create a paragraph with the words constancy, feeble, suffice, portentous and hazard

create a paragraph with the words constancy, feeble, suffice, portentous and hazard


I Am currently out of the country so Saturday for you is sunday for me, so i need it by Noon saturday Eastern time.  The Final Research PaperMust have a body length of five to seven double-spaced pages formatted according to APA style.Must include a separate title page with the following:Title of paperStudent’s nameCourse name and numberInstructor’s nameDate submittedMust begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought, well-supported claims, and properly cited evidence.Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.Must use and cite at least five scholarly sources.Must document all sources in APA style.Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style.

HTM 280 DUE 12-3

Analyze the steps involved in the night audit and make at least one recommendation for improving the process.

Vast hell

For this short story, let us ask questions. Deep thinker questions. Really get into the heart or gut of the story questions. Structural questions. Reason questions. Character questions. Title questions.  Yes, questions.

The right questions are keys to life. Properly sculpted, they can release, renew, and build.

EX:  Why didn’t the inspector just have all the townspeople murdered?  Why would he trust them?

Go to Vast DB. You know the drill. 

1, Ask your penetrating question NO DUPLICATES

2. Reserve to answer a peer’s question. One student per question. 

3. Answer a peer’s question. If the answer is obvious, was it perceptive? Or are you missing something? Ponder. You could mention your concern nicely as you craft your response. Do you need to ask another question of your peer? Do you need to respond to your peer? Then do so. Third person.

I expect you to contribute in a measured, thoughtful manner. This is not a fifteen-minute neglect of responsibility.

WWYD? P-389 - P-390

Choose 1 Scenario from the WWYD? section - Answer the question completely using the five-step process.

The 5-step Ethical Decision-Making Process is explained fully in your book on Pages 24 – 27. This process is to be used to respond to your WWYD? Assignments. Points will be deducted if your answers do NOT follow this process to analyze the situation and recommend a course of action.The 5-Step Ethical Decision-Making Process is

 Develop Problem Statement.

 Identify Alternatives.

 Choose Alternatives.

 Implement Decision.

 Evaluate Results.

four video assignments about linguistic

There are four video assignments which is to write a summary for each video.Each one has to above 500 ,please follow the instructions to write them.And this is due in 2 days.

Anthropology discussion

I need discussion and some comments on other students discussions

English assignment

You are to create a summary based on the powerpoint and handouts given. As this is a fictional work, you will follow the layout explained in the powerpoint about what to put in a fictional summary. Upload your Word, Google, or Pages (as a pdf) document. Make sure your summary is double spaced, 12 point font, in Times New Roman.

Example is attached


Classical Argument .would you pull out the following components,








Heel raise exercises are typically performed standing and going up on your toes. There are multiple ways to vary this exercise. 

Using approximately 400-500 words, describe the difference between performing heel raises with your knees straight versus your knees bent. What muscles are being activated with each activity? With this knowledge, how would it change the way these muscles get stretched? Include at least two scholarly references (using APA formatting and style) to guide your answers