Literary review

Can you do a literary review,is it possible to do a lit review on any topic of your choosing?

700 words essay

Prompt: Choose ONE of the following topics for your essay:

 Is the current taxation system effective or not?

 Are men paid more than women in the corporate sector?

 Is college tuition becoming way too expensive?

 Are test scores the only way to judge the competency of a student?

 What can be done about gun control in the United States?

Write a 700 word essay (not an email or letter) based on the writing prompt.

You must choose ONE of the essay options I have provided for this assignment. You must include research from two sources (NOT Wikipedia) to support your claims. Be sure to include a works cited page with your essay.

Free Verse Poem

write a free-verse poem of 7-10 lines about a car. Don't shortcut the poem by writing one- or two-word lines. Be sure to personify the car and give it some feelings. Write in the third person.

Sound and Television

please read these two files carefully and then do the essay. The first file is the instructions of this essay, and the second file is the attached article. Please read both files and do this assignment perfect

Post 13

In the past, infectious diseases were the leading cause of death in the United States. Today, chronic diseases are the leading cause of illness, death, and health care spending. In this Discussion you explore the burden of one or more chronic diseases. You will have the opportunity to role play a health education scenario to practice your data evaluation, critical thinking, and communication skills. Your Instructor will divide the class into two groups. Be sure to ask if you do not see your group Assignments.

Role playing tips:

 Start the conversation early enough to help your colleagues and have a rich Discussion.

 Multiple individuals may discuss the same topic, but if there is already a good thread going about one topic (for example, diabetes in the health fair Discussion), perhaps another topic should be started to make the information more interesting and expansive. This will allow others to respond and add to the experience and information.

 Keep in mind that if you enter into an ongoing Discussion, you should be adding value (e.g., new information, new questions, etc.). If you do not have additional new information or questions, see what other threads were started and consider starting and/or participating in a new Discussion instead.

 Do try to maintain a cohesive and full conversation until a logical conclusion appears to be reached. Try not to leave your colleagues hanging without answers to their questions.

 If you are in the role of asking questions and you are not able to engage someone in your topic despite well-crafted questions, try a different topic or participate in an existing conversation.

 If you are in the role of answering questions, try to respond to people who have not yet had a response, in order to broaden the array of information that can be discussed.

 The goal is to learn how to research these topics, decide what information and data sources are most valid for the situation, and practice thinking critically and supporting what you say. Have fun!

Group 2: Health Fair Educator

You are a health professional working at a health fair. Review the questions that have been posted by the “Group 1” attendees. Choose at least one disease-related question that was posted to the Discussion by a Group 1 attendee to research. Provide at least one Group 1 attendee with useful information about the disease that they asked about. Some things you may consider as you discuss this topic with the Group 1 attendee: What are the best data sources to use for your own understanding of the topic, so that you can answer questions correctly? What are the best data sources to direct your Group 1 attendee to for their own understanding? Did you answer all of their questions clearly and accurately? As you present the information regarding the disease process, keep your audience in mind to ensure your explanation is clear, accurate, and helpful. Your goal is to evaluate the sources available to answer your Group 1 colleagues’ questions, interpret the data, and provide clear and accurate information that you can validate

Frankenstein Critical Analysis

Assignment Instructions: Frankenstein Critical Analysis Evaluation Essay

Note: Please review the source guidelines below very carefully. If you do not choose from the provided sources below, this will cause a grading delay and you will need to resubmit the assignment.

For this assignment, you will write your evaluation essay. You are required to submit only your final draft for this assignment (though we encourage all students to take advantage of the additional feedback a draft can provide). Use the grader’s feedback and the rubric to make revisions to your draft before submitting the final. Your second draft will be graded.

Now that you have completed Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, you are in a good position to consider what critics have written about the novel. You will need a total of two critiques (also known as critical analysis essays) for this assignment.

First, use the selection of links below to locate a critical analysis essay written about the 1818 version of Mary Shelley's novel. You may focus most of your attention on this first critique. If the author of your critique is not specified, focus on the publication of the critique. 

Choose from among these sources:

 Romantic Circle's Critiques: 


     Critique 1

     Critique 2's+Edinburgh+Magazine_+Review+of+_Frankenstein_%2C+1818.pdf

     Critique 3

     Critique 4

     Critique 5

     Critique 6



 Professor Naomi Hetherington’s critique

The questions in the study guides should have helped you evaluate this criticism in your head. Now it’s time to write it down!

Your evaluation may go more smoothly if you approach the guiding questions in this order:

Evaluate the critic/author: 

Who wrote the criticism you read? What credentials does the author have? (If you are using a valid source, you should be able to find these easily)

Find the thesis of the article: 

What is the thesis of the critical article you’ve chosen? What point does the author want to make about Frankenstein?

Evaluate the thesis: 

Do you agree with this thesis? Why or why not? We’ve covered many ideas in the study guides. Can you find points within the guides that support your agreement or disagreement with the critical writer(s)? Look for new supporting information rather than revisiting the same ones the critics have chosen.

Evaluate the support: 

Whether you agree or disagree with the thesis, does the critic provide sufficient research from the text and outside references to make a strong case? What does the article have for support from the text or outside sources? In your opinion, what makes these references valid? Do you feel the author uses this support properly?

Next, locate a second critique about the novel that includes ideas somewhat similar (genre classification, for instance) to any of the discussions you have in your essay. The second critique can either support or refute any of the claims in your paper. The objective of this portion of the essay is to further support your opinion of the primary critic’s thesis or support. Therefore, for example, if you choose a secondary article that refutes any of your claims, you will need to counteract those ideas to bring the focus of your essay back in alignment with your essay’s thesis (your personal opinion of how the primary critic is either correct or incorrect in his or her thesis claim and/or how the first critic is either effective or ineffective in his or her support). Every discussion in this essay should ultimately support the claim you make in your thesis.

For instance, if the first critic argues that Shelley’s writing is juvenile, and if you agree, does the second critic also support this thesis? How so? If the second critic does not support your assessment of the first critic's thesis, what evidence can you use from the text to argue that the second critic is incorrect? Consider another example: if the first critic believes the novel is autobiographical, and if you disagree, does the second critic help you argue your own view of the first critic's thesis? If so, how? Perhaps the second critic disagrees with your view and feels the novel is autobiographical-- if that's the case, be prepared to use evidence from the text to refute the second critic’s thesis and support your own argument. Using two critiques in this way will allow you to create a polished, comprehensive Evaluation Essay that allows you to connect your own ideas to those of seasoned critics.

In addition to addressing each of the evaluative components above, develop your essay so it has a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. You must include an evaluative thesis statement in both the introduction and the conclusion. Ensure that each of your claims is supported with valid evidence from the literary criticism you have chosen; the novel, Frankenstein; and/or the study guides.

Using proper MLA style, insert parenthetical citations for all borrowed information in addition to a Works Cited page for Frankenstein and your chosen literary critiques; you are not required to cite the study guides if you use them.

Helpful Hints: For a thesis statement, try answering a question like: How and how well does this piece of criticism state and support its argument regarding Frankenstein?

You might use these as possible guidelines in crafting your thesis statement:

(Critic, aka author of the critique) uses (add critic title) to (add an adjective to describe the effectiveness of the argument such as “adequately” or “inadequately”) argue that (add critic’s thesis) by (explain why and/or include your support).


(Critic)’s (add critique title) (add an adjective to describe the effectiveness of the argument such as “adequately” or “inadequately”) argue that (add critic’s thesis) because (explain why and/or include your support).

More specific thesis examples:

John Smith uses ""Frankenstein Critique Essay"" to adequately argue that Victor's mother created the first monster by coddling Victor as a boy.


John Smith's ""Frankenstein Critique Essay"" does not effectively argue that Victor's mother created the first monster because the novel Frankenstein too strongly supports inherent good or bad, which means nurturing roles cannot be held responsible.

The guidelines for this assignment are:

Length: This assignment should be a minimum of 3 typed pages or at least 750 words.

Header: Include a header in the upper left-hand corner of your writing assignment with the following information:

 Your first and last name 

 Course Title (Composition II)

 Assignment name (Evaluation Essay, Writing Assignment 4)

 Current Date


 MLA-style source documentation and Works Cited

 Your last name and page number in the upper-right corner of each page 

 Double-spacing throughout 

 Standard font (TimesNewRoman, Calibri) 

 Title, centered after heading 

 1” margins on all sides

 Save the file using one of the following extensions: .docx, .doc, .rtf, or .txt

Underline your thesis statement in the introductory paragraph. 

Reminder: You need at least two critiques in addition to the novel in Works Cited in order to receive the highest score. In other words, you need three sources total in cited in the essay and on the Works Cited page in order to earn the maximum points in the corresponding column on the grading rubric. Failure to meet the source minimum will result in a severe decrease in your grade.

Week 2 Discussion Recognizing Fake News and Disinformation

For this week’s forum, we are exploring websites that check information for bias, misinformation, and possible fake news misinformation. Go to the following websites and review the methodology they use to test information for accuracy.

 Our Process at 

 Methodology at

 Transparency at

After you have looked over these websites and reviewed the methodology of each website, please answer the following in 250 words or more:

 Which website do you find has the best way to review information for accuracy?

 Do any of these websites have any gaps in their methodology?

 Why is it important for everyone to be able to evaluate information?


Their Eyes Were Watching God

Essay Assignment

Directions: Use the thesis you are given, your novel, and any notes you have taken to plan for, outline, draft, and finally write a formal essay for the book Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston. Please remember to review the rubric and check your final product for content, style, grammar, and structure. All parts of your essay will be graded.

Thesis (Remember to use this EXACT thesis in your paper): In the novel, Their Eyes Were Watching God, Hurston uses the horizon, the pear tree, and the bee and blossom as symbols of Janie’s ideals and dreams.

To begin, consider the following:

 For this essay, your job is to discuss how each of the symbols are used to represent something that Janie believes or desires. 

2. You should have three body paragraphs…one discussing the pear tree and what it represents, the second discussing how the horizon is used as a symbol, and the third discussing how the bee and blossom represents something that Janie wants/believes in.

3. After completing your prewriting, write your rough draft and submit to by April 9, 2021 no later than 11:59pm. Make sure your paper is 5 paragraphs long, contains at least 9 direct quotes, and is your best work. Double check all points on the rubric. 

4. Once peer reviews are complete, make changes to your essay and submit the final draft to by April 1, 2019 no later than 11:59pm.

Important Dates to Remember: 

Rough Draft Due: April 9, 2021 by 11:59pm 

via (25pts)

Write/type your rough draft and submit it to under the banner “Their Eyes Were Watching God Essay.” Choose the assignment titled “Paper.”

Two Peer Review Completed: April 12, 2021 by 11:59pm (20pts)

Read the two essays that have been assigned to you and respond to the questions. To complete the peer reviews, go to the Their Eyes Were Watching God Essay tab, find PeerMark, then select Write Reviews.

Final Essay Due: April 16, 2021 by 11:59pm via (50pts)

Read the peer reviews and make necessary changes to your paper to ensure that you have a quality essay. Submit your final draft under Revision.

Remember, essays must be submitted via to be graded

Persuasive Speech Outline- Discrimination in women's sports

Discrimination in women's sports (Title)

 Remember, this is not about informing the audience, but taking action. What do you want the audience to do, not to know, do?

Make sure you have fully developed each point. In-text citations must match References page. It is very important that the SOURCES ARE RELIABLE, not just any website.

      Evaluation Rubric 

I. Attention Getter

II. Motivation for Listening

III. Establish Credibility

IV. Thesis Statement

v. Preview of Speech (Main points) 

Transition to the body of speech

      I. Establish the  Problem

a. Analysis (opinion) and research

b. Analysis (opinion) and research

c. Analysis (opinion) and research 

    Transition sentence

      II. Establishing  Opposing Viewpoints

a. Analysis (opinion) and  research 

b. Rebuttal: opinion and research 

  Transition sentence 

III. Call to Action   

a. Visualization/Solution how would  your plan work?

b. Specific plan of action: What can  we do? Include your audience.

 Transition to conclusion

 I. Summary of Main Points

II. Reiterate Call to Action 

III. Throwback to Attention Getter 


I. Research from different types (4-5  minimum)

I. APA style and matches to all  in-text

I. In-text Citations after ALL information in each section

Annotated bibliography, postpartum depression

For these ten sources, you will need to provide a reference and a short paragraph of at least 100 words that summarizes and analyzes the source. You should have a total of at least 1,000 words for this document