Thought and writing advertisement analysis

1. Analyse any one of the three advertisement samples given and, in about 600-650 words, demonstrate the historical background and the brand value and the subsequent strategy employed in the advertisement.  (1x15=15)

2. Pick any one of the three sample advertisements provided and check how the creators of the chosen text utilise the six key components of a successful advertisement. Prepare a write-up of about 600-650 words to briefly describe each component and elucidate how they are operational in the given text. If you find any of the components not being used in the advertisement, mention the (possible) reasons for skipping those. (1x15=15)

3. Lifestyle marketing can be identified as an aftermath of the social transformation that occurred under capitalism. Analysing advertisements can provide interesting insights into the transformation of society. People who once had made their investments in utility value now are after luxury. For this question, the students are directed to compare and evaluate the three different advertisements given to them and draw insights regarding:

a. The transition from use-value to luxury

b. The nature and necessity of the change.

The students must submit a write-up of 700-750 words, excluding the references. Plagiarism of any sorts will not be entertained. Students must provide the details of the sources they have used to gather information. (1x20=20)

Consider the types of mass media you engage

Consider the types of mass media you engage with on a daily and weekly basis from news media and non-news media organizations.,"Write a 400- to 600-word paper in which you answer the following:

 What do you think the news media's responsibility is in providing accurate information to the public?

 Based on the media you engage with, what should news media's response be to reporting on ""chatter"" heard on social media?

 Do non-news media organizations that have a digital presence, such as a social media account, TV show, or blog, have any responsibility to present accurate and factual information through the content they share? Why or why not?

Include 2 examples to support your conclusions.

Cite at least 2 sources to support your assignment.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines

Mont Blanc

THIS IS A LONGER VERSION OF THE “MONT BLANC” QUESTION ABOVE, SO, if you responded to that one, do Not respond to this one in relation to “Mont Blanc.” Take one of the long poems we read this semester thus far (“Mont Blanc,” “The Eve of St. Agnes,” “Christabel,” “Ode: Intimations of Immortality”), and find as many connections/similarities to other poems by each of the other poets as you can. (This was for you, Meg.)

 Write a brief sequel to each of the following poems: “Christabel,” “The Eve of St. Agnes,” “Nutting,” “Darkness.” You can do this in poetry or as a narrative.

 Making specific references to quotes and themes/motifs/images from some poetry by EACH of these poets, describe WHICH is your favorite and why.

 Rewrite one of the narrative poems as a musical inserting lyrics from popular songs today in spots in which they fit the character and plot. You can send a sound file for this, too, if you wish.

 Only a few of the poems we've read this semester so far have dealt with women in any way whatsoever. Nonetheless, take those poems we've read that do mention women, feature women, etc.,and craft for me an idea of what the Romantics poets thought of women. You need to look at Wordsworth’s Lucy poems, his sister Dorothy and daughter Annette as they “appear” in his poetry, Coleridge’s “Christabel,” Keats’ “The Eve of St. Agnes,” and ""La Belle Dame Sans Merci,"" Byron’s poem “She Walks…,” etc.

 You have found a PLACE in nature that is very important to you, and one

day when you go there in your mind, you find all the Romantic poets we 've studied so far this semester have already arrived. Each tells you what he ""finds "" in this place. Narrate this experience. Don't forget their love of solitude, their reverence for nature, their dislike of industrialization, materialism, etc.


Please research a creation myth that was not presented in class nor dealt with in the textbook. You will not receive any credit for this activity if you post something already covered. You have to either re-tell the story with all details or post a video of it. If you re-tell the story, make sure to cite the source. After, please answer the following questions.

 What religion does the cosmogony belong to?

 What messages stem from the creation story for the believers? Think of the order of creation, hierarchies, roles, gods, etc. Remember all the things we have talked about in class

 Please categorize the cosmogony according to the categories provided in the book and explain why it falls under that category. The justification is important because sometimes depending on how you justify an answer it could be correct or not. Without justification, you won't receive credit for this answer.


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnswering what was askedStudent was able to identify what was required to do and address it correctly

40 ptsFull Marks

0 ptsNo Marks

40 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting styleStudent respond to the activity using correct grammar and with no typos

20 ptsFull Marks

0 ptsNo Marks

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeJustificationStudent justify their answer and provided details

40 ptsFull Marks

0 ptsNo Marks

40 pts

Total Points: 100


Total Points: 100


I need a minimum of 200 words

In this unit, we have taken a closer look at writing as a craft. We have revisited the writing process and methods for invention, we have examined informal logical fallacies, and we have discussed paragraph cohesion.

For this writing, think about your past experiences with writing (which may include the experiences you have had in this course). What advice about writing did you find most helpful? Why? Please explain the context that led to this advice. You may also tell more than one story about your writing experiences.

The objective of your reflection is to consider the advice of other writers and how we can always improve our writing by listening to others. Further, you are sharing that advice with your reader by reflecting upon the experience.

Remember, as always, that this writing should be a positive and constructive experience. The idea is that you reflect upon the process so that you understand it, understand yourself as a new student writer, and understand the challenges and successes you experience


Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to complete your academic argumentative research paper.

Description: In this assignment, you will first write your conclusion; then, you will write your abstract. The following components are requirements of the assignment:

 Conclusion (150-200     words):


     Revisit the      controversy.

     Emphasize the      seriousness of the controversy.

     Answer the “So what?”      question.

     Suggest a general      solution (optional).

     Call for      awareness/action.

     Leave the reader with a      final thought.



 Abstract (200 words or     less): For this assignment, you may not exceed 200 words.


     Restatement of the      controversy (one to two sentences)

     Your thesis (one      sentence)

     Reasons (three to four      sentences)

     Conclusion sentence      (one sentence)



 Add the conclusion and     abstract to the rest of your paper so that you are turning in a complete     research paper. The paper should include all of the following components     (in order):


     Title page



     Literature review

     Body paragraphs


References page


1, just discussed ""alternative to Binary."" What distinctions did we make? What was he talking about? Be sure your answer includes a discussion of LGBTQIA+ designations and your position on use of ""politically correct"" language. 

2, what are the effects of sex and gender on nonverbal communication

3, why are there no great women artists> Be sure your discussion includes awareness of the distinction Lauren made between Fine Art and Craft Art.

4, Discuss gender bending in film and how men's and women's film roles impact viewers. What is the best theoretical explanation of media impact?

Reading response unit two

the book is named "" culture and technology "


I need a minimum of 200 words

Writing a research paper is a great undertaking, and now you are at the end of the process. No doubt, you feel emboldened by your accomplishment.

As we have done throughout this course, you will be asked to reflect one last time. What did you find to be the most challenging about the process of writing this research paper? What did you find to be the easiest? What did you learn about writing in general throughout this course? What did you learn about yourself as a writer? What would you like to share in the way of advice for other students who take this course after you? Discuss how the concepts in this course can be applied to real-world situations and increase your chances of career or life success.

one page to two page

please explore the #ListenFirst project website: 

Once you have explored, please address the following: 

1. Please read and reflect on the conversation tips provided: 

Please discuss your thoughts on these tips and how these tips can be applied within intimate and family health communication. 

2. Please explore two methods under the ""Our Favorite Methods for a Listen First Conversation"". Located within this link:

Please reflect on the two methods. What stood out to you and why? How could the information within the methods be used within health communication. Specifically, within intimate and family communication. 

Please make sure you include information from the course within in your reflection. 

This should be 1-2 pages