Chapters Summary

1. In a minimum of five (5) sentences, summarize the key plot details (such as important characters and key events) that we learn in chapters 1-5 of the novel. 

2. In a minimum of five (5) sentences, summarize the key plot details (such as important characters and key events) that we learn in chapters 6-14 of the novel.

The book is: Octavia Butler, Parable of the Sower

Research Methodology and Analysis Report

Research Methodology and Analysis Report in APA with information used from attached document.,Need a research methodology and analysis report in APA with the information from the M9_Homework_Market attachment. The requirements are in the M9_Assignment attachment

Technical writing

Code of Conduct Memo: Draft


You are a manager at a call center. The company frowns upon phone calls and texting during work hours. You have looked the other way a few times, but it has started to get out of hand. You need to write a memo reminding everyone that private phone and text message use on company time is viewed as a violation of the company’s code of ethics.

Write a one-page memo in which you address the situation, emphasizing the violation of the company’s code of conduct.


 Ensure the memo is clear and brief.

 Choose the language to match the purpose and tone for the situation and audience.

 Format the memo accurately and according to the details in the textbook.

 Create an effective opening that establishes goodwill without obscuring the message.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

 Format a business memo using professional language.

Be sure that your assignment is typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow SWS. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

Be sure also to consult the announcements section of class for hints, tips, examples, and the weekly video.

Assignments Due 7-30-2021

Need 3 Assignments completed. (short assignments)


Add more information on Body paragraphs 2 and 3. More sentences on the conclusion. Also, add a counterargument paragraph after Body paragraph 3; which is before the conclusion.

Level 8


Who is the antagonist in this story? Are there other characters who could be? Explain your answer.

Answer should be in two paragraphs, at least five sentences per paragraph, and 1 page long (please do not go over 1 page). Use of proper grammar and wording is important so watch the use of slang and cliches.

Lng 360 English

Need help with a few discussion questions and info helping understanding linguistic



Read chapter 3, the films ""Gone Baby Gone"" and ""Sleepers"". 

Pick one movie and apply Kant's moral philosophy to judge the MAIN FINAL action. For “Gone Baby Gone” judge Patrick’s final decision and for “Sleepers” judge the priest’s final decision. Judging any other action in the movie is an automatic zero. 500 words minimum in MLA/APA format.

*You must apply Kant's 3 premises (week 6 folder) for 50 points and Michael Sandel's 3 contrasts (Week 6 Folder Lecture: Mind your Motive) for 50 points

Movie critic

sample of the format and an example is attached. need a movie critic on the movie star wars:a new hope


Choose one character from the novel and relate it to either

 Campbell's stages of the Hero's Journey,

 Aristotle's Tragic Hero, 


 vices, or virtues

Review the Weekly Notes sections to refresh your knowledge of the above. Then, select one character from another work and explain similarities and differences between the two in terms of your analysis above.