help db17

Prepare a five slide power point on some aspect of the The Falling Girl. Substantiate with detail and quotes from the work. 

Some thoughts to get you brainstorming: 

Who is her competition? Be careful.

There is vicarious enjoyment permeating this story.

Time (obviously)


Social commentary (obviously)



Discussion Board

For this Discussion Board, please complete the following:Review and reflect on the knowledge that you have gained from this course. Based on your review and reflection, write 200-250 words on the following:What were the most compelling topics that you learned in this course? How did participating in discussions help your understanding of the subject matter? Is anything still unclear that could be clarified?What approaches could have yielded additional valuable information?(My most compelling topics were: the writing process and how to use tone when writing)


1. Open the attached 2020 annual report for MGM Resorts2. Focus on part 1 (pages 1-33)3. Use the tools we have been working over the last several weeks on and create a Financial analysis, SWOT analysis, Internal factor evaluation and an External Factor Evaluation of MGM Resorts.4. Summarize your findings and provide your view on the current state of MGM Resorts.Submission Guidelines

 Cover Page

 Brief background of the organization (1/2 page)

 SWOT Analysis, 5 of each (Strengths/weaknesses must include 2 items from the financial statement analysis worksheet)



 Summary (1/2 page)


Julian of Norwich, Revelations of Divine Love. Use your understanding of a ""hermeneutic circle"" to interpret Julian of Norwich's vision in her Revelations of Divine Love (W1.P2.3). What are some of its meanings? Use what you have learned in the Required Readings, Supplemental Learning Material and your own experiences and reasoning to make your argument. Remember the requirement to quote at least one full sentence from the Philosophical Text in your Original Post.                     MLA Citation:           Examples:

English 110 AS1

Using the below article as your source, write a paragraph using the MEAL plan that argues that we should save and protect bees (for the purpose of this course, it is not important whether you agree with this is merely an opportunity to practice writing a structured, argumentative paragraph). I should be able to see clear evidence that you followed the MEAL plan in the structure of your paragraph. Make sure that you:

1) Introduce the title of the article, the topic, and your position arguing for saving the bees in the main idea.

2) Quote at least two pieces of evidence from the article to support your argument. You can also paraphrase some evidence, if needed.

3) Develop ideas based on your evidence (analysis).

4) Include a linking sentence that could lead into a follow-up paragraph.



Discuss the significance of Joy/Hulga’s two names in “Good Country People.

Outline for informative speech

Please read carefLully the file I have attached is an example and some requiments


you can pick one from the following writer's:

 Henry David Thoreau, George Gatlin, John Muir, John Burroughs, Henry Beston

Responding to Visuals Follow Up

To develop valuable thinking skills and encourage writers to write. Do you believe this to be a valid technique for generating writing ideas or improving your powers of observation? Keeping in mind that the paintings used in Discussion 1 are from the 19th century, would you prefer a different style of art, different time period, or different medium such as photography or sculpture to respond to?

Claude Monet, ""The Bridge at Argenteuil"" (Links to an external site.)

Edgar Degas, “The Dance Lesson” (Links to an external site.)

Vincent van Gogh, “Farmhouse in Provence” (Links to an external site.)


 Length and Content

 Each post should be at least 150 words; you are encouraged to go into even more detail whenever possible

 Consider integrating course materials, personal anecdotes, outside data/research, hypothetical examples, and/or relevant quotes into your initial posts and response post if you are struggling to meet the word count

English assignment

Read the file attached below and in a few paragraphs, explain in your own words the following:

What is the general purpose of writing a report?

Briefly describe the five different types of reports discussed in the chapter? What are the main functions of each of them? What are the important characteristics of each?