Module 7 Discussion

In our culture there is a focus on youth and staying young. We have little experience with later life, aging and wisdom until we get there. We have less and less contact with and often times too little understanding or respect for our elders in our society. 

Please discuss the following: What is normal aging? What is wisdom? Do you want to live to be 100? How do you want your later life to look? What might healthy aging look like to you?


watch the assigned film Les Miserable, the 1998 release staring Liam Neeson. 

You can find it on a variety of sites online for free. 

After you have watched the film, you will write a 2-4 page reflection, that includes a citation from one of the assigned readings. 

 What did you learn from the movie about decision making?

 What impacted you the most and why?

 Did the movie change your ideas surrounding ethics?

 Reflect on how ethical values impacted the decisions of the movie characters.

 Describe what you learned about God’s love, as portrayed through some of the characters.

 How will the lessons from the movie impact your leadership practices?



 Read Tishani Doshi's ""The Immigrant's Song""(Abcarian 633-634).

 Read the PBS News Hour article on how Tishani Doshi discusses immigration in her poetry and writings: ""Seeing a culture of fear, poet explores the immigrant dream.""

 Answer the two (2) “For Analysis” questions on Abcarian 634 in at least 250 words.

 Submit your responses to the ""Reading Response #5""

""For Analysis"" Questions:

 What is the situation the speaker recounts? Where is he now? Where has he come from? How specific can you be in your answers? Why is that, and what is the effect when reading the poem?

 Note the repetition of the statements such as those in lines 1 and 5. Where else do statements of this kind appear? How do they change? What is their significance to the poem as a whole?

link 1


last one

You will create a screencast (screen recording) of an eight- to 12-slide PowerPoint presentation that will include the points listed below. You are to create your presentation as though you were presenting the elements to a group for review. Note: You will use a screen casting video creation tool of your choice which will record your voice and the presentation on your computer screen.

In your Final Presentation, you should:

 Present the needs that were highlighted within you’re the attached case study as it applies to your “ABC Health Care” organization.

 Propose a risk analysis strategy on how organizational needs were met in accordance with applicable laws and standards.

 Assess the essential components of health care decision making models, emphasizing the system development life cycle (SDLC).

 Determine the impact technology has on cultural factors in health care provisions and decision-making.

 Evaluate the roles and responsibilities of key players in strategic planning and continuous quality improvement.

 Assess enterprise-wide data’s role in health information governance.

 Compare and contrast the roles of technology and enterprise-wide information as it relates to data governance.

 Summarize best practices and policies as they relate to data governance, information exchange, and technical and structural interoperability.

 Explain the economic impact of your proposed system acquisition.

 Formulate and provide answers to three questions that you feel would be appropriate for the board to ask.

Part 1: Creating the PowerPoint:

Your PowerPoint presentation should be eight to 12 slides in length. Add speaker’s notes (Links to an external site.) to the bottom of each slide for ease of narration (as your video script) and to provide accessible content to students with accessibility needs. 

Presenting engaging multimedia content also improves learner retention of information. You may wish to include visual enhancements in your presentation. These may include appropriate images, a consistent font, appropriate animations, and transitions from content piece-to-content piece and slide-to-slide. 

When creating a screencast of your presentation,

· Add speakers notes to the bottom of each slide for general talking points. 

· All sources used within the presentation must be cited properly within the slides and included on the required reference slide, which will be the last slide of the presentation.

· Due to the time limit of your presentation, you are not required to speak or read through the reference slide. However, all sources used within the PowerPoint must be cited properly with in-text citations where necessary and a separate final reference slide.

Discussion 3

DirectionsIn at least 200 words, tell us about a time when you had poor interactions with a company or a situation either through a letter you have received, an email received, an interaction at a business you’ve visited, or a boss or manager who did not treat you as you expect to be treated. Feel free to be as detailed as possible, however, you do NOT need to include specific information as to the company or persons you interacted with, especially if you have negative feelings toward that person. Specifically, I wish to create a dialogue about what constitutes professional behaviors in language communication. How did language shape these interactions? What could have produced a more productive outcome? What lessons can we learn from these situations?After writing your post, please read some of your classmates’ posts and respond to at least three posts (50 words or so, each post). If you see three responses posted already, please look for other open responses to engage. Filter replies by unread


Select a topic (under Health, pharmacy, medical treatments) that you would like to research and write

Synopses & Analyses Report

Our opening weeks have focused on exploring general sound track components and narrative. For this report, I would like you to find a short scene (1-2 minutes) that stood out to you in Catch Me If You Can, create a shot list, and describe the sound track elements (speech, sound effects, and music). You can find ways to view the movie through our UNT library in the module introduction page.

You can find all information on your Synopses and Analyses Reports here. (Make sure you use the required worksheet to complete your report!)


Synopses & Analyses Report Rubric (5W)Synopses & Analyses Report Rubric (5W)CriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction of problem, question, or issue20 ptsAdvancedClearly identifies the challenge and subsidiary, embedded, or implicit aspects of the problem, question or issue17 ptsProficientSummarizes the problem, question or issue but some nuances and details are missing or glossed over14.5 ptsDevelopingSummarizes the problem, question or issue, though some aspects are incorrect or confused10 ptsBeginningFails to accurately identify and summarize problem, question, or issue20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePresentation, interpretation and analysis of information, data, or evidence20 ptsAdvancedExamines and addresses evidence and its source. Questions the accuracy, relevance, and completeness of evidence17 ptsProficientProvides evidence of search, selection, and source evaluation skills. Discerns fact from opinion and may recognize bias in evidence14.5 ptsDevelopingDemonstrates adequate skill in searching, selecting, and evaluating sources to meet the information need. Use of evidence is qualified and selective10 ptsBeginningRepeats information provided without question or dismisses evidence without adequate justification. Data/evidence or sources are simplistic or inappropriate20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConsideration of context, assumptions, other perspectives and the credibility and authority of sources20 ptsAdvancedAnalysis acknowledges complexity and bias. Identifies influences of context, and questions assumptions. Clearly integrates multiple perspectives and justifies own view while respecting views of others17 ptsProficientEngages challenging ideas tentatively or in ways that overstate the conflict. Identifies but mostly dismisses alternative views14.5 ptsDevelopingProvides some recognition of context and consideration of assumptions and their implications10 ptsBeginningApproaches the issue in egocentric or socio-centric terms. Analysis is grounded in absolutes, with little acknowledgement of own biases20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDevelopment and presentation of argument, position or hypothesis, with logical progression20 ptsAdvancedPresents and justifies clearly and in detail own argument, position, or hypothesis while qualifying or integrating contrary views or interpretations17 ptsProficientArgument, position, or hypothesis includes original thinking that acknowledges, refutes, synthesizes or extends other assertions, although some aspects have not been fully developed14.5 ptsDevelopingArgument, position, or hypothesis is clearly stated but with little original consideration10 ptsBeginningArgument, position, or hypothesis is unclear, simplistic, or re-stated with little original consideration. Fails to accurately present, justify, or develop argument, position, or hypothesis20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePresentation of conclusions and their implications20 ptsAdvancedIdentifies and discusses well-reasoned conclusions and their implications. Integrates conclusions and implications17 ptsProficientAccurately presents well-reasoned conclusions. Presents implications that are only loosely connected to the conclusions14.5 ptsProficientAccurately presents conclusions. Implications are absent10 ptsBeginningFails to accurately identify conclusions or implications. Conclusions are simplistic, absolute, or attributed to an external authority20 pts

Total Points: 100

HTM 100



The following articles provide an overview of the various responsibilities of managers that are commonly found in the hospitality and tourism industry.

 Career Paths of a Hospitality Management Student.

 A Day in the Life of David Lindahl, General Manager of Daily Diner Frogtown.

 A Day in the Life of a Hotel General Manager.



Write a 4–5 pg. n which you:

 Describe the various types of management careers that can be offered within each industry (lodging, and food & beverage).

 Compare and contrast the differences between the General Management (GM) positions within the two industries.

 Analyze and describe the growth in overall employment within these two industries and how this overall growth is forecasted within the next 10 years.

 Recommend at least three human resource practices in which each industry can better recruit and retain management talent for their respective industry.

 at least three academic resources. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites are not considered quality references

English A-3

Write 3 pages on the topic of: Cyberbullying

• Arial or Times New Roman (12) font, one-inch margins, double-spaced (MLA formatting).

• Use at least 4 references/ articles attached, and reference page

• Includes introduction and conclusion

• Must have in text citations throughout all document

Use the 4 attached articles as references, also a word document with citation for articles is attached.

Discussion 1

Select a crisis situation from the list that is uploaded below in the Final Project Part B Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric document. After watching the video on that crisis situation, write about the situation you chose and why you chose it. Include a short summary of the video you watched, clearly describing the crisis situation and discuss why you think an anthropological perspective would be beneficial to examining your chosen crisis situation.

Discussion 2

how have historical developments for food production impacted modern-day life? Also, think about your own life. How has food production impacted the things you do today?

Discussion 3 

Module three short answer is uploaded.

Discussion 4

Complete Module three marriage graphic organizer that is uploaded.

Discussion 5

 Prompt: Reflect on the concepts discussed in this module and then answer the following questions in a journal reflection (1 to 2 paragraphs per question): 

Complete the Module three journal reflection that is uploaded