Business communication and business

I need one page subtitles and bullet points about business communication or business related

Research paper 10 page

10 page research paper with Abstract, hook, background information, problem statement, research question, hypothesis, thesis statement, literature review, Method, results, discussion, limitations and implications, conclusion, References

Write a post that is approximately 250 words


* Apply the critical analysis skills outlined in our reading(s)

* Refine your ability to write quickly and fluently

* Respond to others' ideas using 1 or more of They say, I say's stra-tegies for responding

Are you familiar with ""fact checking sites""? They're independent sources that evaluate the truthfulness of information. This activity will ask you to review the different sites and then choose a topic to research and write about in a discussion post. Here are the directions. 

1.  You have just visited several fact-checking sites. Reflect on what you observed as you briefly explored the web sites. If you skipped that activity, go back one page for the links.  

2. Select one rumor, statement, event, or ""news"" story that you have recently heard about or that you see listed on one of the sites-e.g., is it true that masks prevent the spread of COVID-19? Was the moon landing real? You can choose a story you have heard about or you can select one of the topics discussed on a fact-checking site.

3. Write a post that is approximately 250 words in which you report on the story you investigated;

 what news item or statement did you research or read about in-depth and why?

 why are you interested in this topic or why is it important? Why do you think some people might want to believe that the story is real?;

 what do you think about the fact-checking sites? Are they useful? Have you used them before? Would you recommend them? If so, how would you describe them to a friend?

Poetry explication essay

document below is the assignment, needs to follow all guide lines. assignment due April 16th, I would want it in by Wednesday the 14th. read the instructions carefully, paper must follow it to a T.

News service story

Here is the scenario: You are an intern for the Purdue News Service. You have been asked to write a news service story about new research by a Purdue faculty member. You will do this assignment on your WordPress account and submit the URL to Brightspace.

Purdue News Service examples: Research: Swallowing and Mommy Brain


Here is a link to an “interview” you conducted with Eric Wiemer, a Ph.D. student in the Brian Lamb School of Communication, about a research project he helped conduct that was recently published. The project was headed by Assistant Professor Jennifer However, also of the Brian Lamb School. Wiemer is one of the co-authors on the publication.

You must:

 You do not need to do additional interviewing. You must write the article based on Wiemer’s interview.

 Include all elements of an effective news service story that we talked about in class.

 Adhere to rules that we discussed in class (length, organization, headline rules, etc.)

 Use proper formatting.

 Adhere to AP style, quote rules and use correct grammar and spelling.

 Be professional. Please note: Any assignment that has enough distracting grammatical and spelling errors to inhibit understanding will receive no higher than a C-, no matter if all other aspects of the assignment have been completed


Field of Dreams Movie

The Title of the Film and why you chose it. 

 Director, Leading actors/actresses and brief Summary of the plot, if it is a documentary state the person or subject. 

 Who was your favorite actor/actress or your least favorite? Give specific example from the film to support your point of view. If this is a documentary list the subject or subjects of the documentary and how you percieve them just your initial impressions. 


     Favorite/Least favorite Actor:

     Specific detail from the film that supports your point of view



 Talk about what you liked about the movie and what you did not like. Be sure to include specific details and scenes.  You a specific example from the film including dialogue if appropriate to support what you liked and did not like. This can include the lighting, the camera angles, the soundtrack. All the things that go into making a film have an impact.


     What I liked about the film

     Example that supports this

     What I didn’t like

     Example that supports this



 What was the most impactful point of the film for you? Why?

Play Review

1. Outside sources are not allowed—this is YOUR opinion of the performance YOU saw, 

not copying a review from a performance someone else reviewed (that’s plagiarism, and 

that gives you a zero for the assignment). Please review the plagiarism policy in the 

syllabus—ANY quotation in any assignment (including posts) must be cited using MLA 

format (it’s very easy). Just DON’T do it—I will catch you, I promise...

2.Your review should be in essay form and include the information below. Dedicate one or

more paragraphs to each number in the outline provided, but be sure you use essay form. 

Points will be deducted for submitting a review in outline form (for example, thispage is an outline).

3.Pease be specific with all responses! General explanations are not acceptable. 

4.Be sure to include a cover sheet with your name, instructor’s name, performance 

attended, and the due date.

5. The format below is comprehensive, but you will receive more points for originality

than if you simply follow the format without regard for creativity. Cover all the points but 

do it in your own style


Video Response (Extra Credit Assignment)

Go to YouTube or similar website and find a formal – non-fiction speech on a subject you’re interested in: it could be a political video, a social issue speech or something equivalent. It should contain only one person, speaking in English, and run for about 2 – 5 minutes. Don’t choose someone because he or she is well-known so you think it’ll be easy. Actually think about subjects you might be interested in. Watch the video several times, once is never enough to be truly critical. Think about all you’ve learned so far: perception, language, cultural implications, and nonverbal communication. Mention the person’s artifacts, body language, tone of voice, overall message, credibility, and any other relevant details. Don’t just critique the message – critique the speaker. Incorporate all these things into a 2 page essay – roughly 500 words. As always, your essay should include an introduction, body and conclusion and your Works Cited page should include the reference to where you found the video. Don’t do research on the person or the speech itself, use your own knowledge – apply what you’ve learned. Did you like the video, presenter, message? Was his/her speech effective? Did you believe what was said and who said it? Think about credibility, authority, appearance.

Reports Discussion

Each thread group has two reports assigned to it provided as links. Review ONE of the two reports assigned to your thread group. You are NOT expected to read the entire report. Just review the report to get a sense of it. (Pretend you are the “executive” who has received many reports. You would not read the entire report, but you should at least read the executive summary, if there is one, and skim the report to get a sense of its main ideas and purpose.)

After reviewing the report, before Thursday midnight, provide your assessment of that report:

 What type of report is it: formal or informal? How do you know?

 Who is the audience of the report? 

 What is the purpose of the report: informational or analytical? Why was it written? Why would the audience need the report? 

 Was a report needed to accomplish the purpose? Could the information have been presented in another way, such as multiple shorter memos or a presentation, to accomplish the purpose for the audience? Why or why not? 

 Finally, if YOU were the intended audience, what would you do next based on the report? For instance, would you likely invest in the company, support or not a law related to an issue addressed in the report, recommend company changes, provide additional funding, etc.?


Post the final draft of your annotated research bibliography. To meet standards for this assignment, your bibliography must fulfill the following requirements:

 The research question is clear and sufficiently focused. 

 All of the sources are credible.

 The annotations are easy to understand and relevant to the research question/focused topic. Remember, each annotation must summarize the main point of the source and explain how it answers your research question.

 The bibliography has a header, title, and page numbers in MLA or APA format? (Remember, the title is your research question)

 The bibliography is double-spaced.

 It includes 5 sources.

 The citations are correct. 

 Sources are organized in alphabetical order.

 Each annotation has a word count of at least 200 words, and the word count is included.