Need an Essay Written by 10 PM

Can anybody write this essay for me? It needs to be three full pages long with the included MLA format and a work cited page. Needs to be at least one quote from a textbook reading assignment. I went ahead and included two quotes from that reading with the proper citation in the text and on the works cited page. I will have directions as well for the assignment.

Week 3 assignment

This assignment is designed to allow you to demonstrate your understanding of stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination by citing examples, exploring the causes, and addressing the challenges people face because of stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination.

Acts of prejudice, discrimination, and stereotyping must be identified and eliminated in all areas of society and especially in the workplace. These attitudes and actions affect employee working relationships and team dynamics. Prejudice, discrimination, and stereotypes can affect hiring practices, employee reviews, and task assignments. In this assignment, you will also discuss ways to eliminate or diminish the presence of these issues in the United States.

Imagine you have been asked to contribute to developing your Human Resource team’s new diversity training. You have been tasked with creating the section on stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination. Prepare a 5- to 10-slide presentation, with speaker notes, that includes the following:

 Definitions of the following terms: stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination

 Examples of stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination (at least one example for each)

 Causes of stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination

 Challenges that people face because of stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination

 Ways that stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination can be eliminated

English 19


As we start wrapping up the semester, your DB prompts will encourage you to reflect on the past and plan for the future. Taking an online English 1020 course is an accomplishment in itself, let alone during a pandemic while you balance your personal, professional, and academic life. Let’s take a moment to consider what you are proud of achieving this year.


List and explain five accomplishments that you’ve achieved this academic year (fall and spring semesters).






AD in terms of ethos, pathos and logos

Response to ""I'm One"" Ad 

Due Tuesday by 11:59pm 

Analyze the “I’m One” ad in terms of ethos, pathos and logos. (I have attached PDF of the AD, 2 pages) Characterize Archie Anderson. What are his qualities? What suggests these qualities? How is he meant to appeal to the target audience? Who is the target audience? Explain your claims using support from the text. Also paraphrase the major arguments Archie Anderson puts forth. (minimum 450 words)

Arts dis 5

There were very few female Impressionist artists. Does it matter what gender an artist is? Does being male or female affect the subject an artist chooses or the ways in which that subject is portrayed?

Essay Topic: Psychological Egoism (Chapter 7)

During wartime and other times of crises, there are people who seem to willingly sacrifice their lives to save others for a greater good. For example, on September 11, 2001, Todd Beamer and others on United Flight 93 overpowered the plane’s hijackers and, in doing so, prevented the plane from crashing into Washington, D.C. Beamer and the other 43 passengers and crew members were killed when the plane crashed in a remote area of Pennsylvania.


In a short essay, answer the questions below.Refer to, and cite, the material in Chapter 7 to support your points:

 How might Thomas Hobbes and E. O. Wilson explain Beamer’s actions in terms of ""psychological egoism""?

 Are you satisfied with their explanations? 


     Why or why not? Be specific in supporting your answer.




 Write between 275 words, minimum, and 350 words, maximum


     This is, roughly, one double-spaced page - not including the title page and reference page

Professional Format and Style

Discuss the Eker quote as it pertains to your professional experience and the material for Week 2.

 How important is using correct grammar, spelling and punctuation in business communication, including emails? Do you check for correctness before you send an email (or text)?

Week 3 Discussion--Broadcast Media

Please reply to this post with your response to the following questions in regard to broadcast media. Be sure to reference material from your textbook to validate your points as you answer these questions:

A) Is there any value left in the big-screen movie experience?

B) Will online streaming video overtake the other media formats? Why or why not?

C) How can broadcast television change to remain competitive and can you cite any examples of programming changes that they have made to do so already? How does ""free content"" in television play into this?

D) After reading ""21st Century Commuication: A Reference Handbook: Chapter 96: Radio and Television Programming,"" explain how cable TV was instrumental in leading to greater demassification (look it up if you don't know what it means) of media content.

Proposal and annotated bibliography

Topic: Introduction of Afrobeat dance in a course program of PGCC(community college)




The proposal has two parts, the written summary of what your topic/research is about and a list of 10 sources, each citation followed by a summary of each of the ten sources.

1)  Introduction:  a brief articulation of the proposal (i.e. remind your readers of the purpose of your project).

2) Provide an overview of the topic and then move to a more specific statement (thesis). The proposal can be 2 pages.

3) Give the citation for your article (in MLA format) and then provide a summary breakdown. You need 10 sources. 

4) In the proposal add some images or links to illustrate your thoughts.


The format of the proposal can be in APA style or MLA style. But, each citation for your 10 articles in the annotated bibliography should be in MLA format.


The proposal will be 2 pages. Followed by an annotated bibliography (10 sources)

Media Oral Presentations

I need 2 pages SUBTITLES AND BULLET POINTS, I uploaded an example for the format  

Media Oral Presentations

Assignment 1: Media Oral Presentations 

Most Thursdays you will present to the class on two news sources.

News Source #1

Presentation on your personal news source

News Source #2

Select one news source owned, operated, or heavily influenced by : racial, ethnic, LGBTQ, women, or men, persons with disability, and present to class.


3. Time Limit: 10mins.: ?


Profile News Sources 

Select at least one of the news influencers and apply it to your presentation.

News Influencers: political, technological, regulatory, economic, impact, on the production of that news from that source.

Why /Impact