Technical writing

Your fourth writing assignment will

involve comparing and contrasting two

websites for proximity, alignment,

repetition, and contrast (PARC). In

Content in week 3, you saw four videos

that described these four PARC

principles. In addition, in Content in

week 4, you perused several chapters

from a textbook on the four PARC


This discussion topic is designed to help

us get started in thinking about the

concepts of alignment and contrast.

Please access the following two


Headhunter Hairstyling


1. Write a few sentences about how

alignment is applied in these two

websites. Point out how the two

websites apply alignment

differently. Which one is more

effective in applying the concept of


2. Write a few sentences about how

contrast is applied in these two

websites. Point out how the two

websites apply contrast differently.

Which one is more effective in

applying the concept of contrast?

Technical writing

repetition, and contrast (PARC). In

Content in week 3, you saw four videos

that described these four PARC

principles. In addition, in Content in

week 4, you perused several chapters

from a textbook on the four PARC


This discussion topic is designed to help

us get started in thinking about the

concepts of repetition and proximity.

Please access the following two



Miller Law


Write a few sentences about how

repetition is applied in these two

websites. Point out examples of

how the two websites apply

repetition effectively. If you think

one website is more effective than

the other in demonstrating the

concept of repetition, explain why.

2. Write a few sentences about how

proximity is applied in these two

websites. Point out examples of

how the two websites apply

proximity effectively. If you think

one website is more effective than

the other in demonstrating the

concept of proximity, explain why


Define and discuss quality management, the evolution of the quality improvement movement, and implications of public health for health care organizations to implement national quality initiatives

Need help

Need help on Final Draft of Art Assignment-- Due 11/19/2021,"Teachers recommendations on the attachment titled ""Annotated

Assignment 3.1

Locating Supporting Materials,"instructions: Go to the American Rhetoric website ( and choose a speech from the Speech Bank. After checking out the speech, answer the following questions.


 What speech did you choose? List the speaker, title, location, and date of the speech.

 List each type of supporting material—narratives, examples, definitions, testimony, facts, and statistics—and indicate whether or not the speaker used that time. Give an example of each type of supporting material the speaker used.

 How effective were the supporting materials the speaker uses? Explain your answer.

 How did the supporting materials help the speaker achieve her or his specific purpose?

 What have you learned about supporting materials that you’ll apply to your speeches in the future?

World Literature

1. The stories of Yusuf and Maryam carry a message of hope for those who keep faith. How does the narrative express this hope in both stories?

2. The last verse, 98, in ""Surah Maryam"" is:

 ""And how many have We destroyed before them of generations? Do you perceive of them anyone or hear from them a sound?""

 Why does the Surah end on this note and how is this a warning and a reminder?

3. Why does the Qur'an mention the story of Yusuf as ""the best of stories?""

4. Briefly describe the Knight and the Squire. How do they differ?

5. What are some of the major themes in The Qur'an chapters that are familiar from our readings from Genesis? How does the topic of morality and good tie in with our readings from Genesis, Bhagavad Gita, Ramayana, and The Qur'an?

Persuasive Speech Outline

pick a topic for a persuasive speech and ONLY fill the outline. The speech itself can be written later.

you can pick any topic for the persuasive speech except your classmate's topics which are:

supporting the livestock industry 

Why money can or can’t buy happiness 

why people should stop using their phones while driving

how gender stereotypes harm us and our society

why immigrants should have the same rights as citizens 

why we shouldn't test on animals 

Advertising is a mind game 

Are Pitbulls a vicious breed 

The benefits of having pet’s 

lower age limit for marijuana 

Why comparison is bad for you  

how minimum wage should be increased 

lowering the legal drinking age 

cooking being taught in school. 

benefits of switching to electric cars 

why beauty pageants for children should be banned. 

social media usage

how technology is isolating us 

Should self-driving cars be illegal 

why we should reduce our use of artificial light at night

Full-sentence Outline of Esay 3

CSE 4314

Please go through the attached file to know the detail of the task.


While theatre (almost) came to a stand still during Medieval Times, religious vernacular drama, about biblical figures or events, survived - partly because much of this religious drama was being produced theatrically within the confines of the church. Out of this drama, came morality plays. This type of drama, often considered “less” religious and “more” humanistic (from a socially and cultural point of view, because it taught moral lessons to society), has had a significant and lasting impact on theatre and culture in the western world.Everyman remains the most popular example of a morality play. After reading the play and doing some additional research on its themes, storyline and characters, your skills of creative writing will now be employed. This assignment requires you to:rewrite and compose a contemporary version of the Everyman story/morality play in one of the following forms - a children's story book, a fairy tale, or a modern short storyThis new interpretation could include (but not be limited by) contemporary images and/or moral concerns; personification and interaction of vices and/or virtues; and themes or lessons for a modern day ""Everyperson"".Should you choose to make it a written essay, this assignment should be typed and proofread (4-5 pages in length).  The final choice of how this assignment will be presented (i.e. a fairy tale, short story) is strictly up to you. Think originality and creativity - images, graphics, video links, etc. are always encouraged to help tell your story.  Some additional research may be needed (remember to document your sources in a bibliography). Early submissions are always accepted. Please be aware of spelling, punctuation, grammar, capitalization, etc. This assignment will be graded according to the Written Assignment #1 Rubric.The Everyman link provided (sometimes) does not open on all computers. If that is the case for you, use this alternative translation.By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with theBlackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution's policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates