Code of Conduct Memo: Revision


You are a manager at a call center. The company frowns upon phone calls and texting during work hours. You have looked the other way a few times, but it has started to get out of hand. You need to write a memo reminding everyone that private phone and text message use on company time is viewed as a violation of the company’s code of ethics.

Rewrite your earlier Code of Conduct Memo: Draft assignment utilizing the professor’s feedback on organization, format, tone, and editorial issues. Review the example memo in the textbook before submission.


 Ensure the memo is clear and brief.

 Choose the language to match the purpose and tone for the situation and audience.

 Format the memo accurately and according to the details in the textbook.

 Create an effective opening that establishes goodwill without obscuring the message.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

 Format a business memo using professional language


topic idea:  

Pharmacology cost 

thesis statement


Pharmaceutical companies should improve production, distribution and marketing costs, because low-income people are paying a high cost for medicines and health care.

complete de form


300 words

Standard learning methods compare to remote learning

What are the flaws of distance learning education compared to standard learning methods?

Changes in laws

Based on the required unit resources, what major changes in laws and statutes do you think would be beneficial for medical examiners and coroners. If you were a state legislature member, what two laws and statutes would you regulate for your state concerning medical examiners and coroners? Express why you selected these two, and explain your rationale.

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are

Illustration Assignment

Illustration assignment 

See Attachment for instructions 

500 world count, MLA format

Three strike legislation and how it increases threats to correctional security

The topic is on ""Three strike legislation and how it increases threats to correctional security"" The paper should be no less than 2000 words in length and will be double-spaced and adhere to all relevant APA guidelines. The cover page and the reference page will not be included in the page count. Please do not use subheadings in an assignment of this length as it merely wastes space. You must utilize at least three outside sources.


Using the notes you took from the videos of the last weeks, define the following terms. Use specific language and explain the meaning IN YOUR OWN TERMS. Do not google the answers or simply recite the words you heard in the video. You must paraphrase what you heard and read and put them into your own words. I am looking for your explanations in your own words. You can explain the process of criticism for each if it will help. (Hint: each answer is several sentences in order to be complete and fully discusses all of the concepts).1. Literary Criticism2. Historical Criticism3. Formalist Criticism4. Reader Response CriticismAnswers must be submitted in MLA style. Answers that are not in MLA format will not be graded. 200 words

Module 9 Assignment Issue

Provide a brief overview of the context of your issue. What statistics do we need to know? Why is this an important issue? What is already being done about this issue? What needs are not currently being met? This is the research element of the assignment. Include information from at least 3 reliable sources to help us understand your issue and campaign

Due 12/10 with references

From the attached document, analyze the proficiency levels of the students in Ms. Jensen’s class to place them into appropriate groups. In a 250-word essay describe how you would group these students for in-class activities. The essay should include a rationale of placement, citing at least one source from your research to support the placement.  Ms. Jensen's 7th Grade Class AZELLA Scores  Student NameReading LabelWriting LabelListening LabelSpeaking LabelAryannaProficientIntermediateIntermediateProficientCarlosIntermediateBasicBasicIntermediateCorynnBasicBasicEmergentBasicDesireeBasicIntermediateBasicIntermediateGabrielProficientIntermediateIntermediateProficientHaileyBasicEmergentEmergentBasicJadeBasicBasicIntermediateIntermediateJakobIntermediateBasicIntermediateIntermediateJerryIntermediateIntermediateIntermediateIntermediateMichaelIntermediateProficientIntermediateProficientNoahBasicIntermediateIntermediateIntermediatePetieProficientIntermediateIntermediateIntermediateRamonEmergentEmergentPre-EmergentEmergentRebeccaBasicEmergentBasicBasicSuzanneProficientintermediateIntermediateProficient