I need a unique, creative, out-of-box research poster. 

- attached to this post is my research outline 

please follow the instructional aid of the outline provided


need a research question about copyright and 5 w's


three persuasive speech ideas that you would like to deliver to the class. You need to write a paragraph for each idea explaining why you are interested in the idea, what exactly are you persuading the class to do? and why you feel this is important for the class to hear


Choose one of the following historical events and, using at least one source, explain in a paragraph of at least 100 words what happened on that day (or in that situation). Find the best description you can--you might find you need more than one source to get the full story. Then discuss how you decided on which source(s) to use on which to base it on.

Choose from the following events:

 the 2017 march on Charlottesville

 the alleged assault of Jussie Smollett in 2019

 the space shuttle Challenger disaster in 1986

 the death of Emmett Till in 1955

 Christine Blasey Ford's accusations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh in 2018

 the death of Breonna Taylor in early 2020

Short writing assignment

annotated bibliography”,"Week 11 - Assignment A - Short Writing Assignment #6 Annotated Bibliography Due

Due dates change to the evening before the next day's class meeting (as it used to be) since we will be meeting in person for class beginning again on Mon. Nov. 1st. So, you need to have this assignment complete before Monday's class. This is not Writing Project #3. This Annotated Bibliography is to help you prepare to write your ess’ay. You will want to start working on this days in advance as noted. Don't leave it to last minute!

Readings Preparation and Resources

 Reread An Insider's Guide to Academic WritingCh. 5: “Writing an Annotated Bibliography”pgs. 101-103.

 Read A Writer's Reference “Research R1-R3” pgs. 336-365 (online pgs. 366-393) 

 Review Sample Annotated Bibliography Entry (MLA style), “Research R3-a” pgs. 358–59 (online pgs. 386-387).

 You can find more information about how to write an annotated bibliography and a sample annotated bibliographic entry at the link below. You can also view a Sample Annotated Bibliography at Purdue Owl:

Annotated Bibliography Instructions

The purpose of this assignment is to give you an opportunity to select sources and to (re)define your research question for your readers. Prepare bibliographic entries using in A Writer’s Reference “MLA Style (refer to MLA-4b, pages 394-423), and following each entry offer a critical summary/evaluation (5 sentences minimum per source which will be about 25 sentences for the entire assignment)). Your annotated bibliography should contain at least 5 sources. For each source, begin by brainstorming responses to the following questions:

For each source, begin by brainstorming responses to the following questions:

 What is the purpose of the source? 

 Who is the author's intended audience, and how do you know this?

 What is the author's thesis? What evidence supports their thesis?

 What qualifications and expertise does the author bring?

 Does the author have any biases or make any questionable assumptions?

 Why do you think this source is useful for your ess’ay? How will you use the source in your ess’ay? (Does the source provide background or context? Does the source define the issue? Does the source provide evidence for your thesis? Does the source support, disagree, support and disagree, or complicate your thesis?)

 How does this source relate to the other sources in your bibliography? (Does the source agree with another source? Does the source disagree with another source? Does the source provide further explanation or evidence for another source?)

You can find more information about how to write an annotated bibliography and a sample annotated bibliographic entry at the link below. You can also view a Sample Annotated Bibliography at Purdue Owl:

Music article8

Assignments will vary by undergraduate class level, with some individual assignments; see specific assignment instructions. 


1. What does Floyd mean by the term “musical trope”?

2. In what sense does he suggest that call-response functions as a “master trope” able to encompass other tropes within it?

3. How does Floyd see this master trope of call-response in relation to the activity of musical analysis?

  in response to pages 60-62 and 68-69

Classroom Management

Explain how an emphasis on collaboration shapes the role and responsibilities of the teachers working in inclusive settings

Classroom Management


Watch the following video:

5 Keys to Successful Social and Emotional Learning (Links to an external site.)

 Identify the five components of social and emotional learning. (5 points)

 In three to five sentences, summarize eachof the components. (25 points)

 Identify a classroom strategy and benefit for each of the components. (10 points)

 Reflect on the video. Identify:


     things you loved,

     disagreed with,

     an A-HA moment, and

     things you still need to learn. (10 points)



*There are many resources on this page. Feel free to use them as you answer the questions above

Classroom Management

Below is a link to an online article with 10 questions , select 7 to answer , read article 

 Select 7 of the 10 questions;

 List the 7 selected questions in a bulleted fashion, briefly describing the answers in your own words for each question. (3 points per question -total possible points 21 points)

 For each of the 7 selected questions, provide a specific example of an appropriate action you should take as a teacher in an inclusive classroom depending on the teacher's answer to the question. (2 points per question - total 14 possible points)

 So, if you select question #2, you must provide an action or strategy to address the points in question #2. You will do this for each of the 7 questions that you selected. (7 points) 

Online Article: How to Manage Disruptive Behavior in Inclusive Classrooms

Classroom Management

Based on the selected IRIS modules, you will complete the following assessments in order to create and evidenced-based portfolio of best practices within the context of collaboration amongst families and professionals. Please follow the instructions below carefully:

Part 1: Collaborating with Families

 Go to: Iris Module (Links to an external site.)

 Please follow the instructions in the IRIS Assignment Step-by-Step Template found in CANVAS to complete the assessments for the following IRIS modules

Part 2: Collaborating with teachers (Case Study)

 Visit (Links to an external site.)

 After carefully reading the case study, please answer the Questions/Discussion Points

(p. 4) on a Word document, with the appropriate headings and title page (use APA style).

 After completing Parts 1 and 2 upload them under the title: Collaboration Portfolio