbon dioxide emissions equal developed countries’ carbon dioxide emissions. What is the total worldwide (= developing + developed countries) carbon dioxide emission value then? 


5)Use your result from Problem 5 to predict the per-person carbon dioxide emissions in the year when developing countries’ carbon dioxide emissions will equal developed countries’ carbon dioxide emissions. Assume that the world population will be about 6.7 billion that year. Given that the carbon dioxide emissions in 2000 were 3.9 metric tons per-person, will per-person carbon dioxide emissions have increased or decreased by that year? Explain.

Penrose Interview

Write about your views/thoughts concerning the Penrose interview. What is your position on the topics discussed?,"Listen to Roger Penrose talk about effectiveness of mathematics, the platonic reality, and emergence of consciousness.Discussed curvature and the three constant curvature geometries. Write about your views/thoughts concerning the Penrose interview. What is your position on the topics discussed?


How do you rename 2/5 so you can add it to 11/25? What is the sum?,How do you rename 2/5 so you can add it to 11/25? What is the sum?


you are required to write a one or two page paper on a mathematical topic. The paper is worth up to 25 points in the class, which is half a test, so take it seriously. I encourage you to write about a topic in mathematics that is interesting to you, or that relates in some way to your chosen major. Here is a list of sample topics that you may choose from, but you may create your own topic as well.

1.Take a topic from the course, approximate integrals for example, and write about when and where they are used outside of the classroom.

2. Mathematics has long been considered a basic skill, similar to writing or reading. Do you feel this is justified? What benefit do people get from studying mathematics? 

3. Was mathematics created or discovered? 

4. People who work in mathematics and science sometimes say, ”Math is beautiful.” What do you think they mean by this? Do you think math is beautiful? 

5. What impact has the progress of computers and calculators had on mathematics education? Has this impact been positive or negative?

 6. Galileo is supposed to have said, ”Mathematics is the language with which God has written the universe.” What do you think he meant? Do you agree with him? 

7. How is mathematics used in your major or future career? Does mathematical knowledge help people in your field succeed?

 The paper must be typed, double spaced, and one or two pages long. Any lines giving your name, the assignment, my name, the date, or anything else at the beginning do not count toward the length of the paper. You should use a professional font, such as Calibri, Arial, Times New Roman, or Helvetica. The margins should be one inch on all sides. 

The paper will be graded by the following criteria: • Content - 10 points. The information presented in the paper should be true. Any opinions stated should be supported by evidence or logical argument. All statements should be clear and understandable. • Organization - 10 points. The paper should have a clear beginning and ending. The purpose or main argument of the paper should be immediately obvious. There should be no grammatical or spelling mistakes or, at least they should not obscure the readability of the paper. • Basic Requirements - 5 points. The paper is an appropriate length, and stays on topic. If you have any questions about this assignment feel free to email me or come by my office.


The market research team working on this project creates this payoff matrix that represents the scaled values that customers give to the different levels of service and the corresponding payoffs for the telecom company: 




Telecom Company


Don’t Buy



(2,  2)

(0,  1)


Don’t Upgrade

(3,  0)

(1,  1)

You recognize that the payoff matrix is not the best way to analyze this scenario. You will construct a game tree to model the scenario and perform backwards induction to find the optimum strategy, explaining all of your reasoning along the way. 

Slide 1

· Explain why a game tree must be used in this scenario instead of a payoff matrix.

· Identify who will go first in the game

Slide 2

· Draw the game tree that represents the scenario using the payoff matrix given above.

· Identify and explain any non-credible threats.

Slide 3

· Redraw the game tree with any non-credible threats removed.

· Identify and explain where the first step of backwards induction will occur.

Slide 4

· Using the game tree from slide 3, perform the first step of backwards induction.

· Explain your reasoning behind the step you took.

Slide 5

· Redraw the game tree after the first step of backwards induction.

· Identify where the next step of backwards induction occurs.

Slide 6

· Using the game tree from slide 5, perform the next step of backwards induction.

· Explain your reasoning behind the step you took.

Slide 7

· Redraw the game tree after the step you took in slide 6.

· Identify the optimum strategy of the game.

Probabilities in the world around you

Probabilities are used in genetics, weather predictions, financial investments, and numerous other areas of study and application. Pick a real world application of probability that does not include casino games and share the context of the probability model, how probabilities are used, and the associated probabilities. Be sure to provide a reference!

Fraction Word problem

John decided to make baked goods for the bake sale. He used 1/8 Ib less flour to make bread than to make cookies. He used 1/4 Ib more flour to make cookies than to make brownies. If he used 1/2 Ib of flour to make the bread, how much flour did he use to make the brownies? Explain using a diagram and numbers.


Part one:

Compare and contrast the Borda count method and the purality-with-elimination method. Identify at least one similarity and one difference. Use a specific example of voting preferences to illustrate your point.

Part 2:

Which city is selected using the plurality method?

Which city is selected using the Borda count method?

Which city is selected using the plurality-with-elimination method?

Which city is selected using the pairwise comparison method?

Complete Part one and Part two.