Read “They’ll Say, She Must Be from Another Country

Read “They’ll Say, She Must Be from Another Country” by Imtiaz Dharker. In response to the reading, include answers to the following questions:

 Who is the speaker or narrator? Be specific.

 Who is the intended audience, if any? Why?

 Summarize the text in 3 sentences.

 Write your interpretation of Dharker’s main idea (overall message) in a one sentence thesis statement. Find three quotes and analyze how they help support your thesis

Defining the Personal Brand

Provide your own definition of what a personal brand is. Be sure to list and describe the components of a personal brand. Then, think of a successful public figure. Briefly introduce the person, describe their personal brand, and how it is communicated. Conclude by indicating how that person’s strengths and skills are communicated through their personal brand and how you feel that person’s brand has contributed to their success.

H 6

I have attached the instructions


I have attached the instructions as well as the video


Annotated bibliography


Step 1: Select your topic

 Find a topic within the healthcare or nursing field for your annotated bibliography.

Step 2: Select two credible sources

 Find two credible sources related to your topic that are appropriate for an academic research page. 

Step 3: Create your proposal

 Once you have selected your resources, create a document that includes the following for each resource


     Author(s), date of publication, title, and source type

     A summary (at least five sentences) of the source. What is it about? What are the main points? What conclusions are reached, and how are they supported?

     Why is this source useful or relevant to your topic? How might you use it to support an argument of your own?



 All answers should be written in complete sentences and use APA (7th ed.) format when writing your responses.


 Find three additional sources related to your topic and add them to your Annotated Bibliography activity document from Module 3.

 Create a new outline for all five sources and include


     Author(s), date of publication, title, and source type

     A summary (at least five sentences) of the source. What is it about? What are the main points? What conclusions are reached, and how are they supported?

     Why is this source useful or relevant to your topic? How might you use it to support an argument of your own?



 Start writing your final for the Annotated Bibliography based on your newly created outline.

Group Leadership Discussion

Using Chapters 10, 11 and 12 from the textbook as a basis, answer the following questions and use AT LEAST 2 TERMS FROM THE TEXTBOOK in your initial post. Make sure to CITE the textbook as a source.

 What is the relationship between communication and group collaboration?

 How does conflict management influence this relationship?

 Think about the last time you needed to work in a small group. Was the end result of your working together productive or unproductive? Were you able to tell who the group leader was? 

Your initial post should be a minimum of 250 words in length and use as many of the concepts and terms discussed in the chapter as possible. After posting your initial post, please comment on at least 2 other students' posts. Your answer comments should be a minimum of 50 words in length, constructive and thoughtful, and add something new to the discussion.


Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapters 8 and 9 of the textbook.

You have been hired as a marketing consultant in your company, or a company or public service organization of your choosing. The organization is asking you to identify a sample population to determine the demand for a product or service they are planning to offer. You will need to provide an unbiased sample survey that best represents the population.

In your post,

· State the organization’s industry or purpose.

· Identify the product or services selected for conducting the survey.

· State the problem that the product or service will solve.

· Explain what the organization wants to learn about the product or services from the survey.

· Explain how and where you determined your sample population and why your sample choice will get you the data you need.

· Determine a sample size that will adequately represent the population for your example and how you determined this is an adequate sample size in your survey.

Sharpe, N. D., De Veaux, R. D., & Velleman, P. F. (2019). Business statistics (4th ed.). Retrieved from

· Chapter 8: Data Sources: Observational Studies and Surveys (Roper Polls)

· Chapter 9: Data Sources: Experiments (Capital One)

Group Leadership Discussion

Using Chapters 10, 11 and 12 from the textbook as a basis, answer the following questions and use AT LEAST 2 TERMS FROM THE TEXTBOOK in your initial post. Make sure to CITE the textbook as a source.

 What is the relationship between communication and group collaboration?

 How does conflict management influence this relationship?

 Think about the last time you needed to work in a small group. Was the end result of your working together productive or unproductive? Were you able to tell who the group leader was? 

Your initial post should be a minimum of 250 words in length and use as many of the concepts and terms discussed in the chapter as possible. After posting your initial post, please comment on at least 2 other students' posts. Your answer comments should be a minimum of 50 words in length, constructive and thoughtful, and add something new to the discussion.

HTM 100 WEEK 3

Put yourself in this scenario: You find yourself with a significant portion of your staff out, including your host, and as fate would have it everything explodes all at once. There are two guests waiting to be seated, a third guest is seeking taxi service, the phone is ringing off the hook, you can hear a guest in line complain about the wait, and yet another guest wants to speak to the manager. Who do you help first? And in what order do you assist each guest or complete each task?