
Write a summary and critique of a peer-reviewed article related to physical activity and aging. My article is on jogging and knee pain article must be pre-approved by the professor to ensure it is relevant and peer reviewed. Paper must be 1-2 pages, double-spaced following APA format(abstract not required). The critique will include a summary of the article, followed by interpretation and application of results including specifically an analysis of the topic chosen, the methods used in the article, the results of the article and an application of the results to a real-world situation.

 article:   25 points

 Appropriate     peer reviewed article was analyzed  /2.5

 APA     format was used  /2.5

 Article     was correctly cited                                                                /2.5

 1-2     pages in length  /2.5

 Quality     of topic summary   /2.5

 Quality     of methods section summary                                              /2.5                      

 Quality     of results/conclusion section summary                             /5

Interpretation/     real world application of the findings                  /5

Argue against the influences of technology

Argue against the influences of technology on society as a whole or tighten the focus on the younger generations

The final research paper must be 4-6 pages in length, double-spaced, not counting the cover page and the reference pages. You must use at least 3 scholarly sources for your paper beyond the course textbook. Professional journal articles found in the Virtual Library will be key sources in researching your topic. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced and paraphrased; any quoted material must be placed in quotes, and must have accompanying APA style in-text citations.

400 words

What is a Leadership Statement?

A Leadership Statement is a self-reflective exercise that asks you to think about your purpose in leading, your values, and your beliefs about who you are as a leader and how you lead others. 

We will begin by identifying the core experiences and role models that have influenced their leadership. Many find this to be a chance to include a personal experience of leadership (think “Class President” in high school or Shift Manager at Starbucks). Others may describe someone who has led them in the past (think Pastor Rick from church, Sargent Rios from the Army, Mrs. Smith from middle school, or Coach Thompson from pee-wee football). 

Leaders understand the ‘we’ vision – something that inspires an organization, investors, or a department. No smart leader would consider leadership without thinking about others first.

Yet few leaders can clearly identify their own personal beliefs on leadership. So, if leaders consider the ‘we’ vision vital to organizational success, why don’t they think it’s equally vital to have one for themselves, given that they are leading?

What You Need to Include

As you reflect on your Personal Leadership Statement should address some these questions:

 What is your core purpose as a leader? Why are you here, doing what you do? Why would anyone want to be led by you?

 What type of leader are you? What models of leadership speak to your experience and/or how you want to be perceived when you are in a position of leadership?

 How do you demonstrate leadership through written communication? How do you use written communication to lead meetings and presentations?

 Who are your leadership role models and what did you learn from them? Who is your inspiration? What three or four critical events in your life shaped your beliefs about leadership? 

 What do you believe about leading and motivating people? What values and principles are reflected in your plans, decisions, and actions when leading others?

 What can people expect from you? What are your intentions and commitments? How do you set an example?

 What do you expect from your people?

How to Create Your Leadership Statement

You may approach this assignment in several ways. You could, of course, write it out in several paragraphs (250-500 words). If you choose the paragraph format, include a graphic, photo, or other visual element to your blogs to earn full credit on the rubric.

You could re-think this statement, though by representing it through visuals or collaging it. You could create an infographic as you did for the Week 2 Blog.

Be sure to reference the ideas in your book. You do not need to quote and cite directly, but you should make it clear that you have carefully reviewed Unit 5

Thesis and Outline

My research topic is, How has the COVID 19 pandemic affected people's mental health and substance abuse?

"Analyzing a poem "" interview by Dorothy Parker

 Using the poem Interview by Dorothy Parker

 Read and reread the poem; by paying attention to the varied features of a poem, you will build an interpretation of the poem’s meaning. 

 See the Interpretation vs. Analysis, How to Approach the Analysis of a Poem, The Four Modes of Approaching a Poem, and the Explication pages, as well as the Sample Poetry Analysis using Frost's ""The Road Not Taken"" for assistance. 

 Take notes and use your notes to create an outline of textual evidence that points to the same or a similar conclusion.

 Use this outline to develop your working thesis. You can then use the guidelines on the the Starting Your Poetry Analysis Essay page to write your introductory paragraph.

 Read/review this Purdue OWL link on Close Reading of Poetry and this overview of how to write about poetry to help you develop your remaining paragraphs.

 Draft your concluding paragraph, in which you will restate your thesis in a slightly different way (for example, possibly relating it to other elements of the poem, the author's work, or other poems).

 Leave time to submit your draft to Free Tutoring at for review. Your tutor can help with thesis and content development, organization, grammar, and mechanics. Utilize this free service to write the best draft possible on this major assignment. 

 Don't forget that you can submit your draft to multiple times during the revision process.

 Submit your final paper in Turnitin, OR in the assignment dropbox, according to your instructor's preference. Should you use Turnitin, make sure to take a screenshot of the confirmation screen once you upload your paper.

File submissions: Please submit your file as a DOC.X or PDF file.

Criteria on Which You Will be Graded:

 The specificity and development of your thesis

 Your supporting claims, logic, and organization

 The quality of your writing, to include paragraph development and organization: topic sentences, conclusions, transitions, etc. See Starting Your Poetry Analysis Essay

 Your engagement with the text (how you explain your examples, your choice of supporting quotations)

 Format: You are required to use MLA style for all writing assignments. Proper MLA citation and a correctly formatted Works Cited page (12-point font, Times New Roman, double spacing, Last name and page number on each page, etc.). Please refer to the Purdue Online Writing Lab for MLA formatting and style guide.

 Academic Honesty (all sources must be cited)

 Length Requirement: 750-1000 words

Discussion Post 3/ Living The Theatre

Keeping our core value of professional development in mind, what skills of the actor could you see being of use in your line of work? Explain your observations and give some concrete examples of how the skills could translate--or fail to do so. Construct a primary post expressing your considered opinion and two substantive responses to others in your cohort.

This should be a minimum of 1-2 paragraphs in length, and be well-thought-out and well-written. Provide concrete examples to support postings. Integrate personal observations and knowledge in an accurate and highly insightful way. No format is needed and no title page is needed.

Speech script

Creating a Persuasive VIDEO 

Your next assignment will be this: convince the audience (me) that the product you are selling is something I should want to buy. 

Here is the catch: the product you will have to sell is a small, practically useless, but not completely useless product. 

Here is a list of some of the things you will have to choose from:

 - a PEN with no lid

- a pencil with no eraser

- a small 6 ounce bottle of water

- one glove

- a dull butter knife

- a broken rubber band

- a VHS tape - if you dont know what a VHS tape is, now you know why it is on this list

- one shoe lace

-a coffee mug with a broken or missing handle

- a magazine subscription ( you can make up the magazine or choose a real one)

Here is another catch: the sales video you create can ONLY be ONE MINUTE long.

Research Discussion 4

Stereotypes in Media,"For this discussion, you will find an example from current popular media (picture, video, or written) that reflects one of the stereotypes that we have been discussing in class (based on ethnicity, gender, class, race, etc.). Stereotypes are pervasive in advertising, entertainment (TV, films, music), and even journalism. Please share one specific example (include an image) and explain how it is perpetuating a stereotype (either positive or negative) about a specific group of people. Please use contemporary material, nothing older than about 10 years (i.e. no advertisements from the 1950s). 

Write your explanation (at least 300 words) in the text box


In your own words:

 Identify and briefly describe the key characteristics of a successful entrepreneur.

 Explain the concept of globalization and its impact on American business. 

You may include short quotations from the assigned reading or additional resources to support your responses. Please be succinct


Prepare a half-page narrative identifying the type of business, name, the business ownership type, and the location (city and state) for the proposed business

The business is going to be a nonprofit organization for young girls to get mentors hip to become successful women in the world.