English Assignment

We will discuss how to research the independent article you will use for Essay 3, the Pandemic Essay. 

Essay #3: Pandemic

The purpose of this second major essay is to synthesize information and narrative about two different pandemics, one hundred years apart, into one analysis of what these two pandemics have in common.

To do this, you will use the following:

 Katherine Anne Porter's ""Pale Horse, Pale Rider"" 

 One source on the 1918 influenza pandemic(choose one):


      Fiona Lowenstein's article, ""My coronavirus survivor group is my most important medical support right now ""

     Joe Pinsker's ""How the Pandemic Has Changed Us Already"" (.pdf form)

     David Tarrant's ""Lessons from the past: How the deadly second wave of the 1918 ‘Spanish flu’ caught Dallas and the U.S. by surprise"" (.pdf 



 One reliable source (TRAAP tested (Links to an external site.)) on the current COVID-19 pandemic or the 1918 Influenza pandemic, which includes one source you have found on your own.

The structure of your paper should follow standard, rhetorical formula. In other words, you need an introduction which includes the thesis of your paper (in complex sentence form, your thesis will state the specific conclusion you reached about the similarities in the stories from these two pandemics), the body of your paper which supports your thesis (and which contains quotes from the story as well as other sources for support), and a conclusion to wrap up your ideas.

Specific criteria of this paper:

 A clear, cogent thesis and well-developed body paragraphs that support that thesis

 Paper should be typed in APA format with a References page

 This paper should be about four pages in length

 Your paper should include well-selected quotes from the sources you reference.

 On your References page, there must at least three entries:


     Story citation

     One article we read for class  

     One source found from independent research




Perspectives EssayPerspectives EssayCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a learning outcomeIntroduction sets up the essay topic, includes a specific and debatable thesis statement, and a compelling conclusion.15 pts

This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeEssay thoroughly examines how various perspectives shed insight into this news event.25 pts

This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeEssay is typed in APA format, with a well-written abstract, essay itself is 4 pages in length, and cited correctly in-text and on the References page.20 pts

This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeEssay is grammatically and mechanically correct, typed in academic voice with no personal pronoun references.25 pts

This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeEssay correctly and adequately includes embedded quotations to support observations. Essay includes signal phrases and follows through on quotations.Essay is typed in formal, academic voice and tone with no personal pronoun references.15 pts 

1. How to use the MVC databases (Links to an external site.). Here is a PowerPoint presentation (Links to an external site.) on how to do this.

2. If you would prefer to use an article on the internet rather than one from the database, check the article (Links to an external site.) for accuracy.

3. Know that MVC provides numerous resources on APA-style citation (Links to an external site.) (click on the tabs at the top for help with specific areas). 

Add your article citation, which you found today, to your References page that you created for your APA template on Tuesday. Upload your updated APA template, with your now complete References page with your article citation in correct APA style, here.

Argument essay

Please read assignment details carefully. I provided video and screenshot of it.

here is the website to the book online:


If you have the norton introduction to literature shorter 13th, please use citation from there .

please contact me if any questions

The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath

Suicide or attempted suicide is a real problem for students at universities in the United States. Research the prevalence of suicide at universities, providing statistics for those who committed suicide and for those who attempted it. Examine pressures exerted on students that take them to the brink, and use the novel as an example of a case study of a student who loses a grasp on reality. How does Plath’s character (and Plath) demonstrate characteristics of suicidal tendencies similar to students who may be suicidal? What services are available today but were not available in the 1950s? You will need to do research for this prompt

New assignment 4

In this journal entry, respond to the assignment/questions listed below. Your response should be cohesive (in paragraph form, not as a list). Use academic writing conventions, and proofread before submitting. For journal entries, always copy and paste text into the journal entry (do not attach files; do not write in the comments box). Don't consult any outside sources. If you'd like to quote a text, be sure to include an MLA-style citation. All quotes should be in quotation marks (see MLA Help in Resources area for advice on this).

Your journal entry should be a cohesive 300 word entry.

Clicking on the assignment name above should open the submission screen, please follow the directions listed there to submit your assignment.

Consider the notes you've read in this lesson about how to read and understand poetry. 


1. Choose a poem we read in this lesson (listed here) and re-read it. 

 ""The Act"" (in lesson)

""Introduction to Poetry"" (in textbook)

 ""At a Certain Age"" (in lesson)

 ""For a Father"" (in lesson)

 ""Those Winter Sundays"" (in textbook)

 ""Shall I compare thee to a summer's day"" (in textbook)

 ""Making a Fist"" (in lesson)

2. Write a journal entry in which you explain (don't just summarize or re-state) the following:

 The moment: What event, observation, feeling, memory, experience or occasion is being recounted or described in this poem?

 The feeling: Who is the speaker and how do they feel about the subject they are exploring in this poem? What words or phrases are used to clearly portray the speaker's feeling?

 The punch: What is the purpose of this poem? What expression or statement is being made? What dynamic elements are used to make the purpose clear? Where is the poem most powerful?

Write in clear and complete sentences, proofread carefully, and be sure to include the name of the poem and poet. Don't attach a document, but type (or paste) text into the text box for the journal entry. You are encouraged to use quotations from the poem to support or illustrate your points, but otherwise, don't consult any outside sources or website. Rely on your reading of the poem and the information from our lesson.

Peer Responses

PEER RESPONSES: You need to respond to at least 3 classmates by Sunday, March 28. Respond in the text box to all of the below questions (or by uploading a PDF with your responses). You will not be completing a rubric for this peer reviews. No late feedback!


Use the questions below to provide feedback to at least 3 students:


 How does the introduction begin? (a quote, a story, shocking statistic, other) Does it work well? If not, make suggestions.

 How would you describe the style or mood of the introduction? Is it appropriate for an academic essay?

 Does the introduction gradually introduce the topic, then the problem, before getting to the thesis? If not, how could it be improved? (One exception is if a shocking statistic/quote is used as a hook)

What problem is the writer going to write about in his/her essay? Is it focused on something that could be deeply covered in a research paper?

 Is it clear why this problem significant or important, according to the writer?

 How complete is the introduction – does it need to be longer or shorter (should be at least 1 page, but not over 2)?

 Is it obvious that the writer has a thorough plan for the essay, or does the introduction sound like a very rough overview with no clear focus? 


 Is “the problem” clearly stated and described in this section?

 Is the problem narrowed enough so that it could be fully discussed in one essay? If it's too big, give suggestions to focus it more.

 Does the writer provide support (sources/quotes/evidence) for the information given about the problem? 

If so: Is the support adequately used, or does it go off-topic? Is support over-used so that there are more quotes than the writer’s words? Are quotes properly integrated with ""quote sandwiches""?

If there is no support: suggest areas that need more evidence/support from other sources.

 How complete is this section of the research paper – does it need to be longer or shorter? (Should be about 3+ pages in the final essay)

Remember: essay 3 must be 8+ pages total, not counting the Works Cited.

 Do you feel that the paper gives you a thorough overview of the problem, the people/places/etc. affected, as well as details about the problem? In other words, does it prove that this problem is a problem?

 Again, be honest: Is it obvious that the writer has done research on the problem at this stage of the paper? Are you convinced this is a research essay, or is this just a “plan”? Give feedback on how complete this part of the paper is, and what else is still needed.

 Give feedback on any editing, style, or MLA errors in the essay, and include specific examples of at least a couple if you find any.

2 paragraph essay

Based on the information in the article, and the lessons learned in the article,

 (a) what in your opinion are the key challenges for estimation that big-dig faced? 

 (b) Reflect on whether estimation is a one time phenomenon, or an iterative process? Why ? - I especially would like to know why? 

(c) What can you do as a project manager in improving cost estimates in these projects. 

Use your own word, not need citation or reference.

 Please write two paragraphs (essay type) on the key challenges with estimation in the project.

ENG 1100 MOD 3 DB

Go to the Module 3 Learning Resources folder and choose a newspaper article from the subfolder titled ""Module 3 Articles for Summary Response Essay.""

 Print out the article if you can, and underline the main points made by the author.

 Use the instructions on page 265 of your textbook to practice summarizing your chosen article, and submit your initial post in this forum before 11:59 pm on Wednesday.

 Follow these guidelines for your initial post: 


     Write a sentence where you name the author, the title, and the source of your article.

     Your second sentence should explain the central idea of the article.

     Next, list at least three supporting points provided by the article.



Article below

 Article about Drug AddictionAttached Files:

  Drug Addiction.pdf Drug Addiction.pdf - Alternative Formats (3.123 MB)

Open and read the attached newspaper article. Please follow the article to all subsequent pages. Underline the main ideas for your Summary Response Essay. Use the following citation for your Works Cited page:Snoderly, JoAnn. “Mental, Addiction Service Needs Likely to Increase Post-Pandemic.” State Journal (WV), vol. 36, no. 15, 21 Dec. 2020, pp. 8–24. EBSCOhost, http://proxy.indianatech.edu/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=n5h&AN=147916999&site=ehost-live&scope=site

Essay Topic: Elaborate on Speaking Accurately, Speaking Clearly, and Speaking Vividly

INSTRUCTIONS: Write a well-developed, unified, and coherent critical essay containing at least two full pages. Give your essay a title as you point out the number (1-5) of the essay you choose to respond to. Keep in mind the academic conventions of essay writing: a. introduction creating a background and context for the subsequent thesis statement [As such, present your thesis statement at the far end of your introductory paragraph(s). The thesis must address the topic you later develop in your essay], b. body paragraphs developing the scope of your thesis, and c. conclusion leaving a concluding remark as you sum up the contents of your essay.


This is the sheet that you

will use to write comments on the rough draft of another student from our

class. There are two important guidelines: first (and this probably goes

without saying): be

respectful with your comments. You will each be writing a set of comments and also will be receiving a

set of comments from another student, so you should write the sort of comments

that you would like to receive from someone else. But, at the same time, you should aim at making constructive

criticisms. If all you do

is say, “This is a great essay, I really enjoyed reading it,” you aren’t

helping the writer find ways to improve it. So please follow the prompts below,

and try to write as much as possible in response to each one. Also, try to be

specific and cite some examples: rather than just saying, for example, “I

really liked the way you used quotes from the text,” try something like: “I

thought the way you used quotes in the first paragraph on page two was really

effective, because it helped the reader understand your argument a lot more

clearly.” Finally,

please DO NOT make any comments about sentence-level issues like spelling, grammar,

punctuation, etc. These are important issues, but you should not be worried

about them yet at this stage; they will come later

Task: Create a Vision and Mission Statement

The purpose of this assignment is to write a mission and vision statement that clarifies your purpose. The vision and mission are part of your leadership philosophy. They help define where you are going and how you are going to bring your leadership philosophy to life. The vision and mission statement will go into your portfolio with your leadership philosophy. 

Download the instruction packet, and use it to complete the assignment